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Pasteur Research has yet given an answer to the question "problem" of where the life comes from. Evolutionary studies have not found certainty "of which the origin of life". Therefore, the development of bio-science research paper (development biology) where the ability of finding, and the ratio come to the terminal unsolved, then the patterns of thinking transcendental or religious approach is needed and will meet human satisfaction in his effort to explore the universe in his mission to build the pease and welfare.
And when scientists explore the universe they find and develop four things, namely:
1 Content / products in the form of facts, laws, principles and theories.
2 The process / method to gain knowledge.
3 And they show the attitude of perseverance, honesty, objectivity and open, and
4. develop technology, and they gain the benefits of which can be used in everyday life
Islamic guidance to explore the universe as stated in the holy Qur'an verses 17-20 of Al-Ghashiah chapter say :
17.Afala yandhuruna ilalibili kaifa khuliqat ( So Have they not looked at the camel how He created),
18. Wailassamai kaifa rufiat (and sky, how it is raised?)
19 wailaljibali kaifa nusibat (and the mountains how they are fixed firm?)
20 wailal ardhi kaifa sutuhat (and the earth how it is spread?)
Let's explore the universe. and build this universe to get the peace and welfare in this world.
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