It is unique in East Java, island of Madura race on track cattle. After Madura island is connected by bridge Suramadu, then the many of people are easier come to the Island to the eastern part of Java.
Bull racing festival in Madura is also an occasion the people and traditions that can raise one's social status. For those who want to follow the race bull Karapan, should spend funds to train and care for bull that will compete before. To form a pair of cow body will follow Karapan so healthy and strong, it takes quite a lot of cost to install per cow for food or other maintenance. Karapan bull given a variety of herbs and dozens of eggs per day, all the more so by pitted Karapan arena.
Racing cow maintained after completion of harvest or harvest tobacco. For now, in addition to the accomplishments to be proud of, kerapan cow also has a role in various fields. Eg. in the fields of economics, that is the opportunity for people to peddle, the role of religious magic; eg the specific calculations for the owner of the cow before the contest and certain spells. On each team must have a smart as a team member to win the race.
Series of track begins with couples carry cattle drive around the arena, accompanied by gamelan Madura, namely Saronen. The first scene is the determination to win the group and the group lost. The second half is the determination of cluster champion lose, being the third round is the determination of a champion to win the group. President Cup rotation given only to cluster champion wins.
This bull race represents the unique event in this nation, and that attract visitor domestic and abraod.
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