Salam for All of You (Journey of Food)
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Before we think of the title of this article.
We get energy which we require for body work from various food and
Drink. But, Every food whom we eat, Rice for example, Meat, or Banana,
Necessary digested formerly so that ready used by body. This victuals is used
by body cells after digested.
Sugar that consist in in banana or in apple gives fuel for your
cells and increase your energy.
Protein that consist in in meat of vital importance for your cell
growth, and sure also for your body.
Now is letting us is recalling to return when do you still baby.
The functioning of the digestive system is similar to the working of a
petroleum refinery. Crude oil arriving at the refinery as raw material is processed
by machines and refined so as to be usable.
The foods that we eat are raw materials in the
first stage and are then processed in the stomach so as to be used by the body.
Having been broken down in the stomach and the intestines, foods become ready
to be used as the nourishment of the cells and are conveyed to relevant regions
of the body via blood vessels.
The total length of the passage through which food is digested is
10 meters (30 feet). This is 6-7 times the average human height and it is
marvelous how such a length is fitted into our bodies.
How is it that such a long canal has been placed in a human body?
The answer to this question reveals once again that there is a special design
in the creation of our bodies. Since the digestive tract, as you can see in the
picture on the left page, is coiled up, it is fitted into a very small area,
despite its length. This special shape is the perfect design of our Lord, Who
created everything. This feature of the digestive system is only one of the
wonders that Allah created in our bodies .
Westerner Heritages in East Country
Westerner Heritages in East Country
Dear Brother and Sister, Please be patient all the time to get a better steps.
Figure in the left is Cooperative Local Leader (Regent) with the Ruling Dutch Government (19th Century).
Cooperative Regent and Its People with the Ruling Dutch Government The above statue is symbolizing cooperative between the local leader (regent of Sumedang District) and the ruling Dutch government) in 19th century when the ruling Dutch government was opening way through out Java island.
The opening project was coming to the region of Sumedang regency of West Java.
The area was very difficult to open because it is hilly stony. At that time there was no heavy equipment (bulldozer) to destruct stone hill.
The workers consisting of forced workers of local inhabitants, they utilized hoes and forks to dig the stony hills.
Many workers died of hard work and bad working condition and lack of rest and lack of food.
The Regent as local leader named Pangeran Kornel (Prince Cornell) was very angry because of many of his people died in constructing the way. He came and protested the General Governor of West Indies who come to inspect the project led by Westerner in East Country
It is seen, the statue of two leaders shook hands. The Regent was brave enough to protest and to ask for better working condition if the project was to go on.
The statue was a proof that there was a compromise and cooperative characteristics of leader and people in this region.
There are 2 statues of the same type in this district, one statue is standing in side ways of high way between Bandung and Cirebon cities. and another statue is standing in campus of Winaya Mukti University.
The Photo is prepared in the campus of Winaya Mukti University. Below are photos of the statue standing in the side way of high way between Bandung and Cirebon cities.
And the illustration of bad working condition experienced by local workers of high way construction project in the 19 century when Indonesia was governed by Dutch occupation government.
That is a report of Journey in A Peaceful and Prosperous Village Westerner Heritages in East Country
Dear Brother and Sister, Please be patient all the time to get a better steps.
Figure in the left is Cooperative Local Leader (Regent) with the Ruling Dutch Government (19th Century).
Cooperative Regent and Its People with the Ruling Dutch Government The above statue is symbolizing cooperative between the local leader (regent of Sumedang District) and the ruling Dutch government) in 19th century when the ruling Dutch government was opening way through out Java island.
The opening project was coming to the region of Sumedang regency of West Java.
The area was very difficult to open because it is hilly stony. At that time there was no heavy equipment (bulldozer) to destruct stone hill.
The workers consisting of forced workers of local inhabitants, they utilized hoes and forks to dig the stony hills.
Many workers died of hard work and bad working condition and lack of rest and lack of food.
The Regent as local leader named Pangeran Kornel (Prince Cornell) was very angry because of many of his people died in constructing the way. He came and protested the General Governor of West Indies who come to inspect the project led by Westerner in East Country
It is seen, the statue of two leaders shook hands. The Regent was brave enough to protest and to ask for better working condition if the project was to go on.
The statue was a proof that there was a compromise and cooperative characteristics of leader and people in this region.
There are 2 statues of the same type in this district, one statue is standing in side ways of high way between Bandung and Cirebon cities. and another statue is standing in campus of Winaya Mukti University.
The Photo is prepared in the campus of Winaya Mukti University. Below are photos of the statue standing in the side way of high way between Bandung and Cirebon cities.
And the illustration of bad working condition experienced by local workers of high way construction project in the 19 century when Indonesia was governed by Dutch occupation government.
That is a report of Journey in A Peaceful and Prosperous Village Westerner Heritages in East Country
Journey in A Peaceful and Prosperous Village
Journey in A Peaceful and Prosperous Village
There is No Isolated Village in Java Island of Java is land on which cities and towns of densely populated are. More than 60 % of the population of this country live in Java Island. Indeed the island is populated and not a single village is classified as remote village.
As the fact when our family made a visit to a wedding ceremony of my friend in a semi-remote village, unpredictable my daughter's smart mobile phone camera caught a motor cycle of KFC delivery service.
The KFC restaurant is located in the town of far away from the village, but the people in the semi-remote village must be have been booking for the American menu fried chicken. This indication that people the semi remote village is influenced by the trendy life of a town. Indeed the village is not isolated, and its access to outside is open broadly. And we see in the video there is a house with a parabolic receiver antenna.
People in the village have open access to outside world. They may know the happening occurs in this country even they may watch channel of international television. We saw in the video people were repairing road led by local leader.
They utilized local material (stones, gravel) to amend the road. And there was very rare government service officer in charge of public road, that made repair or maintenance of this kind road in remote/semi-remote area. American Food Menu is in the Village Figure 4.
Delivery Service Motor Cycle of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is on the Way to the Semi-Remote Village. Cultivation and Production in Village Rice fields are cultivated not simultaneously, Figure1 shows rice plants are flowering and estimated within 4 weeks the rice is mature and ready to be harvested, while Figure 5 here showing the newly planted rice filed (about 2 week after being planted).
There are 6 weeks different in planting time. This is the indication that cultivation of paddy is not all at the same planting-time. This regulation is adapted and scheduled by Agriculture Office Service of this District. Simultaneous planting makes the supply of limited irrigation water insufficient, but this policy make farmers to intensively control the weed and pest and deceases outbreaks. Figure 6 shows wood as product of the hilly village.
The wood is harvested for preparing material of low risk building. It is belong to the third class wood, even the wood is utilized to supply the pulp factories to produce particle board or paper. The harvest age of the wood (Albazia falcata) is 5-8 years. The wood is planted in hilly area, and it is cultivated in poly culture system. It is a system where more that 2 kinds of plants are growing at the same field with arrangement of planting spaces.
There is a main plant, and other are temporary plants. The main plant is harvested the latest, while the temporary plants are growing later and harvested sooner. Main plants are mostly wider spaced, and the temporary plants are growing in between. This system of poly-culture will save soil from erosion, because there is no space uncovered and opened to splash erosion by ticking of rainfall. Rainfall comes to the surface of land through the leaves, twigs, branches, stems/trunk of trees, an eventually stream gently to the soil.
This mechanism of water reaches the soil will enhance percentage of infiltration water to soil, and water accumulate inside the soil, and the soil becomes water reservoir. This reservoir will be very valuable in dry season, no small river or ditches in this area are dry or without water. this makes irrigation water supply for the whole seasons (rainy season and dry season). In dry season farmers grow vegetables and tubers which require less water supply.
Taro is tuber that fame in this area. The taro (tuber) which is produced in the village is special for being fried. It tastes more delicious when it is fried. This makes it different from taro which is produced in other district which is special for being boiled or steamed as taro that is produced in Bogor district. Not Simultaneous Cultivation and Wood Production
There is No Isolated Village in Java Island of Java is land on which cities and towns of densely populated are. More than 60 % of the population of this country live in Java Island. Indeed the island is populated and not a single village is classified as remote village.
