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Salam for All of You (Journey of Food)

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Before we think of the title of this article
We get energy which we require for body work from various food and Drink. But, Every food whom we eat, Rice for example, Meat, or Banana, Necessary digested formerly so that ready used by body. This victuals is used by body cells after digested.

Sugar that consist in in banana or in apple gives fuel for your cells and increase your energy.
Protein that consist in in meat of vital importance for your cell growth, and sure also for your body.

Now is letting us is recalling to return when do you still baby. The functioning of the digestive system is similar to the working of a petroleum refinery. Crude oil arriving at the refinery as raw material is processed by machines and refined so as to be usable.

The foods that we eat are raw materials in the first stage and are then processed in the stomach so as to be used by the body. Having been broken down in the stomach and the intestines, foods become ready to be used as the nourishment of the cells and are conveyed to relevant regions of the body via blood vessels.

The total length of the passage through which food is digested is 10 meters (30 feet). This is 6-7 times the average human height and it is marvelous how such a length is fitted into our bodies.

How is it that such a long canal has been placed in a human body? The answer to this question reveals once again that there is a special design in the creation of our bodies. Since the digestive tract, as you can see in the picture on the left page, is coiled up, it is fitted into a very small area, despite its length. This special shape is the perfect design of our Lord, Who created everything. This feature of the digestive system is only one of the wonders that Allah created in our bodies .

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