Learning For Blind Children

Strategy  is basically the exact and optimal utilization of all components involved in the learning process that includes the purpose, subject matter, media, methods, students, teachers, the learning environment and the learning process so that the evaluation be carried out effectively and efficiently. Some things that can be used as a material consideration in determining learning strategies, among others:

1 Based on the processing of the message, there are two strategies that deductive learning strategies and instruction..
2 Based on processing the messages that expositoric  and heuristic learning strategy
3 Based on the teacher setting strategies and learning with a teacher team.
4 Based on the number of students that classical strategies, small group and individual.
5. Based on the interaction of teachers and students face-to-face strategies, and through the media.

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are other strategies that can be applied to the strategies of individualization, cooperative and behavior modification.

B. Strategies of learning for gifted/needed children

Learning strategies that suit the needs of gifted children will encourage the child to excel. The things that must be considered in deciding  learning strategies are:
1 Learning to be colored with the speed and level of complexity.
2 Not only developing intelligence alone but also develop emotional intelligence.
3.-oriented modification of the process, content and products.
Service models are biased given to gifted children is a model of cognitive-affective development services, values, morals, creativity and specialized field.

That is the effort to help the blind children in learning.


How to Grow Roses in Pot

How to Grow Roses in Pots

Types and kinds of roses so diverse that this flower is an ornamental plant that has been chosen as home decoration because of its beauty. benefits rose the most prominent of course physical beauty, a special feature of the rose plant can be seen from the shape and refreshing fragrance. Could you plant roses in your yard or planting in pots. How to plant roses is also not to be arbitrary, you must know the techniques and the proper way to plant roses.

If carelessly then chances are you planting roses will wither and die. In addition to planting the right way, you also have to know how to care for roses that produce flowers such as red roses beautiful picture this how to plant roses Meaning of roses so diverse that there are special people who make these poems about roses.

History of the grow roses itself is known as the flower that do not originate from the tropics. As a lover of flowers, the market price rose flower per stalk around 10-20 rb rupiah that can be asked in a shop nearby selling roses seedlings. For those who like a collection of images of roses we have a collection of images full of roses which consists of images of red roses, white, black, purple, pink, blue and rose cartoon living in download only. Some people choose to plant roses in pots because of the shortage of land or premises. To grow roses in pots, there are techniques that you need to consider and do.

How to grow roses with cuttings for example, you should prepare the seedlings cuttings that you need. In this issue, we recommend that you choose a rod in the center and not too far from the base. Do not use the tip of the young, the chances of success are very slim. How to plant roses is not arbitrary. After providing the seeds of roses, prepare well pots for planting.

Pot you use can be made of clay, plastic, cement or ceramic. Depending on your taste, adjust the size of the pot you need. After that, how to plant roses others are preparing the ground. Good soil for planting soil is black and crumbly, it be great if the former combustion.

After that prepare also compost, not too much. The use of fertilizers and soil also must be adapted to the type of roses you plant. Cuttings of roses made on old roses with a 4-6 cm long cut using cutting tools sharp and clean. Planting medium used for the cultivation of roses is a pure land without any fertilizer because soil containing fertilizer can inhibit the growth of stem roses cutting.

Use a quarter kilo polybag containing soil for the planting process. piece plug roses middle section to a depth of half the planting medium. give water and do not forget the plastic perforate polybagnya with a stick. Put the planting medium in the shade and not be given the first fertilizer to root out and ready to be moved into the pot.

When the leaves have appeared three pieces mean rose plant is already ready to move to new planting medium. use a mixture of compost and soil in the ratio 1: 2. move by tearing polybag without damaging the soil and then enter into a new planting medium. because roses prone to diseases is necessary to note the signs in the form of leaf rust and black spot that appears because it can cause loss of leaves of roses.

Types of roses will indeed affect the ease of roses that can adapt. For red roses, species roses have been a lot of beautiful colors and even some opinions saying this rose as a symbol of affection. Red roses is also adaptable or easily cultivated.

Of course, the roses will make your home looks more natural and beautiful when you plant roses can thrive and bloom. How to plant roses which further by mixing ingredients that are already prepared. Mix the soil, compost, and if there is a little sand would be great. Insert the mixture into a pot that has been provided, stirring until smooth.

The use of sand here just to mix it, so maybe a quarter of the size of the soil or fertilizer. Once the ingredients are well blended, enter seedling stems of roses that you prepare cuttings. Plug in the trunk on the ground already in the pot.

Once plugged in, flush with water. Sprinkle a little, not too much. After that how to plant roses hereinafter that keep your plant is in a cool place. Even better if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Save your plants in a dark place is also highly recommended. This is so that the buds of roses buds plants you can grow and develop properly and begin aroused.

That way the roots will begin to grow in a given stimulus. Examine a few days until your rose in pot to sprout, if it grows then move it your rose plant to a brighter place. At that time, the plant roses you really need sunlight as the initial process of photosynthesis. Flush plant your roses regularly. So much information about how to plant roses proper, may be useful. Other plant has different advantages as the Jatropa (Ricinus communis) plant.

Read article about

1. Oramental Plant   Click Heret

2. Adadvantages of Jatropa Plant  Click Heret


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Sumedang, West Java. Indonesia

Looking forward to hearing from you !

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil
Tools and materials

Tools and materials used in the manufacture of VCO is:

1 Machinery and Equipment
a. Production Machinery
Production machines used for the manufacture of virgin coconut oil (VCO) is as follows:

Engine grated coconut

Function: grate the coconut meat grated coconut to be ready to squeeze.
How it works: shredders that has sharp blades spinning and grate coconut meat.
Capacity: at least 100kg / h
Motor power: minimum 1 HP
Motor rotation: 1400 rpm.

Engine Vacuum Evaporator
Capacity: ± 7 kg / process
Cooking oil volume: 52 liters
LPG gas requirements: 0.3 to 0.75 kg / h
Power Requirement for Vacuum Pump: 1500 watts
Power Requirement spinner (dryers): 300 watts
Engine size (120 x 120 x 60) Cm2

1 water jet vacuum pump, serves to suck the air in the frying chamber so that the pressure becomes low, and material to suck water vapor.
2 Tube frying, serves to condition the material according to the desired pressure. Tube fitted inside a semi-circular fruit basket.
3 Condenser, serves to condense the water vapor released during frying. This condenser uses water as cooling.
4 units of heating, LPG ​​gas stoves.
5.Unit Operation and Control (Control Box). Serves to activate the vacuum device and heating units.
6 Part stir-fry, serve to stir the fruit that was in a tube pan. This part per sil strong to keep the vacuum tube.

b. Production equipment
The equipment used in the production process VCO among others are as follows:
Machete function is to divide the coconut.
 Buckets and Basins
Function buckets and basins, among others, is a container that holds the results of each of these processes result either in the form of waste or residue    spoon
Function spoon in the production process is helping to take the dregs stuck during the process of the vacuum engine friying.

Funnel serves to assist in inserting the VCO into the bottle.
   White cloth
White cloth serves to squeeze the coconut milk.
Scales serve to weigh or measure the weight of materials and results of VCO products
Erlenmeyer serves to measure the volume of material and the results of VCO products.