As the fact when our family made a visit to a wedding ceremony of my friend in a semi-remote village, unpredictable my daughter's smart mobile phone camera caught a motor cycle of KFC delivery service.
The KFC restaurant is located in the town of far away from the village, but the people in the semi-remote village must be have been booking for the American menu fried chicken. This indication that people the semi remote village is influenced by the trendy life of a town. Indeed the village is not isolated, and its access to outside is open broadly. And we see in the video there is a house with a parabolic receiver antenna.
People in the village have open access to outside world. They may know the happening occurs in this country even they may watch channel of international television. We saw in the video people were repairing road led by local leader.
They utilized local material (stones, gravel) to amend the road. And there was very rare government service officer in charge of public road, that made repair or maintenance of this kind road in remote/semi-remote area. American Food Menu is in the Village Figure 4.
Delivery Service Motor Cycle of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is on the Way to the Semi-Remote Village. Cultivation and Production in Village Rice fields are cultivated not simultaneously, Figure1 shows rice plants are flowering and estimated within 4 weeks the rice is mature and ready to be harvested, while Figure 5 here showing the newly planted rice filed (about 2 week after being planted).
There are 6 weeks different in planting time. This is the indication that cultivation of paddy is not all at the same planting-time. This regulation is adapted and scheduled by Agriculture Office Service of this District. Simultaneous planting makes the supply of limited irrigation water insufficient, but this policy make farmers to intensively control the weed and pest and deceases outbreaks. Figure 6 shows wood as product of the hilly village.
The wood is harvested for preparing material of low risk building. It is belong to the third class wood, even the wood is utilized to supply the pulp factories to produce particle board or paper. The harvest age of the wood (Albazia falcata) is 5-8 years. The wood is planted in hilly area, and it is cultivated in poly culture system. It is a system where more that 2 kinds of plants are growing at the same field with arrangement of planting spaces.
There is a main plant, and other are temporary plants. The main plant is harvested the latest, while the temporary plants are growing later and harvested sooner. Main plants are mostly wider spaced, and the temporary plants are growing in between. This system of poly-culture will save soil from erosion, because there is no space uncovered and opened to splash erosion by ticking of rainfall. Rainfall comes to the surface of land through the leaves, twigs, branches, stems/trunk of trees, an eventually stream gently to the soil.
This mechanism of water reaches the soil will enhance percentage of infiltration water to soil, and water accumulate inside the soil, and the soil becomes water reservoir. This reservoir will be very valuable in dry season, no small river or ditches in this area are dry or without water. this makes irrigation water supply for the whole seasons (rainy season and dry season). In dry season farmers grow vegetables and tubers which require less water supply.
Taro is tuber that fame in this area. The taro (tuber) which is produced in the village is special for being fried. It tastes more delicious when it is fried. This makes it different from taro which is produced in other district which is special for being boiled or steamed as taro that is produced in Bogor district. Not Simultaneous Cultivation and Wood Production
The Growing Over Crowded Village
The Growing Over Crowded Village
(In the left is an apartment newly built in Jatinangor-Eastern of Bandung city)
The Growing Over Crowded Village is the process in the mayor of a city will, of course, include in the planning the development of all sectors representing the prime services to citizen. Development programs planned in an urban area are easily fulfilled because they are supported with the budget. This budget is calculated in accordance with financial potential in the city or town. And the achievement of budget will theoretically, easier achieved in urban area than in rural area.
Some causes on the achievements are apparent, urban citizen are mostly having the regular earning. They will agree without much a do to pay tax. When tax officer came to collect or more advanced system the tax-payer are coming to tax office in the end of year to pay tax. Revenue from tax, and others revenues, the government executes the planning.
Public facilities are built or maintained as to properly function to serve and to facilitate the citizens. All public facilities are available for public in urban. Health facility as hospitals, health centers, Sport centers, education facility consisting of from kinder garden, elementary, high school till higher education are provided and maintained.
Economic and business facilities as Banks, markets of all kinds are available, Transportation and communication facilities are functioning and their regulation are managed intensively in urban. Services for social purposes are organized with updated system and links to others relations as to employment provision for those who face the employment problem, and to hospital and health care center or rehabilitation center for those who requires further handling after the social services officer indicates them for further treatments.
Recreation and tourist resorts are managed with advanced management to give prime satisfactory services to communities, and in return they are wealthy and fertile source of generating income for the government. In the recreation center are built all kinds of amusements and attractions. In short, all living facilities from traditional of simple facility to luxury are available in urban. With this facilities of life of urban, people in rural area are migrating to urban.
In the histories of growing cities, the happening of this translocation of people have been taking place for centuries. May be in the United States cities this urbanization have taken place since the 19th or even in the 18th centuries. However in the newly independent countries as in Indonesia, as for the people of the age up to 60 years old witness the urbanization.
This elderly people will say, when we were children (in 1960-1970) the town of Bandung was very quite even in the rush hours and in mid-day. We rode bicycles in a group, we rode side by side, and there were no a single motor-cycle over-run us, and there were very-very rare old var of Chevrolet trademark horned me to ask its way.
That time the street was just 4 meters wide, and in the afternoon we could change the street to be a football field. Children were playing football in street. Now Bandung has turned to be a big city with population of 5-8 folds as in the decades when we were children. Traffic jams is the daily scenery and very familiar to the people in this city. We have 5 to 9 children, and my village is now very crowded with people coming from rural.
They are employees of governmental office services, workers in factories, retailers and street vendors, and many others uncertain employment (underemployment or totally unemployment). I feel my village is overcrowded, and we decided to move to rural area in 1990s. However my rural area is now growing to be a suburb area of Great Bandung city. Slow but sure this village in rural area will be a new suburb of Great Bandung city.
There are benefit of facilities provided by urban government, but we will lost the traditional customs and value we used to be in life.
In the right is a newly apartment built (the second apartment in Jatinangor area)
The photo is near my village, it is built to provide rental apartment for students of universities and colleges opening branches in the suburb, their main campuses are in Bandung city.
The universities and college are: Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB), Indonesian Cooperative Institute (IKOPIN), and the College of Public Administration (IPDN). Formerly in this suburb area was Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM) this university is administered by Provincial Government of West Java Province. UNWIM was moved to new campus located in Sumedang district. In the short explanation above, it is recognized that city government build and provide infrastructure and public facilities for the citizen or people living in the urban area.
It can be made a list of benefit for citizen and people living in urban, among other are:
1. Some but not many, people who feel unsafe live in rural area due to security ration. This people who have a belief or religion which are not the same with the belief of the majority in the rural. Primordial belief in rural is sensitive case, some cases is proof that the security officer (police) and rural figure person are difficult to control this case. While in city life or urban area, people is rather indifferent in the primordial cases.
2. After technology came to rural, in this case the agricultural technology, only a small number of men are requires to till land and do agricultural activities. Rural unemployment has insisted many people to go outside rural for seeking jobs. Being an urban people this unskilled people can choose any jobs and earning activity. In urban there are many possibility to earn money for livelihood, Be a seller of groceries, be a street vendors, work to serve as house maid, be a worker of all kind in repairing house, be a gardener in an elite housing, many other jobs attracting people to live in urban.
3. Live in urban for continuing their study to higher education levels. In rural are schools but up to Senior High School. Better universities are in city or town, even the best senior high school is in urban area. Parents who want their children to be educated in best or favorite high school have to send their children live in urban.
4. Other facilities as complete/advanced facility for health/hospital, business agents, and many other are available in urban. They are part of benefit of living in urban. As people of moderate in thinking the advancement of tradition towards better life is acommodated by all people.
New Building of Apartment Now in my village is beginning to make new housing to facilitate students studying in extension campuses of universities and college mentioned above. the house is not houses as traditional in my village instead a high stories building commonly called an apartment. It is more than 10 stories high. It a new scenery in my hilly village. Indeed it makes our village more beautiful with this high building. More than just a beautiful apartment, it also make economy of people activated,
Hundreds of workers and tens of trucks and traffic of people intensify in this quite sub-district.
