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Benefit of Beet Roots Juice

Benefits of 
Beet Roots Juice

One of the benefits of beet root juice is adding to the supply of energy, besides that there are many other benefits of  bits in a way made juices, boiled briefly to a salad, or made puree (mashed) to the soup, and others.

To note, when the fruits are encouraged to eat the skin, at the root of bits, the skin should be discarded
In the beet crop, which is known to have health benefits is the tuber. Round like a potato with red color - dark purple. The leaves can be cooked like any other green vegetable. Bit comes from Mesopotamia, which then spread to neighboring countries in Asia as well as in mainland Europe.

Bit rich in carbohydrates (in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat), which is easy to energy and iron which help the blood to carry oxygen to the brain. Beet red, the color is caused by a combination of purple pigment and yellow pigment betasantin betasianin.

Although it contains carbohydrate, low calorie. So do not worry, eating bits will not increase your weight. In beet juice, beet roots should be mixed with other fruits or vegetables, because the beet roots alone can make your webbing stiff and difficult to speak in a certain time, unless you drink pure juice of organic beet root that would cure the stiffness / paralysis on tape sound .
People think that beet root juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. The content of beet balance alkaline and acid levels, so it is great for the balance of our bodies.

Contents of Beet

Folic Acid 34%, Function: to grow and replace damaged cells,
Potassium 14.8%, Function: Streamlining the fluid balance in the body,
Fiber 13.6%,
Vitamin C 10.2%, Function: to grow the network and normalize the blood vessels,
Magnesium 9.8%, Function: Maintain muscle and nerve function,
Tryptophan 1.4%,
Iron 7.4%, Function: energy metabolism and the immune system,
Copper 6.5%, Function: Forms red blood cells,
Phosphorus 6.5%, Function: Strengthen bones,
Caumarin which serves to prevent the tumor, and
Betasianin as a cancer preventive.

Juice of beet root is sweet in our mouth because its content rich in carbohydrate/Glucosa.


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  1. I just found out about this plant, how to cultivate this plant in Indonesia?

  2. assalamualaikum wr. wb. mr m subandi i agree with you but i just want to ask you. does diferent color in skin for fruits ( rind ) pointed to diferent nutrition in the fruits? thanks ALZYER

  3. I am curious taste of the plant bits, hopefully one day I can feel the taste and benefits

    by SAMARAS

  4. I think this article about benefit of beet roots juice is very useful, thank you

  5. now beet root juice include into my drink list that i should drink for make my body healthy ( GEIVA )

  6. So, i want to try beet root juice but i've never seen in Indonesia. Can you tell me Sir?

  7. So, i want to try beet root juice but i've never seen in Indonesia. Can you tell me Sir?

  8. in my opinion , information in this article is complete and very heplful for us, so we can get the knowledge by this article -- smith

  9. wowowow NO CALORIES!!! beside that, beet root juice can even prevent cancer and tumor...
    okay then, adding to my new juice menu list! teehee~ ^^

  10. I don't know about this plant but benefit of this plant is so much for our body. thanks for information sir.


  11. I agree with this article, many benefits of this fruit, let us preserve for a better tomorrow - John

  12. In this article we can get knowledge,it turns beet root juice have many benefits and are useful for healthy - gion

  13. I just know now about it, and the article is interesting, so i will be try -luiz

  14. I do not know the previous beet root juice can be used as and has a lot of functions, with this article I came to know


  15. this article would be more attractive when added by recipes (for example beet fruit-based foods for diabetics), so that the reader going more interested in proving it's usefulness.
    by. Nicole

  16. I like beet root juice, because the beet root juice is rich in carbohydrates, low in calories and will not increase my weight. (dhedot)

  17. This article is very helpful for me, so I know the benefits of beet root juice, someday I will try to make it and published -Di Maria

  18. amazing , there are many benefits of these plants

  19. Very nice, it turns beet root very much usefulness to us.

    By : zan

  20. thx for this article, sir. i'm so curious taste of the beet root juice

  21. thx for this article, sir. i'm so curious taste of the beet root juice

    by: Lio

  22. nice article. whether there is a limit to drink that juice ?

