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Egg and Advantages of Consuming It

Egg and Advantages of Consuming It

Practical source of protein on the menu is eggs. For people in the age of growth or younger, eggs is a favorite dishes. Practically cooking eggs make this source of protein source into a commodity that is highly in merchandise demanded.

However, in addition to a rich nutritional content, eggs contribute to enhance the body's cholesterol levels. It is then led to the recommendation to not eat eggs more than four times a week.
The results of recent studies, experiments, and studies in the United States, eggs are one of the healthy diet that is proven over the last few decades. Egg is not claimed as a primary cause of elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood.

The same study is known, which is claimed to lower cholesterol eggs instead rich in vitamin D plays a role in bone formation. Increased cholesterol caused more trans fat consumption.
Many sources reveal, or boiled egg breakfast before leaving for school children benefit the energy and intelligence. The fetus also has a higher IQ when expectant mothers routinely  two eggs every day.

Advantages of consuming eggs
-Eating Eggs at breakfast help you lose weight significantly with cutting daily caloric intake. Foods rich in protein to make eggs is digested in the stomach longer.
Obesity Center Research of Rochester in the United States found that women who ate two boiled eggs for breakfast to go, eat 400 calories less during the rest of the day than breakfast bread.

-Enhancing the Brain Capability
Two eggs containing 550 milligrams of choline each day during pregnancy will help the brain development of the fetus and produces sharp memory in children. Choline is also important for memory. Other sources of choline include soy beans, chicken and salmon. - Reduce the risk of blindness due to age
Lutein is in eggs help improve eye health and reduce the risk of age-related blindness

. -Containing omega-3 fatty acids
-Fat is very important for the development of eye and hearing in children and brain function throughout life. Essential acids also help maintain circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease. Eggs with omega 3 also has less saturated fat.

An egg has 8 grams of protein, nutrients that are very important to keep the skin tight and form strong muscles. Women need 45 grams of protein a day and men need 55 grams or around 2-3 grains.

We conclude that egg is extraordinary source of protein and there are many advantages of consuming for the the health and development of body.
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