I guess, in the years to come this sub-district will really become the suburb of the current big city of Bandung. I am feeling my children will also think to remove his and her houses to more quite sub-district as had done in 1990s when I moved from my crowded village in Bandung.
It is really the dynamic and development of people in the crust of the earth we cannot deny or restrict. Fortunately the development of this region is in line with the planning of Provincial government stating that the Eastern suburb of the Great City of Bandung is allocated as educational center.
The Growing Over Crowded Village is in the process.
It is better condition if compared with the Western suburb which is allocated as industrial and commercial centers.
Read another article of the life in village Click Here.
(In the left is an apartment newly built in Jatinangor-Eastern of Bandung city)
The Growing Over Crowded Village is the process in the mayor of a city will, of course, include in the planning the development of all sectors representing the prime services to citizen. Development programs planned in an urban area are easily fulfilled because they are supported with the budget. This budget is calculated in accordance with financial potential in the city or town. And the achievement of budget will theoretically, easier achieved in urban area than in rural area.
Some causes on the achievements are apparent, urban citizen are mostly having the regular earning. They will agree without much a do to pay tax. When tax officer came to collect or more advanced system the tax-payer are coming to tax office in the end of year to pay tax. Revenue from tax, and others revenues, the government executes the planning.
Public facilities are built or maintained as to properly function to serve and to facilitate the citizens. All public facilities are available for public in urban. Health facility as hospitals, health centers, Sport centers, education facility consisting of from kinder garden, elementary, high school till higher education are provided and maintained.
Economic and business facilities as Banks, markets of all kinds are available, Transportation and communication facilities are functioning and their regulation are managed intensively in urban. Services for social purposes are organized with updated system and links to others relations as to employment provision for those who face the employment problem, and to hospital and health care center or rehabilitation center for those who requires further handling after the social services officer indicates them for further treatments.
Recreation and tourist resorts are managed with advanced management to give prime satisfactory services to communities, and in return they are wealthy and fertile source of generating income for the government. In the recreation center are built all kinds of amusements and attractions. In short, all living facilities from traditional of simple facility to luxury are available in urban. With this facilities of life of urban, people in rural area are migrating to urban.
In the histories of growing cities, the happening of this translocation of people have been taking place for centuries. May be in the United States cities this urbanization have taken place since the 19th or even in the 18th centuries. However in the newly independent countries as in Indonesia, as for the people of the age up to 60 years old witness the urbanization.
This elderly people will say, when we were children (in 1960-1970) the town of Bandung was very quite even in the rush hours and in mid-day. We rode bicycles in a group, we rode side by side, and there were no a single motor-cycle over-run us, and there were very-very rare old var of Chevrolet trademark horned me to ask its way.
That time the street was just 4 meters wide, and in the afternoon we could change the street to be a football field. Children were playing football in street. Now Bandung has turned to be a big city with population of 5-8 folds as in the decades when we were children. Traffic jams is the daily scenery and very familiar to the people in this city. We have 5 to 9 children, and my village is now very crowded with people coming from rural.
They are employees of governmental office services, workers in factories, retailers and street vendors, and many others uncertain employment (underemployment or totally unemployment). I feel my village is overcrowded, and we decided to move to rural area in 1990s. However my rural area is now growing to be a suburb area of Great Bandung city. Slow but sure this village in rural area will be a new suburb of Great Bandung city.
There are benefit of facilities provided by urban government, but we will lost the traditional customs and value we used to be in life.
In the right is a newly apartment built (the second apartment in Jatinangor area)
The photo is near my village, it is built to provide rental apartment for students of universities and colleges opening branches in the suburb, their main campuses are in Bandung city.
The universities and college are: Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB), Indonesian Cooperative Institute (IKOPIN), and the College of Public Administration (IPDN). Formerly in this suburb area was Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM) this university is administered by Provincial Government of West Java Province. UNWIM was moved to new campus located in Sumedang district. In the short explanation above, it is recognized that city government build and provide infrastructure and public facilities for the citizen or people living in the urban area.
It can be made a list of benefit for citizen and people living in urban, among other are:
1. Some but not many, people who feel unsafe live in rural area due to security ration. This people who have a belief or religion which are not the same with the belief of the majority in the rural. Primordial belief in rural is sensitive case, some cases is proof that the security officer (police) and rural figure person are difficult to control this case. While in city life or urban area, people is rather indifferent in the primordial cases.
2. After technology came to rural, in this case the agricultural technology, only a small number of men are requires to till land and do agricultural activities. Rural unemployment has insisted many people to go outside rural for seeking jobs. Being an urban people this unskilled people can choose any jobs and earning activity. In urban there are many possibility to earn money for livelihood, Be a seller of groceries, be a street vendors, work to serve as house maid, be a worker of all kind in repairing house, be a gardener in an elite housing, many other jobs attracting people to live in urban.
3. Live in urban for continuing their study to higher education levels. In rural are schools but up to Senior High School. Better universities are in city or town, even the best senior high school is in urban area. Parents who want their children to be educated in best or favorite high school have to send their children live in urban.
4. Other facilities as complete/advanced facility for health/hospital, business agents, and many other are available in urban. They are part of benefit of living in urban. As people of moderate in thinking the advancement of tradition towards better life is acommodated by all people.
New Building of Apartment Now in my village is beginning to make new housing to facilitate students studying in extension campuses of universities and college mentioned above. the house is not houses as traditional in my village instead a high stories building commonly called an apartment. It is more than 10 stories high. It a new scenery in my hilly village. Indeed it makes our village more beautiful with this high building. More than just a beautiful apartment, it also make economy of people activated,
Hundreds of workers and tens of trucks and traffic of people intensify in this quite sub-district.
I guess, in the years to come this sub-district will really become the suburb of the current big city of Bandung. I am feeling my children will also think to remove his and her houses to more quite sub-district as had done in 1990s when I moved from my crowded village in Bandung.
It is really the dynamic and development of people in the crust of the earth we cannot deny or restrict. Fortunately the development of this region is in line with the planning of Provincial government stating that the Eastern suburb of the Great City of Bandung is allocated as educational center.
The Growing Over Crowded Village is in the process.
It is better condition if compared with the Western suburb which is allocated as industrial and commercial centers.
Read another article of the life in village Click Here.
over crowded
Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber
Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber
PLease be patient to see this link
Rubber was found in Latin America. Amazon valley is the original place of the mysterious and very valuable thing
Let us talk about the thing beginning from the harvest of the latex.
Tapping Rubber Tree Back Ground :
Rubber is important thing to make the life is more comfortable. Imagine a chair without this material (rubber). a little part in this thing make our body comfortable when sitting. And what happen if the wheels of car made of wood (as it was before the invention of rubber to replace the wood).
Tools and equipment needed :
1. tapping knife,
2. containers (churn, small bucket, cup),
Application : Tapper come to plantation early in the morning before the sun light penetrates the shrubs or plants in plantation. In tropical regions before 6 hours a.m.(morning).
Tapper come directly to their task area (part of plantation) where a group of rubber trees are to be tapped.
Steps of tapping :
1. Clean the tapping panel from the scrape (filaments of frozen latex flowing down the bark of tree after the cup collected at the previous tapping (two, thee days ago)
2. Clean the groove (line on the bark where the latex flowing out the bark)
3. Slice or cut the grove accordingly (the smaller the better)
4. Check or see if the flow of latex is on the right track.
5. Put the cup on cup ring to contain the flowing latex
6.The work of tapper finish.
Compiling Latex.
7.Around 2 hours later, the flowing of latex stop.
8.Compile latex out of cups and pour into the small bucket.
9. Put the latex in the small bucket in to churn
10. Work of tapping completely finish.
That is the first stage of producing the mysterious thing...rubber. Latex are collected from rubber tree
(Hevea brasilliensis) .
Rubber is of many advantages in life of modern people. the latex is then process to several kind of raw
material for industries. Indeed it is a Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber because it has plastic
characteristic makes the life flexible and relax. Relax makes healthy life and happier.
Let us wait the process in other articles.
