Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant

Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant

Ways of cultivation and Maintenance pumpkin. Pumpkin is an easy cultivated plant.
Planting is done by inserting a squash seeds that have grown, then covered with a layer of soil. We can enter 3 pieces of seeds in each planting hole. Furthermore, we still need to keep the squash plants from various pests, including weeds growing around it. Furthermore, we need to install the media that ideal shape and size making it easier for us when the harvest.

Stitching is done at the pumpkin plant unhealthy plant growth with new seed which is approximately the same age, carried out one week after planting. Weeding weeds before crop pumpkin vines grow or spread and reduce harmful pests and plant diseases.

After removing the plant tendrils, need to be made using the parts-the bamboo that is attached around the stem to the height of 1.5 m bamboo or wood. Each bamboo pole used to connect to other bamboo propagation at the top. The addition of bamboo with the transverse and longitudinal positions to the field boxes to about 30 × 30 cm or 50 × 50 cm.

Pruning is done at 3-6 weeks old plants, pruning is done at the branch in order to spread the good shoots that grow fruit evenly and well. Branches that do not grow old again lengthwise cut edges in order to grow new shoots. The old  leaves are also cut.

Maintaining the balance of leaves and other organs of plant is required to get a good development of fruits. So that pruning is important stage of cultivation of pumpkin.


Growing Economical Vegetable

Growing Economical Vegetable

Pumpkin is usually treated as a plant in the form of consumption of  economical vegetables. However, cooking squash can not be arbitrary. Fruits that contain a fair amount of sap that require special handling before it can be consumed. One way to cook squash so that the sap does not cause problems with rub the pumpkin that has been cut to remove the sap, after which the fruit must be soaked first for some time.

After becoming a vegetable, squash has a delicious taste. Currently the fruit has been generally used to make dishes. This automatically cause needs chayote fruit in the market is quite large because of the level of consumption of the fruit is also quite high. It can make our land a profitable venture. For those of you who want to cultivate squash, then the following we will discuss some of the important things about squash cultivation techniques.

Ideal land for cultivation Pumpkin Siam
Squash can be planted and thrive in areas with an altitude between 200 meters to 1000 meters above sea level. Method of planting squash relatively simple. Both lowland areas have hot air weather and highland regions have cold weather can be a suitable place for growing the quash. Therefore, now the squash plants can be found both in the tropics and in the subtropics.

Good also for the lovers of the world grow crops to grow this plant in your backyard or yard. Instead the land is not used, should be utilized to grow plants that produce this beneficial fruit. Squash plants will not take place because the plant species belonging to propagate. We only need to provide a fitting stem propagation, so that it can make our yard look beautiful.

Soil Tillage
Squash cultivation way is not complicated. At first we cultivate the land in a way that has been common, namely  soil nutrients and balanced elements. Next we create trenches in the land to ease ourselves in water the plants later. Should cropping pattern and made ​​trenches lined lines transverse to the direction from east to west.

Breeding Siamese pumpkin as growing  economical vegetable.

Breeding squash is done through the seed from chayote fruit that has very old.
Furthermore squash seeds planted in damp areas to grow new sprouts or shoots.
Furthermore, how to plant the seeds of the seeds that have prepared us feedback de planting holes on the land. Ideal spacing for the squash plant that is about 1 square meter. it is very easy ti prepare land for this type of plant, and so the same its cultivation.

Continued article on  Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant


Subak of Bali is Water Distribution Association

Subak of Bali is Water Distribution Association

Subak is famous for its water management association and its main purpose is managing the Aspects of Water Distribution
Since the late 1970s the tertiary network projects undertaken Dep.PU the Subak system in Bali, with a change to the building systems (Tembuku) of the system numbak be certain system has led to conflicts, because the change is not in harmony with the socio-cultural local community. However subak system as traditional institutions remain otonomous can organize itself without causing conflict, because still promoting a harmony with the surrounding environment.
Here are the Subak building of irrigation water distribution management.

The artifacts are utilized by Subak system in Bali to help smooth distribution of water is as follows:
- Barricade (empelan), which has a function as a location where water ingress which will lead subak area. Location weir is essentially placed on the area of ​​the bend of the river, the river areas, which are located closest to the paddy field farmers concerned. Meanwhile, at each location of the building weirs built a temple called Pura Empelan, which is used as a place of ceremony come to "Toya". And responsible weir is "Kelian" Subak together with all members of the subak.

- Tunneling (aungan), has a function as a flow of irrigation water channel leading to the tertiary. Tunnel will be built by farmers if they fail to take advantage of open irrigation channels. In the process of making the tunnel builder (undagi) will try to choose the track tunnel on the land consists of stone, rock on, or the ground hard enough to support the existing soil on top of the building. The weir is responsible Kelian Subak together with all members of the subak.
- Irrigation canals (telabah), has a function as irrigation water flow will go to the rice terraces farmers. And the responsible is Kelian together farmers with an interest in the relevant channel.
- Building-for (Tembuku) the subak system was built with the concept of building-proportional for both upstream and downstream. The unit of measure used is "tektek". Tektek is an exhausted system for the amount of water entering the Subak is concerned with the rice acreage is in Subak concerned. Tektek system in Bali has been modified (this happens in Subak Breech) into a system of centimeters. However,
implementation is still in the concept of proportion. Building-to the tertiary network is not made ​​permanent in order to facilitate the loan process water irrigation.

In Bali, the building-to be applied because of the subak system generally undulating topography of the island of Bali, but there are some drawbacks of this system, such as: the possibility of unequal agreement in water buildings-for, the possibility of sinking building irrigation channels at any given moment, there are possibility of inefficient land use, when compared to the system box, the system is more effective "numbak"

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