2 Ingredients
The materials used are:

a. Raw materials
The raw material is the main ingredient used in the manufacture of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), where such material is not there then the making of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) can not be done. The raw material of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is the coconut meat is aged 10-12 months.

b. Supplementary Material
Additional materials are materials that exist in the final product Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), but did not participate in the production process and can add value to a product. Additional materials used are bottles.

c. Suplement materials
Auxiliary materials are the materials needed in the production of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), but not the existing materials in the final product Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Auxiliary materials in the production process of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a useful stone zeolite to purify the result of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

 A wide variety of diseases can be prevented by consuming VCO because of the medium chain fatty acids such as lauric acid in the VCO tersebut.Beberapa efficacy of the VCO is to kill a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast causes a variety of diseases, prevent hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver and prevent enlargement of the prostate gland.
Coconut oil can treat various sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) and HIV-1, as well as the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoe. Medium chain saturated fats found in coconut oil is very helpful in weight control especially obese patients who are disease as a result of wrong diet. Saturated fatty acids are not stored as energy reserves but directly burned to produce energy.

Steps of Preparing VCO

VCO-making technique is done by gradual and controlled heating.

a. Preparation of raw materials
VCO is the main ingredient of making fresh coconuts that are old or mature with characteristic brown husk and no one has germinated fruit. Age range 11-12 months coconuts. Thus coconut oil will produce a yield that much.

b. Making coconut milk
Coconut milk is made by don peeled shredded coconut grater machine then squeezed with water at a ratio of coconut water don 2: 1 Separation suntan don coconut pulp is done by filtered with cloth or sieve.

c. Separation Cream
Coconut milk is placed in a plastic container or transparent plastic bucket. The use of container / Transparent plastic bucket milk intended that the material in the container will be visible from the outside. Thus the separation of the coconut milk with the cream will be easily observed. Coconut milk is allowed to stand for 3 hours. After 3 hours of coconut milk will separate into three layers of cream (oil-rich), a middle layer of skim (protein-rich) and under a layer of sediment. Parts used in the making VCO is cream. Cream was separated by using a small plastic tube, one end of the hose is laid on a layer of cream and the other end of the reservoir container.

d. Heating creamy coconut milk
Cream is an oil-rich part of the coconut milk. In order for the oil content can be retrieved from the cream will require heating process at a temperature of 80-100 ° C. The heating can be done in a frying pan over the fire using the new (not used for processing other products). This is done to avoid changes and color of the oil produced. Stirring is carried out continuously. Prolonged heating milk to obtain immature oil is 3 hours marked blondo formation. Blondo formed is still white and still contains oil 10-15%. To remove the oil from the pressing blondo blondo done. Materials oil cooled and filtered three times using filter paper.

e. heating oil
To get pure oil, oil immature reheated. Heating is carried out at a temperature of 80-100 ° C until a clear colorless oil. If there blondo, blondonya light brown.

f. oil filtration
Oil (VCO) is colored nodes removed and cooled. After the oil cooler filtered with filter paper and collected with glass containers. Filter paper can be obtained at pharmacies. In order to efficiently filtering, the container should be glass containers or small-mouthed glass container.

g. Packaging
Once filtered several times (3-4 times) VCO obtained using a translucent color packed with bottles of plastic or glass with customized size and closed watertight and labeled. Furthermore preparing virgin coconut oil  VCO ready for the market.


Other Clove Spice Utilities

Other Clove Spice 

(Thanks to Shutterstock that provides free image).
In the mid-1960s and in the following year clover plants known as green gold. Clove spice owner at that time was like having gold. Price per kilogram of dried clove flower the same with gold price per gram. Rural communities that posses land to cultivate land thrilled with cloves. Government encouraged farmers to cultivate clove plant, and the association of clove exporters bought clove produced by the farmers intensively. Clove belong to estate crops as the coconut, tea, coffee, and others.
 The agricultural extension services and rural communities are masters cloves bududaya this problem. By the time it was one of the commodities Clove spice utilities  is quite familiar in Indonesia. Cloves are found in the famous Indonesian cuisine due to the strong aroma and taste. Not only the commodities which are needed as the mixture turns clove cigarette industry have proven useful to flavor dishes. Clove is also useful for other  that  is for health.
Clove Spice Utilities
 Here are the health benefits of eating cloves:
- Eating a few cloves good fruit to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and microbes.
- Clove can also help protect the body from damage caused by microbes that enter the body.
- Cloves can help cure toothaches. The trick is to put a piece of clove on the aching tooth.
- The content of eugenol in the cloves apart to clean the teeth of bacteria also can eliminate bad breath.
- Clove can also serve as a mosquito repellent.
- Cloves have a good anti-inflammatory properties to treat inflammation and infection.
- If you have a problem related to digestion, chew a few pieces of cloves to ease it.
- Clove can prevent you from heart disease and diabetes.
- The nature of the purification of cloves can help you in purifying the blood.

Clove spice is one of Indonesia's natural wealth turned out to save a lot of benefits for health.
Therefore, cloves can be used as one of the medicinal plants for the people of Indonesia.



Quinine Factory in Bandung

Quinine Factory 
in Bandung

It is a quinine factory where product of the quinine (Chincona plant) crops in the form of quinine bark.
Quinine bark is processed to be taken in the form of quinine alkaloids. Drugs or quinine, in the early 19th century is very necessary to defend mankind from the deadly disease malaria. At the time, the area is still a lot of places are marshy or stagnant water basins become mosquito breeding species of malaria. This mosquito when piercing the skin and sucking human blood, when the piercing and sucking human blood, the mosquito will transmit the protozoa from the body and into the human body.

These protozoa consuming human red blood cells so that the blood cells burst when the body temperature is high heat-shivering bodies and the blood is reduced. These outbreaks can be prevented if people consume the bitter quinine. Not because of the bitterness but protozoa in human blood cells will die with substance quinine from the cinchona. Human need for quinine when it is so much so that the Dutch took the initiative to produce the malaria drug quinine and established the factory in the city of Bandung.

Historically, when the building is not standing still a magnificent and Batavia swamps, mosquitoes became a major enemy of the Dutch. Even during the 53 years between 1714 to 1767 recorded 72 816 European population living in Batavia died of malaria. Because the disease was dubbed Batavia "Het graf van het Oosten" or grave eastern country.

Seeing the Dutch Minister of Colonies Overseas Ch F Pahud on 1851mengusulkan on FW Junghun to make the cultivation of quinine in Java. In the same year Prof. de Vriese got Kina seeds of most species that have been sown either in the greenhouse in France. Through the cold hand of Dr. Teijsmann curator Bogor Botanical Garden Flowers, tree seedlings are then developed into dozens of quinine for cultured stem.
To process the bark of the quinine salt quinine into the Dutch East Indies government then set up a quinine factory in Bandung in 1896 At that time quinine plantations in Indonesia could generate up to an average of 11,000 tonnes of dry skin / year, equivalent to 33,000 tons of wet leather / year. Of these 4,000 tonnes processed in London and the rest is exported in the form of skin quinine, with the number of Indonesian managed to fill 90% of quinine in the world market.