PLease be patient to see this link
Rubber was found in Latin America. Amazon valley is the original place of the mysterious and very valuable thing
Let us talk about the thing beginning from the harvest of the latex.
Tapping Rubber Tree Back Ground :
Rubber is important thing to make the life is more comfortable. Imagine a chair without this material (rubber). a little part in this thing make our body comfortable when sitting. And what happen if the wheels of car made of wood (as it was before the invention of rubber to replace the wood).
Tools and equipment needed :
1. tapping knife,
2. containers (churn, small bucket, cup),
Application : Tapper come to plantation early in the morning before the sun light penetrates the shrubs or plants in plantation. In tropical regions before 6 hours a.m.(morning).
Tapper come directly to their task area (part of plantation) where a group of rubber trees are to be tapped.
Steps of tapping :
1. Clean the tapping panel from the scrape (filaments of frozen latex flowing down the bark of tree after the cup collected at the previous tapping (two, thee days ago)
2. Clean the groove (line on the bark where the latex flowing out the bark)
3. Slice or cut the grove accordingly (the smaller the better)
4. Check or see if the flow of latex is on the right track.
5. Put the cup on cup ring to contain the flowing latex
6.The work of tapper finish.
Compiling Latex.
7.Around 2 hours later, the flowing of latex stop.
8.Compile latex out of cups and pour into the small bucket.
9. Put the latex in the small bucket in to churn
10. Work of tapping completely finish.
That is the first stage of producing the mysterious thing...rubber. Latex are collected from rubber tree
(Hevea brasilliensis) .
Rubber is of many advantages in life of modern people. the latex is then process to several kind of raw
material for industries. Indeed it is a Mysterious Plastic Material The Rubber because it has plastic
characteristic makes the life flexible and relax. Relax makes healthy life and happier.
Let us wait the process in other articles.
Harvesting : Picking Clove Flower And Quinine And Tea Picking
1. Harvesting : Picking Clove Flower And Quinine And Tea Picking
As an agronomist, there is special technique to harvest clove flower properly.
To get maximum quality of clove as the raw material to get medical substance out od the clove. It is the eugenol oil to cure some illness.
Here are steps and ways to harvest the flower. Clove plant is harvested in two kinds of yields: they are :
1. Leaves. this leaves of mature age are the raw material to get oil. (less quality)
2. Flower. Flower of clove is commoner to be extracted and get the oil of high quality.
Here are the ways to pick or to harvest the yield in the form of flower.
1. Wait the flower to get mature. the indication of mature is the flower have grown and get the maximum differentiation of its form.
2, The form of peak growth is maximum in size. One have to recognize the normal and the maximum size of the clove flower depend on the variety.
3. Pick the flower a day before it opens.
Remind not to be late in picking. Indication of late is the flower open (eflorescence). If the flower open it means the quality degrade.
4 Pick the flower and let it dries in nature. Do not dry by direct sunlight. Let the flower undergo ufter-picking ripening.
5 One day after picking, dry the flower in sundrying.
6. Pack in special package sfter the flower dry.
Protect the package from water or moist. Moisture may degrade the quality. Keep the package dry and store in sufficent air circulation. but not in damp condition.
2. How To Harvest Quinine Tree
is very important in combating the malaria diseases . malaria is
dangerous ajnd daedly diseases especially in tropical countries. Quinine
plantation is planted to produce the skin of the quinine tree.
When the plant mature enough in the age after planting some years old. Three is cut down and the stem or stalks are collected and transported to a barn. Barn as the building where the stalks of quinine is goin to process further.
The processing is very simple and it very traditional. This processing is the works to separate the skin from the wood contain in the stalks. the skin is not so difficult to chop off, Using knife or chisel or any other means the skin or the bark of quinine trees are separated.
After the skin is got. now the after that process is to extract the alcaloid content of the tree. alcaloid chemical substance is extracted by chemical process.
And the extracts is the end goal to yield the quinine plantation.

When the plant mature enough in the age after planting some years old. Three is cut down and the stem or stalks are collected and transported to a barn. Barn as the building where the stalks of quinine is goin to process further.
The processing is very simple and it very traditional. This processing is the works to separate the skin from the wood contain in the stalks. the skin is not so difficult to chop off, Using knife or chisel or any other means the skin or the bark of quinine trees are separated.
After the skin is got. now the after that process is to extract the alcaloid content of the tree. alcaloid chemical substance is extracted by chemical process.
And the extracts is the end goal to yield the quinine plantation.
Photo of quinine plantion is downloaded by permission of the Planttation News.
3) The Right Way To Pick Tea Sprout
How TO keep the Right Way in picking tea
Tea is Famous for the refresher Drink.
Tea is served to get refresher after toil for day or for cetain period makes the body feel tired. Tea was introduced by Chinese merchant and by Japanese to our country. But actually in the 18 century there was already tea plantation and tea factory to process the sprout of the tea plant.
The quality of tea is depend on the good series of processing. the process begin in the time the tea sprout are gathered and transported with the ways. In this step the tea sprout must be escorted to enable Quality assured since in the form of leaf.
Other factor affecting quality of tea is the picking method and the picking frequency and the quality of tea water is guaranted by the tea tester.
Tea tester speak in the sake of quality. the younger of the leaves the better quality will be haved. Young or old of tea is the based on the frequencies of tea picking (For example : 6 days, 9 days, 12 days or other.)
This perode make the growth of leaf was limited.
Frequency of picking is the most important ways to keep the quality of tea high. Frequency of tea picking is known by all the workers (the tea pickers).
That is the way how to keep the right way to pick tea. The right ways was controlled by setting the frequency of picking. A fixed and confirmed schedule is set in such a way that all tea pickers and other workers involve in tea picking know it.
By this schedule the right way of tea picking is managed and controlled. so there will be right way to pick the tea sprout or young tea leaves.

Tea is Famous for the refresher Drink.
Tea is served to get refresher after toil for day or for cetain period makes the body feel tired. Tea was introduced by Chinese merchant and by Japanese to our country. But actually in the 18 century there was already tea plantation and tea factory to process the sprout of the tea plant.
The quality of tea is depend on the good series of processing. the process begin in the time the tea sprout are gathered and transported with the ways. In this step the tea sprout must be escorted to enable Quality assured since in the form of leaf.
Other factor affecting quality of tea is the picking method and the picking frequency and the quality of tea water is guaranted by the tea tester.
Tea tester speak in the sake of quality. the younger of the leaves the better quality will be haved. Young or old of tea is the based on the frequencies of tea picking (For example : 6 days, 9 days, 12 days or other.)
This perode make the growth of leaf was limited.
Frequency of picking is the most important ways to keep the quality of tea high. Frequency of tea picking is known by all the workers (the tea pickers).
That is the way how to keep the right way to pick tea. The right ways was controlled by setting the frequency of picking. A fixed and confirmed schedule is set in such a way that all tea pickers and other workers involve in tea picking know it.
By this schedule the right way of tea picking is managed and controlled. so there will be right way to pick the tea sprout or young tea leaves.
Photo of Tea Picker is inserted by permission to Plantation news report.
Harvesting : Picking Clove Flower And Quinine And Tea Picking
Harvesting : Picking Clove Flower And Quinine And Tea Picking
World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
.....Photo is the Merdeka Building DEcorated to memorize the Asian African Conference in 2015.
Historical Building For The Better Life In The World Description: Location Bandung. Venue : Merdeka Street.
The People in the world will know that there is still standing a historical building for the third world countries.
Asian African countries leaders had ever gather in this building to declare their willing to be independent in their live as independent countries. the building is the Gedung Merdeka means Independent Building. the building is in Bandung, Indonesia.
As a World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
Bandung is capital city of West Java Province. It is around 200 km easter of Jakarta. Jakarta is capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. In the building in 1955, leaders of Asian and African countries sat togather and spook about the building of their countries.
They promised to help each others and make cooperation in their effort to establish welfare and prosperous countries. We note there were many countries in Asia and Africa which were still ordered anf governed by western.
We know there were governed by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and others European countries. We do not blamed them as fully dominated and suppressed the Asian and the African.
