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Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber

Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber

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Rubber was found in Latin America. Amazon valley is the original place of the mysterious and very valuable thing
Let us talk about the thing beginning from the harvest of the latex.
Tapping Rubber Tree Back Ground :

 Rubber is important thing to make the life is more comfortable. Imagine a chair without this material (rubber). a little part in this thing make our body comfortable when sitting. And what happen if the wheels of car made of wood (as it was before the invention of rubber to replace the wood).

Tools and equipment needed :

1.  tapping knife,
2.  containers (churn, small bucket, cup),

Application : Tapper come to plantation early in the morning before the sun light penetrates the shrubs or plants in plantation. In tropical regions before 6 hours a.m.(morning).

Tapper come directly to their task area (part of plantation) where a group of rubber trees are to be tapped.

Steps of tapping :

1. Clean the tapping panel from the scrape (filaments of frozen latex flowing down the bark of tree after the cup collected at the previous tapping (two, thee days ago)

2. Clean the groove (line on the bark where the latex flowing out the bark)

3. Slice or cut the grove accordingly (the smaller the better)

 4. Check or see if the flow of latex is on the right track.

5. Put the cup on cup ring to contain the flowing latex

6.The work of tapper finish.

 Compiling Latex. 

7.Around 2 hours later, the flowing of latex stop.

8.Compile latex out of cups and pour into the small bucket.

9. Put the latex in the small bucket in to churn

10. Work of tapping completely finish.

That is the first stage of producing the mysterious thing...rubber.  Latex are collected from rubber tree

 (Hevea brasilliensis) .

Rubber is of many advantages in life of modern people. the latex is then process to several kind of raw

 material for industries. Indeed it is a Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber because  it has plastic

characteristic makes the life flexible and relax.  Relax makes healthy life and happier.

Let us wait the process in other articles.


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