Standing on a rubber plantation land north, or Jl. Pajajaran now. Menajdi symbol quinine factory in Bandung for decades, the 1980s London society familiar with the tam asaphi billowing from its chimney. Smoke coming from the engine combustion boiler manual Babcox & Wilcox, and the sound of sirens sounded 4 times a marker of employee time off work (7:30) rest (11:30) back into work (12.00) and from work (16.00). Quinine factory employees often call the heong, since 1896 until today the never misses his voice even whistle as the source of the sound has never changed from the beginning to the present mill stands.

Quinine factory is located on Jl. Pajajaran no. 29-30 Bandung, diarsiteki by Gnelig Mijling AW with art deco architecture. There is a small hallway-shaped tunnels that pass under Jl. Pajajaran and are about 2.5 meters below it (and most of the people do not know of its existence), the tunnel was used as traffic officials to get to the main factory complex.

Based on the historical development of quinine Pbarik changed its name several times, namely:
1896: Founded by the Dutch government Bandoengsche name quinine Fabriek
1942: At the time of Japanese occupation name was changed to quinine Rikugun Seisohjo 1945: Dutch back into ownership Indonesia and taken again by quinine Bandoengsche Fabriek
1958 nationalized and its name changed so PN Pharmaceuticals and Medical devices Bhineka Kina
1961: Turned into Unity Kina Frama
1971: With no government regulations. 16, 1971 changed to PT (Persero) Kimia Farma

Quinine factory is the pride of the Indonesian people, because of this quinine factory produced life saving pills that brought people from death. Body of man (the blood) contained protozoan malaria mosquito. The Almighty God instructed, humans must look for drugs and  God who determines and takes care of the soul, life and death are determined by the Almighty God the Creator. but has to propose for health.

Read other article of Clove Spices.


Benefit of Beet Roots Juice

Benefits of 
Beet Roots Juice

One of the benefits of beet root juice is adding to the supply of energy, besides that there are many other benefits of  bits in a way made juices, boiled briefly to a salad, or made puree (mashed) to the soup, and others.

To note, when the fruits are encouraged to eat the skin, at the root of bits, the skin should be discarded
In the beet crop, which is known to have health benefits is the tuber. Round like a potato with red color - dark purple. The leaves can be cooked like any other green vegetable. Bit comes from Mesopotamia, which then spread to neighboring countries in Asia as well as in mainland Europe.

Bit rich in carbohydrates (in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat), which is easy to energy and iron which help the blood to carry oxygen to the brain. Beet red, the color is caused by a combination of purple pigment and yellow pigment betasantin betasianin.

Although it contains carbohydrate, low calorie. So do not worry, eating bits will not increase your weight. In beet juice, beet roots should be mixed with other fruits or vegetables, because the beet roots alone can make your webbing stiff and difficult to speak in a certain time, unless you drink pure juice of organic beet root that would cure the stiffness / paralysis on tape sound .
People think that beet root juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. The content of beet balance alkaline and acid levels, so it is great for the balance of our bodies.

Contents of Beet

Folic Acid 34%, Function: to grow and replace damaged cells,
Potassium 14.8%, Function: Streamlining the fluid balance in the body,
Fiber 13.6%,
Vitamin C 10.2%, Function: to grow the network and normalize the blood vessels,
Magnesium 9.8%, Function: Maintain muscle and nerve function,
Tryptophan 1.4%,
Iron 7.4%, Function: energy metabolism and the immune system,
Copper 6.5%, Function: Forms red blood cells,
Phosphorus 6.5%, Function: Strengthen bones,
Caumarin which serves to prevent the tumor, and
Betasianin as a cancer preventive.

Juice of beet root is sweet in our mouth because its content rich in carbohydrate/Glucosa.


Biggest Sugar Factory

Biggest Sugar Factory

Sugar cane plantation and sugar factory is a producer of sugar units are quite expensive management in Indonesia. Sugar as one of the ten groceries. Unfortunately Indonesia has been importing sugar for years. This import due to government cannot afford to increase  sugar from domestic producers are still lacking of sugarcane plantation.

Consortium of three state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has started construction of a sugar factory in the district of Banyuwangi, East Java. Factory is considered the biggest in Asia will be completed in 2015.

"Construction of Asia's largest sugar mill which was built between SOEs. Now be in the process of construction, the sugar cane The consortium is composed of SOEs PT Plantation Nusantara (PTPN) III, PTPN XI, and PTPN XII. Investment for the plant on an area of ​​102.4 hectares was Rp 1.9 trillion.

Contractor engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) is an Industrial Engineering PT (Persero) consortium with PT Nusantara Energy Weltes. The source of funding is derived from 30% and 70% shareholder of the bank loans of Bank Mandiri, BRI our bank, and Bank of East Java

He said that this project was somewhat delayed from the plan, due to changes in the auction after the rupiah against the dollar the United States (USA) weakened.
"Had a little change when bidding, because there are changes in exchange rates, but still a target completion in June 2015," he explained.

The plant will produce 8,000 tons per day. To meet that capacity with the rollers 150 days per year, required as much as 900,000 tons of sugar cane-1.2 million tons, or the equivalent of planting 9,000 ha area of ​​10,000 ha.
Hoping with establishment the sugar price will be lower than ever.

Nutrition for the Health

 Nutrition for the Health

Lack of knowledge and misconceptions about the need for food and food values are common in every country in the world. Residents will wherever lucky with increased knowledge about nutrition and how to apply that information to the different levels of age and physiological state.

Factors that affect the nutritional status would interact with each other so that the implications for the nutritional status of a person. Status of balanced nutrition is especially important for the growth, development, health, and human welfare. In general nutritional status were divided into three groups, as follows:

1 Adequacy of nutrition (balanced nutrition)
2 Less Nutrition
3 More Nutrition

1 Relationship of Food, Nutrition and Human Development in Indonesia
Guidelines have implemented that we are building together  today aims to establish and build human  Indoneisa entirely. Large population, the capital of the biological physical and mental spiritual capital, as well as the potential effectiveness of the nation is part of the development capital. Thus the Indonesian nation is the subject and object of development. Build a complete Indonesian man means guarantee an increase in the standard of living of the people of all walks of life and classes. Nutritional state of society is nothing but a qualitative reflection of the fulfillment of the basic needs for food.

Nutritional problems that occur in a certain period of development will cause problems in the future.Late  in providing nutrition services will result in damage that is difficult even probably could not be helped. It would not even need to study too much depth, if keberapa nutrition expert stated that the economic crisis in Indonesia, which until 2002 was also no sign of completion has the potential to eliminate the nation Indonesi one generation, meaning that the children who live at 5 year over this period of economic crisis feared did not develop intellectual skills so that the next 50 to 70 years when he had to lead this nation there will be an increase in nutrients, especially setbacks must be shown in children and pregnant women. The children of today are the leaders, scientists, and scholars as well as work in the future. They are the next generation homeland.

Delay giving proper attention to the nutritional maintenance of children will lose their potential value as a community resource and national economic development. Children especially need serious treatment guarantees the availability of nutrients as early as possible. This is due to several reasons, including:

1. Malnutrition is a major causing infant mortality and children. This means less quantity of human resources in the future.

2 . Malnutrition results in increased morbidity and decreased work productivity to human. This means it will increase the burden of government to improve health facilities. 3 Malnutrition results in lower children's intelligence. This means that the decline in the quality of the intelligence of the young man who is good at that is needed in the development of the nation.