There are many heritages left by westerners affecting good for the development of the countries concerned as in Indonesia there many building established by Dutch Government in the ages of 18 and 19, and now the building are still functioning and valuable for people and government.
There are plantations of Tea, Coffea, Quinine, palm Oil, Sugarcane, coconut, and others esates crops. People and the government get valuable economic in the plantation.
There also establisment as dams, railways, highways and other built by Dutch government. They are may be belong to World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
So, in short, Asian and African countries should work together with western countries and keep the western as partners and friend in the frame work of good relationship and brothership.
There is photo of Independent Building decorated in comemoration of the 60 th years of Asian Africa conference last year (2015)
.....Photo is the Merdeka Building DEcorated to memorize the Asian African Conference in 2015.
Historical Building For The Better Life In The World Description: Location Bandung. Venue : Merdeka Street.
The People in the world will know that there is still standing a historical building for the third world countries.
Asian African countries leaders had ever gather in this building to declare their willing to be independent in their live as independent countries. the building is the Gedung Merdeka means Independent Building. the building is in Bandung, Indonesia.
As a World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
Bandung is capital city of West Java Province. It is around 200 km easter of Jakarta. Jakarta is capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. In the building in 1955, leaders of Asian and African countries sat togather and spook about the building of their countries.
They promised to help each others and make cooperation in their effort to establish welfare and prosperous countries. We note there were many countries in Asia and Africa which were still ordered anf governed by western.
We know there were governed by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and others European countries. We do not blamed them as fully dominated and suppressed the Asian and the African.
There are many heritages left by westerners affecting good for the development of the countries concerned as in Indonesia there many building established by Dutch Government in the ages of 18 and 19, and now the building are still functioning and valuable for people and government.
There are plantations of Tea, Coffea, Quinine, palm Oil, Sugarcane, coconut, and others esates crops. People and the government get valuable economic in the plantation.
There also establisment as dams, railways, highways and other built by Dutch government. They are may be belong to World Heritages and Memorizing Asia Africa Movement
So, in short, Asian and African countries should work together with western countries and keep the western as partners and friend in the frame work of good relationship and brothership.
There is photo of Independent Building decorated in comemoration of the 60 th years of Asian Africa conference last year (2015)
Way to Refresh Rooms in A House or Office
Way to Refresh Rooms in A House or Office
There are many ways to make our house beautiful and more than beautiful tehre is a source of refreshing gas ...the oxygen. People may withstand for weeks without food, and for days without water.
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There are many ways to make our house beautiful and more than beautiful tehre is a source of refreshing gas ...the oxygen. People may withstand for weeks without food, and for days without water.
However people will only withstand just, said an expert, for four minutes without Oxygen.
Flowing wind to a room for good aeration is one way of the many ways to make room fresh and refresh.
Cleaning the environment is another ways. Keep the rotten substance out the room is the other ways. and so many other.
An office is already kept clean by a team of cleaning service. The team is hired and the cleaning servants are trained or are hired from professional out sourcing institution.
The team is negotiated by a department in the office in charge of preparing all parts and sectors to be function properly.
Rooms must be cleaned and refresh as indicated with the clean floof, walls, all furnitures installed in the rooms.
Way to Refresh Rooms in A House or Office
However, what is inhalled by the workers, employee and employer is not only the cleanliness of the floor, walls, and all the furniture installed in the rooms, but the fresh air that is available in the whole rooms.
Way to Refresh Rooms in A House or Office
Air is gas, it is the prime supply of all energy even more than energy. Oxygen is the prime important. oxygen must be enough in proportion contained in the air or atmosphere near the human living in active in the rooms.
The content of oxygen in the room must be enough . It is the normal condition when human feel health to inshall the air in fresh condition.
Fresh here is meant that the oxygen is enough and there must not be polluted by other odour substance as the rotten substance lying out side the room.
Smell bad substance will make the fresh air polluted and the gas mix the fresh will cause unpleasant to smell.
Oxygen is produce by vegetation, it
is a by product of photosynthesis reaction happend in the green plant or
Plant metabolism derives the oxygen. the photosynthesis reaction is happening in chlorophyll (green pigment of plant)in the present of sun light. the components to the reaction of photosynthesis are water (the liquid ) and the carbon dioxide (the toxic gas).
This chemical reaction will produce glucose the starch. and the by product is the most vital gas for life. Oxygen is gas making people feel refresh when breath. Oxygen is gas having function to burn nutrion taken in aour menu..
Plant metabolism derives the oxygen. the photosynthesis reaction is happening in chlorophyll (green pigment of plant)in the present of sun light. the components to the reaction of photosynthesis are water (the liquid ) and the carbon dioxide (the toxic gas).
This chemical reaction will produce glucose the starch. and the by product is the most vital gas for life. Oxygen is gas making people feel refresh when breath. Oxygen is gas having function to burn nutrion taken in aour menu..
By this reason, when we need to refresh the room, complete the room with vegetation producing oxygen. The vegetation having beautiful to look, that is ornamental plant as flowers. but be carefull the flower plants of non-green in colour will consume oxygen in the absent of sun shine and the in the night when there is no sun radiation.
In the consideration of this reason many people supply and put ornamental plants in the rooms to attract the eyes and the sight feel calm and beatuful and the flower plant that produce oxygen. Oxygen makes human feel refresh and healthy and more energy will be affective to be utilized by human body metabolism.
That is all for the mean time...See you next.. Thanks.
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
The People in the world will know that there is still standing a historical building for the third world countries.
Asian African countries leaders had ever gather in this building to declare their willing to be independent in their live as independent countries. the building is the Gedung Merdeka means Independent Building. the building is in Bandung, Indonesia.
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country. Bandung is capital city of West Java Province. It is around 200 km eastern of Jakarta.
Jakarta is capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. In the building in 1955, leaders of Asian and African countries sat togather and spook about the building of their countries.
They promised to help each others and make cooperation in their effort to establish welfare and prosperous countries. We note there were many countries in Asia and Africa which were still ordered anf governed by western.
We know there were governed by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and others European countries. We do not blamed them as fully dominated and suppressed the Asian and the African.
There are many heritages left by westerners affecting good for the development of the countries concerned as in Indonesia there many building established by Dutch Government in the ages of 18 and 19, and now the building are still functioning and valuable for people and government.
There are plantions of Tea, Coffea, Quinine, palm Oil, Sugarcane, coconut, and others esates crops.
People and the government get valuable economic in the plantation. there also establisment as dams, railways, highways and other built by Dutch government.
So, in short, Asian and African countries should work together with western countries and keep the western as partners and friend in the frame work of good relationship and brothership.
Below is photo of Independent Building,, decorated in commemoration of the 60 th years of Asian Africa conference last year (2015)
It is building to memorize the Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
The People in the world will know that there is still standing a historical building for the third world countries.
Asian African countries leaders had ever gather in this building to declare their willing to be independent in their live as independent countries. the building is the Gedung Merdeka means Independent Building. the building is in Bandung, Indonesia.
Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country. Bandung is capital city of West Java Province. It is around 200 km eastern of Jakarta.
Jakarta is capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. In the building in 1955, leaders of Asian and African countries sat togather and spook about the building of their countries.
They promised to help each others and make cooperation in their effort to establish welfare and prosperous countries. We note there were many countries in Asia and Africa which were still ordered anf governed by western.
We know there were governed by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and others European countries. We do not blamed them as fully dominated and suppressed the Asian and the African.
There are many heritages left by westerners affecting good for the development of the countries concerned as in Indonesia there many building established by Dutch Government in the ages of 18 and 19, and now the building are still functioning and valuable for people and government.
There are plantions of Tea, Coffea, Quinine, palm Oil, Sugarcane, coconut, and others esates crops.
People and the government get valuable economic in the plantation. there also establisment as dams, railways, highways and other built by Dutch government.
So, in short, Asian and African countries should work together with western countries and keep the western as partners and friend in the frame work of good relationship and brothership.
