Gedung Sate is the building where the centre administrative or the head quarter of West Java provincial government, with his trademark form on the roof of this building and has a miracle value Bandung people. The location of Gedung Sate is in the north of Bandung city square (alon-alon). Model of building is used as a sign for many buildings in West Java. Many buildings in county, district or village that immitates the shape of the Sate (roasted meat/satay), at least typically marks of satay at the top of the building.
Gedung Sate West Java Parliament Building
The work completed within 4 years in September 1924. Architecture of Gedung Sate is architect Ir. J.Gerber and his group. The work were not independent , and influenced by Dutch architect maestro Dr.Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Many architects and building experts expressed Gedung Sate is a stunning elegant monumental building with a unique architectural style leads to a form of Indo-European (Indo Europeeschen architectuur Stijl), so it is not impossible if the Borobudur Temple also adds to the elegance of the Sate
Gedung Sate is strong and intact until now, in case of technical materials and construction used. Gedung Sate walls are made of stone chippings large sizes (1 × 1 × 2 m) were taken from the area of rocky hills in east Bandung around Arcamanik and Mount Manglayang. Gedung Sate construction applied the conventional professional manner with attention to technical standards
Gedung Sate is built on an area of m² 27990.859, 10877.734 m² building area. Basement m² 3039.264, 4062.553 m² first floor, first floor terrace 212.976 m², Floor II 3023.796 m², second floor terrace 212 976 m², 121 m² tower and tower terrace 205.169 m²
Fig. Old Treasury Building, Melbourne ince the days of the New Order government, capacity of the building is no longer enough to accommodate for offices of administration activities, so that the government built more buildings on the western side that is sometime called Gedung Gule and Parliament Building. The new buildings built by Indonesian government are strong but still do not match the quality and the elegance of the Gedung Sate. And if we look and compare Gedung Sate with buildings built in the 19th century which we can see in the city of Melboune, Victoria. Australia. They are the same or even Gedung Sate is leading
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