4 Lack of nutrition resulted in the decline of human endurance to work, which means the decline in achievement and productivity of human labor.
Should have adequate food and nutrition is not only a target but also basic for all the processes of economic and social progress of the nation. Of nutrition is an integral part of national development and also a part of the whole human development. Development also means total  human development and  the health bodily, mental and spiritual / his spiritual, welfare, and so forth can not be separated from the availability of food and nutrition. Therefore, memubat government programs geared towards improving people's nutrition. As for nutrition improvement programs being implemented in Indonesia and implemented for this include:
Activity of Family Nutrition Improvement  (UPGK)

• Combating vitamin A deficiency
• Management of nutritional anemia
• Reduction endemic goiter
• And so forth

Food and nutrition programs received attention particularly since the Second Five-Year Plan of the New Order government. Obviously this is not solely because of the will of a person or group of people who like to nutrition, but mainly because the Guidelines require complete Indonesian human development.
Indeed this activity  is to enhance nutrional status of  the people.

Food Containing Harmful Fat

Food Containing 
Harmful Fat

Fat is a nutrient that tastes delicious. The food will be delicious when added fat, for example, a piece of bread will taste more delicious when spread with butter. Especially if the buttered bread plus milk, bread wah... definitely will quickly get into the throat and immediately up.

But remember this fat is often accused of causing a variety of diseases that occur in the body health. "Healthy Foods Will Make Healthier Body", this is one phrase that is not going to debate about the truth. Even so, sometimes we are still confused about the various types of foods that have high nutritional as well as nourish the body. We will be very easy to find and buy a variety of foods in modern times. In fact, there are certain foods that will worsen the health of your body. This is because, the food contains trans fats in it. So, what are the foods that contain trans fats favors the harmful fat.

Fat was accused cause obessity , the cause of coronary heart disease, and other diseases. Trans fat is a dangerous type of fat contained in a certain type of food. Trans fats can raise levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing the risk of inflammation in the body as well as lowering the amount of good cholesterol in your body. So that trans fats are potentially very great harm to the health of your heart. Begin to understand and avoid variety of foods that contain trans fats can save our souls early. Health tips, following are delicious foods that contain trans fats are:

1 Beef. In fact, beef turns out to have some trans fat in it. Thus, limiting the consumption of beef or a variety of foods are made from beef will avoid the dangers of trans fats that enter your body

. 2 Food fried in the same oil used repeatedly in frying your favorite foods. Use the same oil repeatedly for frying foods will result in the food contains trans fat.

3 Margarine and Butter. Both types of these foods also have some trans fat content. For this reason, limit or avoid many foods that contain trans fats are absolutely necessary to improve and maintain the health of your body

. 4 Fat contained in the ice cream will certainly tempt everyone's tongue. However, the ice cream turned out to contain up to 0.5 grams of trans fat per portion, so, minimize  consumption of ice cream is a step that can be taken.

5. Various Types of Frozen baked Food. Many once found a variety of foods through the roasting process is then frozen to make it more durable. These foods also contain trans fats that are harmful fat to your body.

6 Assorted Biscuits. Type of food shaped biscuit has some trans fat in it. However, not all food products including biscuits contain trans fats, then from that carefully read the label in its packaging

. 7 Fats are also contained in popcorn are made from corn is actually healthy for your body. However popcorn that has been presented in the form of packaging turned out to contain some trans fats are not good for your health.

What is your opinion ?, when docter recommend you to stop comsume the delicious fat, while your body weight increasing.

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Carbohydrate is Energy and Essential Food

Carbohydrate is Energy 
and Essential Food

Carbohydrates are the food nutrients needed for the body to maintain its metabolism. Carbohydrates are a source of energy.Our body requires this nutrient. After 6 or 8 hours, our body feels weak because of carbohydrate consumed is running out to move the muscles. To restore the necessary energy is reqired new supply the input of carbohydrate.

Sources of carbohydrates the essential food can be divided into three kinds;, the first is the source of carbohydrates derived from the fibrous foods fruits and vegetables, then simple carbohydrate derived from sugar consumption and the latter is a complex carbohydrate derived from rice, potatoes, corn , bread, and others.   Sugar alcohol is an alcohol form of monosaccharides.  Oligosaccharides are short chains of sugar formed by galactose, glucose, and fructose.
Miscellaneous class of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are important in nutrition, It is divided into 2 categories, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Indeed, all types of carbohydrates consist of simple carbohydrates or simple sugars; complex carbohydrates have more than 2 units of simple sugars in the molecule simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates consist of:
Monosaccharides which consists of an iron atom C the same amount with water molecules,
namely [〖C_6 (H_2 O)〗 _ 6] and [〖C_5 (H_2 O)〗 _ 5]
Disaccharide consisting of two monosaccharides bond where for every 12 C atoms there are 11 water molecules [C_12 (H_2 O) 11]

. Resources which become carbohydrates are grains (wheat and rice) or cereal, tubers (potato, cassava, sweet potato), corn, dried beans, nuts, and sugar. Produced from carbohydrate sources is the noodles. rice noodles, bread, starchy, jam, syrup, and so on. Most of the vegetables and fruits do not contain many carbohydrates. Vegetable tubers, like carrots and beans contain relatively more carbohydrate than vegetables

. Animal foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk contain very little carbohydrate. Sources of carbohydrates eaten as staple food in Indonesia are rice, maize, yams, cassava, taro, and sago.
Here are a source of carbohydrates based on 1 unit of exchange, with almost the same calories. Can be used to develop staple food. If you want to feel fit it should be weighed first but can also be estimated. Each of these foods contains the following:

Energy: 175 calories
Carbohydrates: 40 g
Protein: 4 g

Alternative Formulations:
1. Rice bread 100gr        70gr               50gr crackers
      (3/4 cup)               (3 pcs )         (5  pieces)

2. Wet noodle 200gr -   120gr cassava - corn
      125 g (2 cups)        (1 pcs)             (1 plate)

3. Sweet potatoes    210gr            135gr          taro 125 g
                       (2 seeds )          (1 piece)       (1 piece)

The Formulation types of food substitution and also the magnitude of the amount of carbohydrates needed by the body, then we can change our habits of eating rice with the substitution of another. To be sure, do not eat rice could satiety.