Below is photo of Independent Building,, decorated in commemoration of the 60 th years of Asian Africa conference last year (2015)
It is building to memorize the Asia Africa Movement To Independent Country
Earn Money By Writing Review or Article and Etc.
Earn Money By Writing Review or
Article and Etc.
Dear readers
Hopefully you are willing to join in this economic activity, and the earning is to donate to the need people in my village (as charity activities).
If you please to read other articles there are some other in this blog worth reading..
Article and Etc.
Dear readers
Hopefully you are willing to join in this economic activity, and the earning is to donate to the need people in my village (as charity activities).
If you please to read other articles there are some other in this blog worth reading..
Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
(Left) is photo taken for free from/provide by the Google showing the fresh environment.
Some Methods to Refresh Roomsin A House or Office An office is already kept clean by a team of cleaning service.
The team is hired and the cleaning servants are trained or are hired from professional outsourcing institution.
The team is negotiated by a department in the office in charge of preparing all parts and sectors to be function properly. Rooms must be cleaned and refresh as indicated with the clean floof, walls, all furniture installed in the rooms.
However, what is inhalled by the workers, employee and employer is not only the cleanliness of the floor, walls, and all the furnitures installed in the rooms, but the fresh air that is available in the whole rooms. Air is gas, it is the prime supply of all energy even more than energy.
Oxygen is the prime important. oxygen must be enough in proportion contained in the air or atmosphere near the human living in active in the rooms. The content of oxygen in the room must be 20%-21%.
Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
It is the normal condition when human feel health to inshall the air in fresh condition. Fresh here is meant that the oxygen is enough and there must not be polluted by other odour substance as the rotten substance lying out side the room.
Smell bad substance will make the fresh air polluted and the gas mix the fresh will cause unpleasant to smell. Oxygen is produce by vegetation, it is a by product of photosynthesis reaction happend in the green plant or vegetation.
Plant metabolism derives the oxygen. the photosynthesis reaction is happening in chlorophyll (green pigment of plant)in the present of sun light. the components to the reaction of photosynthesis are water H2O and the carbon dioxide (CO2).
This chemical reaction will produce glucose the starch. and the by product is O2 or oxygen. Oxygen is gas making people feel refresh when breath. Oxygen is gas having function to burn nutrion (food).
So, when we need to refresh the room, complete the room with vegetation producing oxygen. The vegetation having beautiful to look, that is ornamental plant as flowers. but be carefull the flower plants of non-green in colour will consume oxygen in the absent of sun linght (at night).
That is why put ornamental plants in the rooms to attract the eyes and the sight feel calm and beatuful and the flower plant that produce oxygen. Oxygen makes human feel fresh and healthy and that is one of
.Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
(Left) is photo taken for free from/provide by the Google showing the fresh environment.
Some Methods to Refresh Roomsin A House or Office An office is already kept clean by a team of cleaning service.
The team is hired and the cleaning servants are trained or are hired from professional outsourcing institution.
The team is negotiated by a department in the office in charge of preparing all parts and sectors to be function properly. Rooms must be cleaned and refresh as indicated with the clean floof, walls, all furniture installed in the rooms.
However, what is inhalled by the workers, employee and employer is not only the cleanliness of the floor, walls, and all the furnitures installed in the rooms, but the fresh air that is available in the whole rooms. Air is gas, it is the prime supply of all energy even more than energy.
Oxygen is the prime important. oxygen must be enough in proportion contained in the air or atmosphere near the human living in active in the rooms. The content of oxygen in the room must be 20%-21%.
Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
It is the normal condition when human feel health to inshall the air in fresh condition. Fresh here is meant that the oxygen is enough and there must not be polluted by other odour substance as the rotten substance lying out side the room.
Smell bad substance will make the fresh air polluted and the gas mix the fresh will cause unpleasant to smell. Oxygen is produce by vegetation, it is a by product of photosynthesis reaction happend in the green plant or vegetation.
Plant metabolism derives the oxygen. the photosynthesis reaction is happening in chlorophyll (green pigment of plant)in the present of sun light. the components to the reaction of photosynthesis are water H2O and the carbon dioxide (CO2).
This chemical reaction will produce glucose the starch. and the by product is O2 or oxygen. Oxygen is gas making people feel refresh when breath. Oxygen is gas having function to burn nutrion (food).
So, when we need to refresh the room, complete the room with vegetation producing oxygen. The vegetation having beautiful to look, that is ornamental plant as flowers. but be carefull the flower plants of non-green in colour will consume oxygen in the absent of sun linght (at night).
That is why put ornamental plants in the rooms to attract the eyes and the sight feel calm and beatuful and the flower plant that produce oxygen. Oxygen makes human feel fresh and healthy and that is one of
.Some Methods to Refresh Rooms
Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts
Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts
How to help people having the Heart Attack disease and how to Relieving Efforts
Relieving Heart Disease are always be the task of doctor to find the best way. Here one of the most is practised by people and suggested by doctors.
Description: Morning Exercise and Jogging to Relieve The Hard feeling the Chest.
Relieving Hard Feeling when Heart Attach. It is very pain to suffer the pain in the heart.
Doctor heart specialist and the internist are always suggesting the patient not to be panic when a symptom to begin the pain.
Doctor is suggesting the patient to do exercise sufficiently every day. the exercise is to train the heart to counteract when outside situation affect the heart as the weather and climate as too cold. in rainy season in tropical countries or region.
By exercising regularly the work of heart will normally stable . this condition will avoid the sudden biting of the heart making the patient feel hard in the chest. Relieve feeling by this slight exercise.
Patien will also feel better and be familiar with this pain. Moderate pain will be felt slight and slight pain will not be felt totally. Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts
Running and jogging make the muscle around the heart relax when the biting of heart suddent increase to worse. But the patient is already trained and be more familiar with the condition.
Well, that is just one of the ways how to help people having disease of Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts.
May we succeed in helping other people.
How to help people having the Heart Attack disease and how to Relieving Efforts
Relieving Heart Disease are always be the task of doctor to find the best way. Here one of the most is practised by people and suggested by doctors.
Description: Morning Exercise and Jogging to Relieve The Hard feeling the Chest.
Relieving Hard Feeling when Heart Attach. It is very pain to suffer the pain in the heart.
Doctor heart specialist and the internist are always suggesting the patient not to be panic when a symptom to begin the pain.
Doctor is suggesting the patient to do exercise sufficiently every day. the exercise is to train the heart to counteract when outside situation affect the heart as the weather and climate as too cold. in rainy season in tropical countries or region.
By exercising regularly the work of heart will normally stable . this condition will avoid the sudden biting of the heart making the patient feel hard in the chest. Relieve feeling by this slight exercise.
Patien will also feel better and be familiar with this pain. Moderate pain will be felt slight and slight pain will not be felt totally. Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts
Running and jogging make the muscle around the heart relax when the biting of heart suddent increase to worse. But the patient is already trained and be more familiar with the condition.
Well, that is just one of the ways how to help people having disease of Heart Attack and Relieving Efforts.
May we succeed in helping other people.
The Most popular and The Cheapest Food
The Most popular and The Cheapest Food
Introduction Cilok is becoming more and more popular throughout Indonesia.
It is The Most popular and The Cheapest Food. it is prepared of starch or cassava flour which is easily produced in this country. Starch belongs to carbohydrates. It is a component of diet along with protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Starch is energy source for human body metabolism.
Starch is nutrition to generate human activity. Without carbohydrate in a diet man will feel lame and less energy in performing his activities. Lately, the recipe of preparing cilok is improved with enriching it with fish meal to add the important component of protein making it more delicious and healthier.
That is why, the food which is initially popular in the low income community, now it is also becoming the choice of supplement food of better income community as workers of prestigious corporations and students of health and of medicine faculties of university. Pupil of Elementary School are buying cilok.
Below is not cilok but another starch but fried.
New Coming and Popular Food In the neighbor countries of Indonesia as Singapore, Malaysia and even Australia ?. There is easily to find Indonesia restaurant serving famous and delicious beef prepared with tick spices called rendang. People like rendang because it is prepared of meet (protein) with palatable taste and highly nutrition characteristic. People is better informed that protein is important for body development.