  23. important information, beet root juice is the best juice for health because a many contains nedeed by the body
    by nafretha

  24. I agree, because the benefits of the juice is very good for keeping the body and create a healthy balance - selena

  25. this article very good because explain the benefits of beet roots juice previously I don't know- sita

  26. Good article, i will try it. because a lot of benefits to our health - stewart

  27. wow i just find out that beet roots actually has a lot benefits to healthy diet program.thank you Mr. :)

  28. Good article, I will try it. because a lot of benefits to our health - stewart

  29. Good article, I will try it. because a lot of benefits to our health - stewart

  30. interesting article, the plants that is plentiful in benefits and good for healty and can consumed by the people who is diet too.

  31. I never heard of this plant, but I do not know that either substances in this plant. it now after reading this article I out would became good for the health beet.

  32. " Although it contains carbohydrate, BUT low calorie " but I'm never try that hehe, Thanks for your information sir ;) -Maos

  33. every plants have many benefit, this article increase our knowledge. -nadheera

  34. Good article sir. Many benefit of beet root juice. Low calorie . WOW . I will try it. -cinderella

  35. Interesting article. I never saw this plant before. Thanks for your information sir. cullen

  36. I like the article sir. Beside bits used as food, it can be made into medicine that prepared from the roots to make a juice. Many people who do not know the benefits of beet root. -Oxa

  37. this is good news , everyone would be healthy if consumed beet root juice everyday -robben

  38. ohhh, I can knowledge. after know the benefits, it's better if we can consume everyday. (JANUZAJ)

  39. before I did not know that this plant has properties that are beneficial for our health. This is a new knowledge for me
    thanks for the information Mr.

  40. thanks the information, although I do not know this plant but this article of interest to be discussed and will be great if its processing is added to the recipe.


  41. This interesting plant, in addition to the many benefits with red potatoes this becomes the main attraction.

  42. I often come across this fruit, this fruit has even spread to the supermarkets, it's just a lot of our public is still less know about this fruit, not a few benefits and very useful its processed
    I hope with this article can give insight to the public
    by : verserk

  43. Thank you for information.. I want to try beet root juice but i have never seen this beet plants, and it seems beet juice root juice is very good for our healthy. -irene

  44. I often look at these fruit, but do not know how it feels. how this fruit flavors ?? each fruit is definitely worthwhile. hopefully I can feel the benefits of this fruit later.

  45. I am very interested in this article, this article makes the motivation to sell beet juice XD - Abuy

  46. my mother was anemia she is like consume beet because the contain this fruitcan add the blood body and can consume dieter

  47. In my opinion.the article provides the benefit and knowledge.-wiel

  48. In my opinion.the article provides the benefit and knowledge.-wiel

  49. This article gives detailed information much new knowledge which I find about benefits of beet root juice thanks sir ..

  50. so wonderful, this fruit not just for healty but the fruit too have other benefits for example to color food etc. - sasak

  51. I never taste it, in your article it looks so delicious and the content is useful. i think one glass of beet roots can be replacement of our breakfast cause one of benefits of it is adding to the supply of energy.
    by yokzan

  52. thanks for the information. this article is helpful, I rarely heard this fruit and there are many benefit. -rosanne-

  53. this article very important , many benefit of beet roots juice for the health of our and we must try to make this juice - lucy

  54. i see there many informations i dont know before

  55. nice article, its very usefull and increase our knowledge, the use and utilization of plant especially for students of agricultural such as me.

  56. Thanks for the information mister, now i know the benefit of beet roots juice .

  57. this so interesting, beet roots juice had many benefit, but i don't know how to get this fruit.

  58. Very nice article, I really like with this article because it is very beneficial to our health -- teresa

  59. Seriously I never see and heard about this but after read your article my knowladge increases. Nice article. Hope here, in Indonesia we can plant it more so we can make beet roots juice for our health because there're many benefits indeed.

  60. This article is very helpful for people who are weight idealize.

  61. Thank Sir, you have given new knowledge for me

  62. Thanks for information, but whether in Indonesia easily obtained? (Mrs.Vicka)

  63. nice.. this article make me interested.


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