Benefits of Apples of Malang of Indonesia

Benefits of Apples of Malang Indonesia

Indenesia can also produce apples. Famous apple producer in Indonesia is the city of Malang in East Java. Well-known area apple is on the outskirts of the city: Daerah Kecamatan Batu . Batu is a tourist resort. Environmental conditions are cool and fresh, are in mountainous terrain.Fertile soil planted with vegetables and kebun apple. Malang apples fairly large, distinctive red color. It feels a bit harsh. If the apple tree transplanted to other area as West Java ,to Lembang. the plant will be able to grow, but it bears small fruitl. Why is that?
The area in terms of atmospheric conditions almost identical to Malang / Batu, cool.
However, Lembang armosferic condition is different, in which the water content relative humidity (RH). Humidity in Lembang between 70% -90%, whereas in Batu Malang approximately 40% -70%.
Similarly, apple trees require less moisture to produce great fruit. Thus, a lot of apples produced from Malang. Many people come there to pick the apple from the trees, in agroturims resort.
Malang apples contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and others. This substance is very required for our bodies to prevent and cope with various diseases.
Rich in vitamin. Apples are rich in vitamins, such as; vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C.
Rich mineral, Apples contain many minerals, among others; calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.
Phytochemicals, Apples contain phytochemicals, which are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution, or the surrounding environment. This substance also serves to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) which can cause blockage of blood vessels.
Rich in Fiber: Apples are rich in fiber, so it is good for people who are on a diet. This is due to the high fiber can prevent hunger comes more quickly.
Fiber to reduce fat and cholesterol Apples contain fiber that binds fats useful, and bad cholesterol in the body for later disposal.
Tannins; Tannins are substances that function to clean and freshen the mouth, so as to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
Baron; In the apples are baron. Baron serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in a woman's body.
Flavoid; Flavoid is a substance that serves to reduce the risk of cancer.
D-glucaric acid; D-glucaric acid is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels. D-glucaric acid is also contained in apples.
Quercetin; Quercetin is a substance that is needed to increase the levels of antioxidants, so the body feels healthier and prevent various diseases.
Acid tartar; Tartar acid that can nourish the digestive tract, because these substances are capable of killing bacteria in the digestive tract.
That's apples nutritional conditions that can make benefit and support the health of our bodies.

First Aid...Suddent Heart Attack

First Aid...Suddent Heart Attack

Say you are on the way office 6.30.a.m, when after your finding the straight way to avoid traffic jam at busy day's work, in a car or motorcycle that is certainly you are alone. You are very tense and feel unwell ...
Suddently, you felt extreme pain in your chest and began to spread to the arms and chin. However, the distance to the nearest hospital about still 5 Km, more unfortunately again you do not know whether it can retain up so far.

What should you do?
You had been trained in CPR, but the instructor never taught you how to how to help your self
When alone, had a suddent heart attack. How do I rescue first? Someone when his heart beating normally can not and feel almost fainted, he has only about - about 10 seconds, after which it will lose consciousness and unconsciousness. If no one is around to give first aid sufferers should use this short 10 second self-help efforts.
Must be how?
The answer:
Do not panic, try to cough continues with a vengeance.
Every time before the cough, should inhale deeply - deeply.
Then cough with strong - stronger, in - deep and long - the length as if to remove the phlegm that are in the chest.
Each interval of two seconds, one should inhale and cough once. Until help arrives, or until the heart rate is normal to feel new, may break
The purpose of breathing, to enter into the lungs oxygen - lung.
Cough purpose, to suppress the heart to circulate blood flow
Pressing heart can also help your heart rate return to normal
Relief in this way, so that patients have the opportunity to go to the hospital

Luckily, you servive… with that method.
Please tell others how this heart attack first aid. May be able to help them!
Do not think your age is less than 25 or 30, may not be a heart attack.
In connection with the changes in today's way of life, a heart attack may strike all age levels.
Usually a few days before having a massive heart attack, a person will experience muscle contractions suddenly in the chest which is a small attack or a mild heart attack. Generally mild heart attack occur before a major attack a few days later.
For it is better to treat it early before the arrival of a heart attack as above.
And of course accompanied by a distinguished lifestyle and eating healthy too.

Organic Vegetables

Organic Vegetables

Organic vegetables are grown in apart of other garden, can also be grown in pots, polybags, or other containers. Because the place is small and can be placed in practice and limited area of land, these vegetables can be consumed alone or sold. Sell ​​organic vegetables such as DAPT only this only or plants and their pots or polybags. Growing organic vegetables in polybag or pot have some other advantages.

* Can be cultivated on a small scale or household purposes.
* Easy maintenance because each plant is planted in a separate container
* Avoid the possibility of transmission of disease through small roots, diseased plant is planted
* Saves fertilizer usage because not wasted
* Easier when planting some plants
* Land is used more narrowly as pots or polybags

Although many advantages are gained by planting in pots and poybag, another way of also mempinyai some drawbacks with this are:
1 requires the cost of providing polybag and pots
2 further transport
3 requires a sales when to sell vegetables along with container

A. Preparation Place and Media
Growers can use 1 polybag, pots, plastic buckets, biscuit tins 20 -30 em diameter and about 30 cm high
2 Growing media for sayurab is generally a mixture of soil and manure or compost
3 Comparison can be 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3

B. Nursery
1 size small seeds, such as Selda, mustard greens, peppers, and tomatoes 2 Place the nursery a wooden box, polybag, pots, banana leaves or other container with a diameter of 10 cm and container nurseries are not perforated.
3 nursery can use a mixture of soil and compost with a ratio of 1: 3 4. seeds or seedlings are planted in nursery containers that have didisi planting medium with a distance of 1 cm
4. The length depending on the type of crops such as 2 -3 weeks for mustard

 C. Planting
* For the first sowing crops
* For plants that are not sowing in pots or poly bags filled by the growing media

 D. Care
* Some routine maintenance that needs to be done as follows
* Every day not to get inspected plant pest or disease
* If still seems less fertile, the plants can be fertilized with manure or compost sometimes mature
* If the soil looks dry, plants can be watered
* To plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and other plants that produced fruit.

The yield is interested by more buyers who know the effect of inorganic matter contained in any crops treated with artificial chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Rearing Layer Hens

Rearing Layer Hens

Layer or laying egg hens are kept for their eggs reaching several years of productive period. Layer characteristics are heavy enough. Medium layer can produce eggs high enough.
That's why medium layer hens also referred to as a dual-purpose chicken, meaning the chicken has a double benefit that is able to produce eggs and meat produce.

Layer medium and large furry brown eggs produced are brown. Brown egg prices are generally more expensive egg white for brown heavier than white. Although generally the same nutritional value more like a brown than white egg.
White layer or White leghorn or a layer of white in color is another term for layer hens.
Characteristics as follows:
- The feathers are white; Slender body.
White leghorn can produce over 260 eggs per year. That is very sensitive to the noise and the heat, the chicken is also shy, if bemused then decreased egg production.

Parent hen has superior characteristics to produce good quality of egg .
As the superior characteristics that should belong to the parent is as follows.
- Has a good appetite.
- The body looks healthy and has no defects.
- Laying-egg in a long period of time.
- The growth of the body is very good.
- The force is strong enough resilience to disease.
- Conversion of low food ration or conversion.
- Productivity and weight of eggs produced is high enough.
- Fur coats looks smooth and full.
- Having a normal body size

Disease Prevention
The disease can be prevented by keeping the cage clean. Rearing Stable  must be regularly cleaned. If there is any part that is broken, it must be repaired immediately. . Vaccination for chicken among other NCD vaccine, smallpox vaccine, and vaccines and anti-RCD. Chickens will be vaccinated must be healthy. Dose of the vaccine should also be accurate. In addition, the tools used must also sterile.

How to Make Opak

How to Make Opak

Opak is a processed food made from glutinous rice snack famous in West Java types that have such snacks like crackers or crispy. Processed form of crackers has a very different main ingredient of the material crackers. Crackers which is processed from starch material while the material is processed from glutinous rice flour that has been mixed with other spices such as sugar, salt, and flavorings. Preparations in the form of dough shaped like a thin sheet and then the sheets are dried. After that, the dried sheet is baked until crisp. Snacks is famous in the area of West Java, especially in the area Priangan.