But other story of cilok which is prepared of carbohydrate, and the carbohydrate is of cassava starch. Cassava starch flour is inferior to wheat or rice flours. Wheat flour is imported, Indonesian land and climate are not suitable for wheat cultivation. Wheat flour is expensive in this country, it is considered as the first quality flour. Next quality or the second best quality is rice (paddy) flour. Rice is the staple food for Indonesia.
Farmers grow rice plant at least twice a year. Indonesia produces much rice, but sometimes Indonesian government has to import rice in case the harvest partly failed to get the production target. And the third is starch (cassava) flour. Starch is the cheapest among the rice and wheat flours. People will feel less pride when consume cassava tuber and so the food made of the starch.
Ok, it is adapted for new developing and not so rich countries where carbohydrate is the most consumed food The Most popular and The Cheapest Food
However, why cilok that is derivative of cassava is becoming popular. At least there are 3 reasons :
1. Sweet. Starch or carbohydrates has characteristic of sweet in taste when it is chewed in the mouth after mixed with digestive saliva enzyme.
2. Much Cheaper. Cassava is easily cultivated plant, so the starch is much produced in this country. Starch is easily found in the traditional market with cheap in price, and affordable by most Indonesian people which are low income. Pupil of elementary and secondary schools, and less-paid workers communities are the first communities made cilok is existed and now is becoming established as menu of most Indonesian.
3. Nutrient Enriched Cilok. Cooker is creatively formulating new components enriching its nutrition as adding the fish meal into cilok formulation. This protein component contained in cilok causing many people of different levels of economic are fond of cilok. Cilok is known to be a popular food only recently.
The name is akroname of West Javanese (Sundanese) words “aci dicolok” means noodle of starch stuck with pointed little bamboo stick. The stick is the same function as fork. Dough of cilok made of starch flour, salt, fish meal (if any), and water and is formed a round like ball, smaller than golf ball. The raw ball is steamed in steamer pan.
Ripe cilok is served with sauces prepared of spices, tomato, sugar, salt. This sauces is showered on the ripe cilok. Cassava starch is high energy source nutrition. Cassava is grouped as tuber plant of higher carbohydrate quality compared to taros or sweet potato.
However it is lower than the quality of potato. Farmers have recognized there are some species of cassava tuber that bitter in taste, containing of high percentage of cyanide acid (HCN). HCN is poisonous for human and mammal animal (forest fig and rat).
These animals have also recognized the species of cassava plant causing death if it is consumed. No animal will eat this bitter cassava tuber. The bitter cassava species contain more percentage of starch that it is better for being planted and its tuber is processed for producing starch. The HCN contents was expelled ( drained off) during processing of the starch. That is why the starch produced is not taste bitter any more and it is safe to consume..
Enriched cilok contains more nutrients. it is more than just a carbohydrates. More over cilok is with sauces of nutritious quality as tomato, pepper, salt, sugar, and other spices, and protein containing sources as ketchup (made of soybean), and fish meal. With addition of fish meal to cilok recipe, it means cilok nutrition contents is enriched with protein.
That is why, higher income employees and youngers communities are eager to consume cilok. The comsumers of cilok are now not only those of the lower income or the have not community, but the better earning and the elite students of medicine are queeing to buy cilok
Figure 1. Student of College of Nutrition of Malang (East Java) is campaigning nutritious
Cilok in the commemoration of National Nutrition Days on 25 January 2015. Student are buying cilok in front of their campus. Cilok Consumers. Cilok sellers (which is also the cooker) selling in elementary school of rural area are prepared the sauces as simple as possible, because the buyer is elementary and yunior secondary are student of less money provided by their parent in a very limited sum.
While cilok seller selling in area of high income employee as in business office, in university, in public service offices, and hotels they will prepare sauces cilok in a very high quality. And the price is higher then that made by seller who sell cilok in the former community.
Cassave is now in its place in the menu of Indonesian food as it was ever exist in time when Indonesian in the era before the finding of oil wells drilled and Indonesia belongs to Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC). When Indonesian net oil exporting,
Indonesian was experiencing welfare, they had breakfast with bread and chees, and milk, and the were forgetting food made of cassava. And after Indonesia was struck with economic turmoil and the country is no more net exporting oil countries.
Cilok is growing the Most popular and The Cheapest Food.
This derivative Cassava foods as enriched cilok offers price of affordable to all level of economic strata. and it is prospective to be popular in developing countries.
Introduction Cilok is becoming more and more popular throughout Indonesia.
It is The Most popular and The Cheapest Food. it is prepared of starch or cassava flour which is easily produced in this country. Starch belongs to carbohydrates. It is a component of diet along with protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Starch is energy source for human body metabolism.
Starch is nutrition to generate human activity. Without carbohydrate in a diet man will feel lame and less energy in performing his activities. Lately, the recipe of preparing cilok is improved with enriching it with fish meal to add the important component of protein making it more delicious and healthier.
That is why, the food which is initially popular in the low income community, now it is also becoming the choice of supplement food of better income community as workers of prestigious corporations and students of health and of medicine faculties of university. Pupil of Elementary School are buying cilok.
Below is not cilok but another starch but fried.
New Coming and Popular Food In the neighbor countries of Indonesia as Singapore, Malaysia and even Australia ?. There is easily to find Indonesia restaurant serving famous and delicious beef prepared with tick spices called rendang. People like rendang because it is prepared of meet (protein) with palatable taste and highly nutrition characteristic. People is better informed that protein is important for body development.
But other story of cilok which is prepared of carbohydrate, and the carbohydrate is of cassava starch. Cassava starch flour is inferior to wheat or rice flours. Wheat flour is imported, Indonesian land and climate are not suitable for wheat cultivation. Wheat flour is expensive in this country, it is considered as the first quality flour. Next quality or the second best quality is rice (paddy) flour. Rice is the staple food for Indonesia.
Farmers grow rice plant at least twice a year. Indonesia produces much rice, but sometimes Indonesian government has to import rice in case the harvest partly failed to get the production target. And the third is starch (cassava) flour. Starch is the cheapest among the rice and wheat flours. People will feel less pride when consume cassava tuber and so the food made of the starch.
Ok, it is adapted for new developing and not so rich countries where carbohydrate is the most consumed food The Most popular and The Cheapest Food
However, why cilok that is derivative of cassava is becoming popular. At least there are 3 reasons :
1. Sweet. Starch or carbohydrates has characteristic of sweet in taste when it is chewed in the mouth after mixed with digestive saliva enzyme.
2. Much Cheaper. Cassava is easily cultivated plant, so the starch is much produced in this country. Starch is easily found in the traditional market with cheap in price, and affordable by most Indonesian people which are low income. Pupil of elementary and secondary schools, and less-paid workers communities are the first communities made cilok is existed and now is becoming established as menu of most Indonesian.
3. Nutrient Enriched Cilok. Cooker is creatively formulating new components enriching its nutrition as adding the fish meal into cilok formulation. This protein component contained in cilok causing many people of different levels of economic are fond of cilok. Cilok is known to be a popular food only recently.
The name is akroname of West Javanese (Sundanese) words “aci dicolok” means noodle of starch stuck with pointed little bamboo stick. The stick is the same function as fork. Dough of cilok made of starch flour, salt, fish meal (if any), and water and is formed a round like ball, smaller than golf ball. The raw ball is steamed in steamer pan.
Ripe cilok is served with sauces prepared of spices, tomato, sugar, salt. This sauces is showered on the ripe cilok. Cassava starch is high energy source nutrition. Cassava is grouped as tuber plant of higher carbohydrate quality compared to taros or sweet potato.
However it is lower than the quality of potato. Farmers have recognized there are some species of cassava tuber that bitter in taste, containing of high percentage of cyanide acid (HCN). HCN is poisonous for human and mammal animal (forest fig and rat).
These animals have also recognized the species of cassava plant causing death if it is consumed. No animal will eat this bitter cassava tuber. The bitter cassava species contain more percentage of starch that it is better for being planted and its tuber is processed for producing starch. The HCN contents was expelled ( drained off) during processing of the starch. That is why the starch produced is not taste bitter any more and it is safe to consume..
