The Growing Over Crowded Village
(In the left is an apartment newly built in Jatinangor-Eastern of Bandung city)
The Growing Over Crowded Village is the process in the mayor of a city will, of course, include in the planning the development of all sectors representing the prime services to citizen. Development programs planned in an urban area are easily fulfilled because they are supported with the budget. This budget is calculated in accordance with financial potential in the city or town. And the achievement of budget will theoretically, easier achieved in urban area than in rural area.
Some causes on the achievements are apparent, urban citizen are mostly having the regular earning. They will agree without much a do to pay tax. When tax officer came to collect or more advanced system the tax-payer are coming to tax office in the end of year to pay tax.
Revenue from tax, and others revenues, the government executes the planning.
Public facilities are built or maintained as to properly function to serve and to facilitate the citizens. All public facilities are available for public in urban. Health facility as hospitals, health centers, Sport centers, education facility consisting of from kinder garden, elementary, high school till higher education are provided and maintained.
Economic and business facilities as Banks, markets of all kinds are available, Transportation and communication facilities are functioning and their regulation are managed intensively in urban. Services for social purposes are organized with updated system and links to others relations as to employment provision for those who face the employment problem, and to hospital and health care center or rehabilitation center for those who requires further handling after the social services officer indicates them for further treatments.
Recreation and tourist resorts are managed with advanced management to give prime satisfactory services to communities, and in return they are wealthy and fertile source of generating income for the government. In the recreation center are built all kinds of amusements and attractions. In short, all living facilities from traditional of simple facility to luxury are available in urban.
With this facilities of life of urban, people in rural area are migrating to urban.
In the histories of growing cities, the happening of this translocation of people have been taking place for centuries. May be in the United States cities this urbanization have taken place since the 19th or even in the 18th centuries. However in the newly independent countries as in Indonesia, as for the people of the age up to 60 years old witness the urbanization.
This elderly people will say, when we were children (in 1960-1970) the town of Bandung was very quite even in the rush hours and in mid-day. We rode bicycles in a group, we rode side by side, and there were no a single motor-cycle over-run us, and there were very-very rare old var of Chevrolet trademark horned me to ask its way.
That time the street was just 4 meters wide, and in the afternoon we could change the street to be a football field. Children were playing football in street.
Now Bandung has turned to be a big city with population of 5-8 folds as in the decades when we were children. Traffic jams is the daily scenery and very familiar to the people in this city.
We have 5 to 9 children, and my village is now very crowded with people coming from rural.
They are employees of governmental office services, workers in factories, retailers and street vendors, and many others uncertain employment (underemployment or totally unemployment). I feel my village is overcrowded, and we decided to move to rural area in 1990s. However my rural area is now growing to be a suburb area of Great Bandung city. Slow but sure this village in rural area will be a new suburb of Great Bandung city.
There are benefit of facilities provided by urban government, but we will lost the traditional customs and value we used to be in life.
In the right is a newly apartment built (the second apartment in Jatinangor area)
The photo is near my village, it is built to provide rental apartment for students of universities and colleges opening branches in the suburb, their main campuses are in Bandung city.
The universities and college are: Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB), Indonesian Cooperative Institute (IKOPIN), and the College of Public Administration (IPDN). Formerly in this suburb area was Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM) this university is administered by Provincial Government of West Java Province. UNWIM was moved to new campus located in Sumedang district.
In the short explanation above, it is recognized that city government build and provide infrastructure and public facilities for the citizen or people living in the urban area.
It can be made a list of benefit for citizen and people living in urban, among other are:
1. Some but not many, people who feel unsafe live in rural area due to security ration. This people who have a belief or religion which are not the same with the belief of the majority in the rural. Primordial belief in rural is sensitive case, some cases is proof that the security officer (police) and rural figure person are difficult to control this case. While in city life or urban area, people is rather indifferent in the primordial cases.
2. After technology came to rural, in this case the agricultural technology, only a small number of men are requires to till land and do agricultural activities. Rural unemployment has insisted many people to go outside rural for seeking jobs. Being an urban people this unskilled people can choose any jobs and earning activity. In urban there are many possibility to earn money for livelihood, Be a seller of groceries, be a street vendors, work to serve as house maid, be a worker of all kind in repairing house, be a gardener in an elite housing, many other jobs attracting people to live in urban.
3. Live in urban for continuing their study to higher education levels. In rural are schools but up to Senior High School. Better universities are in city or town, even the best senior high school is in urban area. Parents who want their children to be educated in best or favorite high school have to send their children live in urban.
4. Other facilities as complete/advanced facility for health/hospital, business agents, and many other are available in urban. They are part of benefit of living in urban.
As people of moderate in thinking the advancement of tradition towards better life is acommodated by all people.
New Building of Apartment
Now in my village is beginning to make new housing to facilitate students studying in extension campuses of universities and college mentioned above. the house is not houses as traditional in my village instead a high stories building commonly called an apartment. It is more than 10 stories high. It a new scenery in my hilly village. Indeed it makes our village more beautiful with this high building. More than just a beautiful apartment, it also make economy of people activated,
Hundreds of workers and tens of trucks and traffic of people intensify in this quite sub-district.
I guess, in the years to come this sub-district will really become the suburb of the current big city of Bandung. I am feeling my children will also think to remove his and her houses to more quite sub-district as had done in 1990s when I moved from my crowded village in Bandung.
It is really the dynamic and development of people in the crust of the earth we cannot deny or restrict. Fortunately the development of this region is in line with the planning of Provincial government stating that the Eastern suburb of the Great City of Bandung is allocated as educational center.
The Growing Over Crowded Village is in the process.
It is better condition if compared with the Western suburb which is allocated as industrial and commercial centers.
Read another article of the life in village Click Here.
The Growing Over Crowded Village
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