As for how to make the tasty snacks and delicious these are as follows.
1 Glutinous rice flour 500 gr.
2. Old Coconut.
3. Seasoning (salt for salty opak, sugar for sweet opak, flavoring and seasoning to taste.

Steps of preparing (procedure): •Mix glutinous rice flour along with grated coconut, sugar, salt, and seasonings until blended.
• The dough formed small round object or according to your taste then flatten. • The slab of dough dried under the hot sun to dry approximately 1-2 days. The drying is done till thoroughly dry. Be crude and dried opak
• Toaster opak above coals until cooked.
• Cooked opak then presented in an airtight container or wraped in plastic sheet to keep crisp.

Please create other compositions to get a taste of that in suitable the taste of people of different regions or country.

Good Behaviour and Food Choice

Good Behaviour and Food Choice

Islam regulates all aspects of human life, to set the earth's prosperity in the world and to attain happiness in the hereafter. Good Behaviour and Food Choice.  In obtaining and supporting one's happiness is to have a healthy body, so that we can serve everyone and do better to Allaah’s desire.

After advocating food and nutrition sufficiently in respect of volume, Islam also mandates the good behavior and healthy eating habit, and food choice.

. -Let food to cool before eating or drinking do not blow with the breath. (health aspects of physical (heat) and biological health (our breath contains a lot of bacteria and other diseases)

The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said "let the food and drinks cool, and there are actually no good on hot food or drink" (Reported by Al-Hakim and Ad Dailami). Not to make it is cool by blowing with the breath because it is forbidden by the Prophet, (Reported by Ibn Majah).
In the field of gastroenterology is known that hot food can cause injury to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract that causes pain, tenderness, heat, bloating, full feeling, nausea, taste like sliced, and others. The food we eat would certainly be a nutritional intake that will fit in our body and is absorbed by the cells which will ultimately affect the activities of the body.
Good nutrition is not going to be very dangerous, instead.  The lawful and good food which is healthy and will be a source of full blessing in life activity.

. - Prohibit drinking alcohol, and not to choose smoking and what is harmful to the body Allah says, "They ask about" khamar 'and gambling, say, in both there is great danger and also benefits in humans, and the danger is greater than the benefit "(Quran Surah Al-Baqarah: 219)
In another verse Allah says, "O ye who believe, in fact (drinking) khamr, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle fate with arrows, are abominations including deeds devil. So shun acts as you get lucky. "(Quran Surah to 5: 90). Khamar is everything intoxicating, such as alcohol.
By experts, alcohol is known to cause damage to all parts of the human body, such as the nervous system , blood vessels, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract etc. Likewise, other materials that can damage the cells of the body that can lead to organ disfunction and disease. Having said that, all the damage it causes destruction compulsory shunned, as the prohibition God, "Do not throw yourselves into destruction." (Quran Surah Al-Baqarah: 195)

Included here is a real cigarette has caused damage to the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal, teeth, lungs, breath, skin and others .
Similarly, ethical guidelines, choosing a health foods are mandated by Islam.

Halal and Healthy Food

Halal and Healthy Food

To keep our body healthy is a must in religion understanding. Never do the fasting when we cannot perform other more important worship as shalat due to lack of energy to do the shalat. Performing shalat requires fit body, we have to stand for a certain duration, squat, and other deed in worshipping . when our healthy is limiting factor for performing shalat, take a medicine and before taking any medicine one has to consume staple food. A halal and healthy and good food in an enough volume. In this regard, consumption that meets the requirements of four healthy and five perfect is a thought that corresponds to a healthy life to be able to carry out charitable helpful and meaningful activities.

Islamic education gives a guidance to comsume as:

-Consuming and Eating Taste food and do not go overboard, even the prophet said to stop eating before satiety: It shows magnanimity, in order to have food provision for shadaqah and allocation to others the have not / do not have nothing to eat.
Allah says "eat and drink and do not exaggerate. Surely Allah does not love the extravagant" (Quran Surah Al-A'raf: 31)

Allah also says, "eat between good rizki We have given you and do not exceed the limits that cause agree of Him, then indeed he shall perish" (Quran Surah Taha: 81)

Food and drinks is a necessity in nutrition as life support (legal permissible), the number and kinds should be in accordance with the needs of the body, should not be less but also no more. In connection with this, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said "not one man meets a container worse than his stomach. enough for a human child some food that can enforce his ribs, if it must eat a lot then one third for his food, one third for his drink, and one third for his breath "(Reported by Tirmidhi, Nasai of Ibn Majah)

-Keep the food healthy and Consume good food
Allah said "and eat halal and healthy food that God has given you, and fear Allah, that ye believe in Him" (Quran Surah Al Maidah: 88). to meet the food that meet the elements of good nutrition the body is expected to be in a state of optimal so that the immune system will work optimally in rejecting all kinds of diseases.

Those are the teaching of Islam where God gives a gudances and the Prophet set many examples in doing and preparing halal and good food. The guidances and teachings of Islam in maintaining a healthy body and have to be able to perform and make complete as much as charitable and pious life for themselves and for others as a kind of good deed and a worship.

Cultivation of Ornamental Plants

Cultivation of Ornamental Plants

Cultivating ornamental plants require a certain specificity. Ornamental plant Cultivation is of different from cultivation of agricultural crops in general. Cultivation of ornamental plants require more hands touch of the art.
 Therefore, interested person and hobbies more dominating factor of success. But now, in step with the demands of society have shifted from the fulfillment of the primary and secondary to the fulfillment of basic needs and the needs of tertiary and luxury, all in one.

High demand of ornamental plants from the community enable a new business opportunities for those who get hobbyist or farmer ornamental plants
Actually keeping ornamental plants not so difficult and more attention as weigh preservation of food crops or industry. Ornamental plants require carefulness and treat art as revenue derived from the treatment is not quantity but quality.

Preservation from the determination or media platforms grow. Election platform suitable with crops that will be preserved. Ease of maintenance and care. Each crop has different characteristics in sensitive refractive treatments.

Daily plant maintenance including:

-Watering.  Water is crucial to the development and performance of the plant. Water temperature affects, the temperature range of other crops and as a solvent or fertilizer nutrients .
In the case of water shortage can cause plants to wilt, and in turn watering too much impact on the state of media in the pot moist than normal humidity needs. If not controlled potting soil in a tarnish and this can cause the roots the lack of air that result in stagnant growth or even root rot

- Fostering adapted to the type of plant organ growth which would be developed in cultivation. What part of the leaves, leaf development will require different fertilizer elements with flower development.

- Care of others is a crop pests, such as caterpillars. Ornamental plants will invite butterflies. When you visit a butterfly is a butterfly that put their eggs in plants. Therefore, routine spraying should be done carefully.

- Layout can affect the growth. Cultivation of higher plants with other plants adapted to position the lower  their environment. This setting is also influential to consumers candidate. Effects that are beautiful in the garden to add interest buyers.

Growing media replacement is a routine matter to its attention because plants grow in a limited media. Adding or replacing growing media are important in ornamental plant cultivation.

Dear reader, this article will be continued with related topic on cultivation of ornamental plant, Good luck with your hobby in gardening.


the Famous Cilembu Sweet Potato

The Famous Cilembu Sweet Potato

A new name among consumers of special food is sweet potato Cilembu cultivated species. The English calls it sweet potatos. Cilembu sweet potato is sweet in taste. It is so sweet as this one. The Sweet of it is so different from other types of sweet potatoes. Cilembu name comes from a village in Sub-district of Pamulihan of Sumedang districts.