Enriched cilok contains more nutrients. it is more than just a carbohydrates. More over cilok is with sauces of nutritious quality as tomato, pepper, salt, sugar, and other spices, and protein containing sources as ketchup (made of soybean), and fish meal. With addition of fish meal to cilok recipe, it means cilok nutrition contents is enriched with protein.
That is why, higher income employees and youngers communities are eager to consume cilok. The comsumers of cilok are now not only those of the lower income or the have not community, but the better earning and the elite students of medicine are queeing to buy cilok
Figure 1. Student of College of Nutrition of Malang (East Java) is campaigning nutritious
Cilok in the commemoration of National Nutrition Days on 25 January 2015. Student are buying cilok in front of their campus. Cilok Consumers. Cilok sellers (which is also the cooker) selling in elementary school of rural area are prepared the sauces as simple as possible, because the buyer is elementary and yunior secondary are student of less money provided by their parent in a very limited sum.
While cilok seller selling in area of high income employee as in business office, in university, in public service offices, and hotels they will prepare sauces cilok in a very high quality. And the price is higher then that made by seller who sell cilok in the former community.
Cassave is now in its place in the menu of Indonesian food as it was ever exist in time when Indonesian in the era before the finding of oil wells drilled and Indonesia belongs to Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC). When Indonesian net oil exporting,
Indonesian was experiencing welfare, they had breakfast with bread and chees, and milk, and the were forgetting food made of cassava. And after Indonesia was struck with economic turmoil and the country is no more net exporting oil countries.
Cilok is growing the Most popular and The Cheapest Food.
This derivative Cassava foods as enriched cilok offers price of affordable to all level of economic strata. and it is prospective to be popular in developing countries.
the cheapest
the most
Landbouw Bedrijf School (LBS) Agricultural School
Landbouw Bedrijf School (LBS) Agricultural School
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The statues are Prince Kornel (Sumedang regent) and Herman Willem Daendels (the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies) stand in lawn of Winaya Mukti University of West Java. Indonesia. The History of Winaya Mukti University.
This University is the continuation of the Agricultural School which was established by Dutch Government in 1914. The objectives were to provide agricultural extension workers of native Indonesian to develop agricultural techniques among farmers in region (WEST Java).
The Government of Dutch was concerned to enhance the farmer welfare through up-grading the capability of farmers in producing crops, livestock, and fish. The School was developed to be Senior High School of Agriculture, then Tanjungsari Agriculture College, and now it becomes Faculty of Agriculture as one of faculties in Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM).
The History of Unwim started since the establishment Landbouw Bedrijf School (LBS) in the year 1914-1941 by the Government of Dutch, Agricultural Education the first days of the Dutch government which can not be released between the history of [[Prince/Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja]] ([[Prince of Mecca]]) and the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies [[Herman Willem Daendels]].
Then in 1965 the Governor of West Java TK.I make [[Academy of Agricultural Tanjungsari]] (APT), which is then followed by [[Technology Academy of Public Works]] (ATPU) in 1965, [[Academy of Forestry Science]] (AIK) year 1966 and [[Academy of Industry and Commerce]] (AIN) 1967.
In 1986 the board of West Java KORPRI form [[Foundation for Higher Education Winaya Mukti]] defined by the Notary Komar Andasasmita, SH. No. 3 dated January 8, 1986, and perfected by the Notary Komar Andasasmita, SH. No. 6 dated August 10, 1990. In 1990 the Governor of West Java TK.I create policies to integrate 4 Academy (APT, ATPU, AIK, AIN) Being Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Economics, University Winaya Mukti, received confirmation from Minister of Education and Culture by Decree No. 0141 / A / 0/1991 March 25. until now all students Unwim has spread all over Indonesia for dedicated their science has been in the can in Unwim.
Since the opening of this agricultural school up to 1980s, Indonesian Government Service Offices in charge of Agricultural affairs have been furnished with professional and skillful agricultural employees graduated from this school, ( They are posted as chief of Agricultural Office Services, and many of them work as Good Agriculturists Practicer, too.)And Indonesian has been recorded as a self-sufficient country in rice in 1984.
And up to the 1980s the school was managed and funded by West Java Provincial Government. Then in the mid 1980, there is a decree of Indonesian Government that the schools managed by other ministry of National Education must be managed by private organization or foundation (Non-government).
Since then the Government of West Java never gave financial support to the school. Now the University is not so well developed, some activities as short courses in agriculture skills, are no more due to some difficulties in management. All facilities established by Dutch government plus by Indonesian Government were neglected then worn out and rusted.
The campus of more then 80.000 square meters is now not optimally utilized. And the government is no more taking advantage of the facility for training it employees.
West Java people and the government should care to this historical agricultural school, but they do less for this school.
Who has the responsibility to sustain this historical school, Should we ask the help to the initiator-founder (the Dutch government) ? Let us do together to keep this historical and valuable institution.
Before we go on ,please find this link of earning money with writing/reviewing answering...
The statues are Prince Kornel (Sumedang regent) and Herman Willem Daendels (the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies) stand in lawn of Winaya Mukti University of West Java. Indonesia. The History of Winaya Mukti University.
This University is the continuation of the Agricultural School which was established by Dutch Government in 1914. The objectives were to provide agricultural extension workers of native Indonesian to develop agricultural techniques among farmers in region (WEST Java).
The Government of Dutch was concerned to enhance the farmer welfare through up-grading the capability of farmers in producing crops, livestock, and fish. The School was developed to be Senior High School of Agriculture, then Tanjungsari Agriculture College, and now it becomes Faculty of Agriculture as one of faculties in Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM).
The History of Unwim started since the establishment Landbouw Bedrijf School (LBS) in the year 1914-1941 by the Government of Dutch, Agricultural Education the first days of the Dutch government which can not be released between the history of [[Prince/Pangeran Aria Suriaatmaja]] ([[Prince of Mecca]]) and the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies [[Herman Willem Daendels]].
Then in 1965 the Governor of West Java TK.I make [[Academy of Agricultural Tanjungsari]] (APT), which is then followed by [[Technology Academy of Public Works]] (ATPU) in 1965, [[Academy of Forestry Science]] (AIK) year 1966 and [[Academy of Industry and Commerce]] (AIN) 1967.
In 1986 the board of West Java KORPRI form [[Foundation for Higher Education Winaya Mukti]] defined by the Notary Komar Andasasmita, SH. No. 3 dated January 8, 1986, and perfected by the Notary Komar Andasasmita, SH. No. 6 dated August 10, 1990. In 1990 the Governor of West Java TK.I create policies to integrate 4 Academy (APT, ATPU, AIK, AIN) Being Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Economics, University Winaya Mukti, received confirmation from Minister of Education and Culture by Decree No. 0141 / A / 0/1991 March 25. until now all students Unwim has spread all over Indonesia for dedicated their science has been in the can in Unwim.
Since the opening of this agricultural school up to 1980s, Indonesian Government Service Offices in charge of Agricultural affairs have been furnished with professional and skillful agricultural employees graduated from this school, ( They are posted as chief of Agricultural Office Services, and many of them work as Good Agriculturists Practicer, too.)And Indonesian has been recorded as a self-sufficient country in rice in 1984.
And up to the 1980s the school was managed and funded by West Java Provincial Government. Then in the mid 1980, there is a decree of Indonesian Government that the schools managed by other ministry of National Education must be managed by private organization or foundation (Non-government).
Since then the Government of West Java never gave financial support to the school. Now the University is not so well developed, some activities as short courses in agriculture skills, are no more due to some difficulties in management. All facilities established by Dutch government plus by Indonesian Government were neglected then worn out and rusted.
The campus of more then 80.000 square meters is now not optimally utilized. And the government is no more taking advantage of the facility for training it employees.
West Java people and the government should care to this historical agricultural school, but they do less for this school.
Who has the responsibility to sustain this historical school, Should we ask the help to the initiator-founder (the Dutch government) ? Let us do together to keep this historical and valuable institution.