In 1950s and 1960s consuming sweet potato for Indonesian was a habitual consumption as supplement in the evening. But when Indonesian people enjoyed the progress in the field of staple food and enjoy welfare supported by the production of oil, which was begun in mid-1970.

Indonesian children born in 1980 and 1990 was not familiar to sweet potatoes and the like (cassava and taro) for more delicious food such as bread, eggs, chicken, beef became quite available and relatively cheaper and affordable by the majority of Indonesians.

At the end of 1990 when the world began to feel lack of food, the staple food diversification was promoted. Indonesia, especially after the economic crisis in 1997, the people of Indonesia return to think of food substitution and alternative.
Sweet potato is called scientifically as Ipomoea batatas becomes a staple food in some areas of Indonesia and become an alternative food for the regions suffering famine rice in dry season.
Sweet potato contains about 60% -80% water, about 0.9% ash, 17% - 29% of starch, about 2% protein, 0.5% sugar, 2% -5% fiber and 17% -50% beta carotene.

Cilembu sweet potato has been famous of its own advantages namely high sugar content reaching 11% -13% in raw condition and reach 19% -23% when cooked. This causes the tuber Cilembu famous even it is exported to overseas. In 2001 the Minister of Agriculture released the variety Cilembu ST 1. The variety of Cilembu ST 1 yields 20 tons up to 25 tons of fresh tuber per ha
Plants can be propagated vegetatively by stem and shoot cuttings. The generative is done in the experiment. Land preparation is formation of hilly or guludan, cutting of plant material as long as the 25-30 cm and the planting and cultivation trimming of leaves and pruning are applied as usual sweet potato farmers do.
Please cultivate it to give more food to the world. it is sweet supply the calory.

How to Eradicate Cockroaches

How to Eradicate Cockroaches

Cockroaches are insects that live in a dirty place. Therefore this animal smells bad and dirty. Because the place is always dirty and damp, cockroach acts as a vector of many variety of microbials (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, etc) This microorganism are causing various disease.

But we need not worry for just walkin drive these animals from our house it is not a difficult thing, we can also drive and can remove it with natural materials that are easily available around us without the use of chemicals that have an impact on environmental pollution.

It is easy to repel cockroaches but please note that cockroaches endurance is remarkable. cockroaches can live up to one month without food, can survive without water for two weeks and can live without some of the vital parts of the body.

So to convince him we should eliminate, effective and precise the way our mothers did, that choke animals with sandals or hard object so that it is flattened and dead cockroaches instantly. The easy way is indeed quite effectively eradicate adult insects but can not prevent menetasnya eggs. Problem solving cockroach eggs using natural ingredients that are so easily available and more secure than using insecticides.

How to combat these insects including to  eradicate eggs and larvae are as follows
Pour hot water. Cockroach egg sac is usually a dark brown capsule inside or under cabinets / chair / bed destroyed or doused with hot water. Egg sac can produce dozens of cockroaches in a few weeks.

To prevent the development or cockroaches breed apart from the above we also have to:
1. maintain the cleanliness of the home and the environment
2. Make the proper trash always tightly closed, so it is not easy to enter cockroach
3. The rest of the food or food scraps do not splattered, so do not provoke or invite the presence of cockroaches

The way to maintain cleanliness so we've reduced the cockroach nest in our homes, may we be diligent in maintaining environmental conditions, especially the contents of the house will thus be free from interference of this kind of disgusting insects.

Miracle of Gedung Sate

Miracle of Gedung Sate

Gedung Sate is the building where the centre administrative or the head quarter of West Java provincial government, with his trademark form on the roof of this building and has a miracle value Bandung people. The location of Gedung Sate is in the north of Bandung city square (alon-alon). Model of building is used as a sign for many buildings in West Java. Many buildings in county, district or village that immitates the shape of the Sate (roasted meat/satay), at least typically marks of satay at the top of the building.
Gedung Sate West Java Parliament Building

Gedung Sate was built in 1920. The building looks standing strong but it is graceful. At the time of Dutch government, the building was called the Dutch East Indies Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB). First brick of the construction was done by Johanna Catherina Coops, the oldest daughter Bandung Mayor, B. Coops and Petronella Roelofsen, representing the Governor-General in Jakarta or Batavia, JP Graaf van Limburg Stirum on July 27, 1920. Planner were Ir.J.Gerber, a young architect, Ir. Eh. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks and van Bandoeng Gemeente party, chaired by Col.. Pur. VL. Slors and employed 2000 workers, 150 of them carvers

The work completed within 4 years in September 1924. Architecture of Gedung Sate is architect Ir. J.Gerber and his group. The work were not independent , and influenced by Dutch architect maestro Dr.Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Many architects and building experts expressed Gedung Sate is a stunning elegant monumental building with a unique architectural style leads to a form of Indo-European (Indo Europeeschen architectuur Stijl), so it is not impossible if the Borobudur Temple also adds to the elegance of the Sate

Gedung Sate is strong and intact until now, in case of technical materials and construction used. Gedung Sate walls are made of stone chippings large sizes (1 × 1 × 2 m) were taken from the area of rocky hills in east Bandung around Arcamanik and Mount Manglayang. Gedung Sate construction applied the conventional professional manner with attention to technical standards
Gedung Sate is built on an area of m² 27990.859, 10877.734 m² building area. Basement m² 3039.264, 4062.553 m² first floor, first floor terrace 212.976 m², Floor II 3023.796 m², second floor terrace 212 976 m², 121 m² tower and tower terrace 205.169 m²

Fig. Old Treasury Building, Melbourne ince the days of the New Order government, capacity of the building is no longer enough to accommodate for offices of administration activities, so that the government built more buildings on the western side that is sometime called Gedung Gule and Parliament Building. The new buildings built by Indonesian government are strong but still do not match the quality and the elegance of the Gedung Sate. And if we look and compare Gedung Sate with buildings built in the 19th century which we can see in the city of Melboune, Victoria. Australia. They are the same or even Gedung Sate is leading

World Funny Race of Bull in Madura

World Funny Race of Bull in Madura

It is unique in East Java, island of Madura race on track cattle. After Madura island is connected by bridge Suramadu, then the many of people are easier come to the Island to the eastern part of Java.

Race of bull on the track or Karapan held in August or September, and will be the final in late September or October. Bull prepared with simple equipment to stand a jockey and two bulls, which forced to run to reach the Finish lane. Jockey is standing attractive wood and handles like a car run with the cattle movements. Driving path length is of approximately 100 meters and runs in a span of 10 seconds to 1 minute.

Bull racing festival in Madura is also an occasion the people and traditions that can raise one's social status. For those who want to follow the race bull Karapan, should spend funds to train and care for bull that will compete before. To form a pair of cow body will follow Karapan so healthy and strong, it takes quite a lot of cost to install per cow for food or other maintenance. Karapan bull given a variety of herbs and dozens of eggs per day, all the more so by pitted Karapan arena.

Racing cow maintained after completion of harvest or harvest tobacco. For now, in addition to the accomplishments to be proud of, kerapan cow also has a role in various fields. Eg. in the fields of economics, that is the opportunity for people to peddle, the role of religious magic; eg the specific calculations for the owner of the cow before the contest and certain spells. On each team must have a smart as a team member to win the race.

Series of track begins with couples carry cattle drive around the arena, accompanied by gamelan Madura, namely Saronen. The first scene is the determination to win the group and the group lost. The second half is the determination of cluster champion lose, being the third round is the determination of a champion to win the group. President Cup rotation given only to cluster champion wins.

This bull race represents the unique event in this nation, and that attract visitor domestic and abraod.

Read the related articles:
1. Characteristics of Rural Development in Indonesia

Living Initiated with Chemical and Physical Tools

 Living Initiated with Chemical and Physical Tools

In the first existence of life of living creatures and its growth and development, as what can be watched in this living realm, is greatly as a result of physical and chemical intervention. After the big eruption when the heaven and the earth was claved apart, which  the so called  the Big Bang. This earth surface on which creatures live was very hot.  Then water was poured to cold it. water was poured from the heaven for the first time. As we understand that the throne of God in Paradise is above Water. Water is under the God Palace. Out of the Water, water was sent to cold the hot earth. Scholars said the earth temperature then was more than 7000 degrees centigrade/celsius. There was no material could approach the hot earth, but water was  poured again and again. And at last water could reach the surface of the earth. The surface was cold as the water boiling on it. How long the colding process lasted, but the living creatures began to process. Chemical and physical reactions and processes preceeded. Outer most of the earth was undergoing the process of decomposition. Cracking the surface by water as physical and chemical tools, and the result is what we call erable land, and living thing initiated to proceed to be axistance.
       In the modern era discovery and development of physic and chemical tools has made possible the development and discovery of living thing.

As with the physical science support microbiology. Microbiological studies have been demanding and spur the discovery and developed tools (physical tools) to detect small objects. Microscope was invented. Beginning with the discovery of a simple microscope by Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1673), with its single lens that can only magnify the results of view (magnification) of 300 times.

Magnification tool that continuously improved until now have used an electron microscope with intricate lenses and equipment (sophisticated) which can magnify viewing results greater than 250,000 times. With the tool it can be studied in more detail and depth of the substance of microorganisms super-micro dimensional (bacteriophage / virus / DNA structure). Liquid immersion effect on optical instruments lens helps a lot in the development of the study of microbiology.

Similarly, chemical innovation, has been supporting role in the study of biology. Chemical formula of tissue culture medium / medium cells or cloning techniques should be formulated from chemical elements and compounds used carefully and accurately.

Deep understanding of the branch of biochemistry present the discovery of microorganisms isolation techniques. Various vaccines and hormones can be produced, such as hepatitis vaccines, insulin and other enzymes. The discovery of restriction endonucleases has opened horizons of recombinant DNA technology. With recombinant DNA techniques made possible transgenic animals and plants, as has been done in tobacco plants by inserting a bacterial gene (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) into the plant cell. The discovery of plant growth regulator (PGR) or synthetic hormones like Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) / Auxin, gibberellin acid (Gibberellic Acid), vitamins and other hormones have been extended to study the rapid development.

Thigh of Chicken Meat Why Being Polemic

Thigh of Chicken Meat Why Being Polemic

Some years ago thigh of chicken became a national discussion and tend as a polemic. It is the government issued a policy to import thighs chicken. Farming policy is a response from the producers of chicken meat in the country. The chicken farmers find it is a rival. As already known import chicken poultry definitely get public attention. Why imported thigh chicken ?. Whether did the chicken abroad produce more than 2 legs/thigh.It is a polemic in community.

So that the internal surplus thigh. Or the thigh is the same as "offal" as “jeroan: (intestine, lung, heart ang the like). Or the price is cheaper to importe chicken thighs. Or do we prefer to eat the chicken thighs.

In general, chicken meat is lower in fat and calories than other types of meat. However, healthy or otherwise subject to the chicken dish which is used, complementary materials, and how to cook it.

The chicken farmers (veteriner) know exactely. When chicks a few days of age it should de innoculated with vaccine. vacsin injection if not done in the chest identified in the thigh. This is a cause there is no fear eating thigh former vaccination. So people abroad do not like to consump it.

 Or other reasons, the thigh is the most thick skin, while the lid is keeping the body, so that the fat content is higher. It seems the reason is the fat content that makes people free to Consume
Chicken meat feels more savory because it contains more fat, which is 15 grams in one cup (225 grams) of meat

With a portion of the same, the fat content in chicken breast is much lower, which is 5 grams. Therefore, calorie chicken thighs is also higher, which is 293 calories compared to 231 calories in chicken breast. More breast meat fiber

How to thigh. In 100-110 grams of chicken thighs, contained 290-370 calories and 21-27 grams of fat, including 4.5 to 5 grams of saturated fat.colesterol 75-100 mg, 760-850 mg, while sodium and protein
. Of course people in the exporting country are not to eat thigh, and let her thighs anxious to export.

Some Characteristics of Rural Economic Development in Indonesia

Some Characteristics of Rural Economic Development in Indonesia

One of the functions of government is to coordinate and implement village development. Economic development includes land use. As large parts of Indonesia are a suitable area of agriculture. Thus economic development in Indonesia rural is utilizing the land for production.

The productive inputs (factors of production) are the resources employed to produce goods and services. Factors of production are labor, land, capital, and entrepreneurship. Mentioned economists Capitalistic characteristic the components of produce are a measured as the component of price as:
1 Land or natural resources (water, air, soil, flora and fauna of the which are used in production of a products)
2 Labor is human effort used in production includes technical and marketing expertise.
3 Capital: all goods are used in production of other goods. These include machinery, tools and buildings.

The term capital employed in reference to money and also gold. Other factors of production developed by the experts are the management and technology, and materials or raw materials.
Land as a medium for cultivating plants and keep animal.

Prophet Muhammad successfully encouraged his companions to Cultivate idle land (Ihya al-Mawat) to yield crops for foods. Factor in the production of labor as was detailed Described by Ibn Khaldun and others Islamic scholars. Personal development and maintaining the prosperity personnel are already managed a long time ago.
Normally, capital means investment in goods that can produce other goods. It can also refer to machines, roads, factories, schools, and the like in the which human goods and services produces. Investment is important if the economy is to Achieve economical as much as possible and profit growth in a certain period of time or in a process of the production cycle. The capitalistic goal is so simply that is to Achieve as much profit as possible, while Islamic Consider the producer will base his action's value in transactions of economic production, there are three principle values:

a. Proportional or al-tawazun not to be stingy and not Wasteful or extravagant;
b. Justice (al-Aadalah) behave being right and fair; and
c. Ownership (al-Milkiyyah) legally utility of possession.

In order to Ensure the individual and social interests, the Islamic economic system lay a basic theories of the Islamic economic justice (al-al-Iqtishadiyah'Adalah), Social Assurance (at-Takaful Al-ijtima'i), and the efficiency of the economic resources utilities (fa'aliyah)

At the time of Caliph Usman many friends who tried the agricultural sector, especially the cultivation of the soil (Ihyaul Mawat). Usman itself has a vast land and employ 1,000 local workers.
Similarly, the present rural economic development in Indonesia and long time ago in Arab Saudi is based on the development of agriculture.
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