Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant

Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant

Ways of cultivation and Maintenance pumpkin. Pumpkin is an easy cultivated plant.
Planting is done by inserting a squash seeds that have grown, then covered with a layer of soil. We can enter 3 pieces of seeds in each planting hole. Furthermore, we still need to keep the squash plants from various pests, including weeds growing around it. Furthermore, we need to install the media that ideal shape and size making it easier for us when the harvest.

Stitching is done at the pumpkin plant unhealthy plant growth with new seed which is approximately the same age, carried out one week after planting. Weeding weeds before crop pumpkin vines grow or spread and reduce harmful pests and plant diseases.

After removing the plant tendrils, need to be made using the parts-the bamboo that is attached around the stem to the height of 1.5 m bamboo or wood. Each bamboo pole used to connect to other bamboo propagation at the top. The addition of bamboo with the transverse and longitudinal positions to the field boxes to about 30 × 30 cm or 50 × 50 cm.

Pruning is done at 3-6 weeks old plants, pruning is done at the branch in order to spread the good shoots that grow fruit evenly and well. Branches that do not grow old again lengthwise cut edges in order to grow new shoots. The old  leaves are also cut.

Maintaining the balance of leaves and other organs of plant is required to get a good development of fruits. So that pruning is important stage of cultivation of pumpkin.


Growing Economical Vegetable

Growing Economical Vegetable

Pumpkin is usually treated as a plant in the form of consumption of  economical vegetables. However, cooking squash can not be arbitrary. Fruits that contain a fair amount of sap that require special handling before it can be consumed. One way to cook squash so that the sap does not cause problems with rub the pumpkin that has been cut to remove the sap, after which the fruit must be soaked first for some time.

After becoming a vegetable, squash has a delicious taste. Currently the fruit has been generally used to make dishes. This automatically cause needs chayote fruit in the market is quite large because of the level of consumption of the fruit is also quite high. It can make our land a profitable venture. For those of you who want to cultivate squash, then the following we will discuss some of the important things about squash cultivation techniques.

Ideal land for cultivation Pumpkin Siam
Squash can be planted and thrive in areas with an altitude between 200 meters to 1000 meters above sea level. Method of planting squash relatively simple. Both lowland areas have hot air weather and highland regions have cold weather can be a suitable place for growing the quash. Therefore, now the squash plants can be found both in the tropics and in the subtropics.

Good also for the lovers of the world grow crops to grow this plant in your backyard or yard. Instead the land is not used, should be utilized to grow plants that produce this beneficial fruit. Squash plants will not take place because the plant species belonging to propagate. We only need to provide a fitting stem propagation, so that it can make our yard look beautiful.

Soil Tillage
Squash cultivation way is not complicated. At first we cultivate the land in a way that has been common, namely  soil nutrients and balanced elements. Next we create trenches in the land to ease ourselves in water the plants later. Should cropping pattern and made ​​trenches lined lines transverse to the direction from east to west.

Breeding Siamese pumpkin as growing  economical vegetable.

Breeding squash is done through the seed from chayote fruit that has very old.
Furthermore squash seeds planted in damp areas to grow new sprouts or shoots.
Furthermore, how to plant the seeds of the seeds that have prepared us feedback de planting holes on the land. Ideal spacing for the squash plant that is about 1 square meter. it is very easy ti prepare land for this type of plant, and so the same its cultivation.

Continued article on  Pumpkin an Easy Cultivated Plant


Subak of Bali is Water Distribution Association

Subak of Bali is Water Distribution Association

Subak is famous for its water management association and its main purpose is managing the Aspects of Water Distribution
Since the late 1970s the tertiary network projects undertaken Dep.PU the Subak system in Bali, with a change to the building systems (Tembuku) of the system numbak be certain system has led to conflicts, because the change is not in harmony with the socio-cultural local community. However subak system as traditional institutions remain otonomous can organize itself without causing conflict, because still promoting a harmony with the surrounding environment.
Here are the Subak building of irrigation water distribution management.

The artifacts are utilized by Subak system in Bali to help smooth distribution of water is as follows:
- Barricade (empelan), which has a function as a location where water ingress which will lead subak area. Location weir is essentially placed on the area of ​​the bend of the river, the river areas, which are located closest to the paddy field farmers concerned. Meanwhile, at each location of the building weirs built a temple called Pura Empelan, which is used as a place of ceremony come to "Toya". And responsible weir is "Kelian" Subak together with all members of the subak.

- Tunneling (aungan), has a function as a flow of irrigation water channel leading to the tertiary. Tunnel will be built by farmers if they fail to take advantage of open irrigation channels. In the process of making the tunnel builder (undagi) will try to choose the track tunnel on the land consists of stone, rock on, or the ground hard enough to support the existing soil on top of the building. The weir is responsible Kelian Subak together with all members of the subak.
- Irrigation canals (telabah), has a function as irrigation water flow will go to the rice terraces farmers. And the responsible is Kelian together farmers with an interest in the relevant channel.
- Building-for (Tembuku) the subak system was built with the concept of building-proportional for both upstream and downstream. The unit of measure used is "tektek". Tektek is an exhausted system for the amount of water entering the Subak is concerned with the rice acreage is in Subak concerned. Tektek system in Bali has been modified (this happens in Subak Breech) into a system of centimeters. However,
implementation is still in the concept of proportion. Building-to the tertiary network is not made ​​permanent in order to facilitate the loan process water irrigation.

In Bali, the building-to be applied because of the subak system generally undulating topography of the island of Bali, but there are some drawbacks of this system, such as: the possibility of unequal agreement in water buildings-for, the possibility of sinking building irrigation channels at any given moment, there are possibility of inefficient land use, when compared to the system box, the system is more effective "numbak"

Side Effect of Consuming Garlic

Side Effect of Consuming Garlic

(Thanks to Can Stock Free Photo)
This kind of tuber plant has very much advantages for human life. As spices and as food crops is elaborated  as below. Consuming garlic has long been known as an effective treatment for a variety of illnesses for more than 3,000 years. Researchers and health professionals expressed garlic has anti-microbial and antibiotic if consumed. Garlic is a natural herbal remedy that is safe for consumption. However, just like any other drug, we still have to be aware of some of the side effects of garlic. The following are some of the side effects of raw garlic consumed for medicinal purposes:

Due to the nature of garlic can thin the blood, or have anticoagulant properties, so be cautious in consuming large amounts of garlic before surgery or if you are taking any other medications that may have anticoagulant properties. Consuming garlic in large quantities prior to surgery is not recommended because it can cause excessive bleeding risk.

-Ingestive Problems
Some people may experience abdominal discomfort in various forms after eating raw garlic. Certain side effects may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal bloating and stomach acid disorders.

-Allergic Reactions
Such as food or other herbal ingredients, side effects of garlic can also cause some allergic reactions. Allergic reactions may be characterized by rash, peeling skin, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever and shortness of breath. And if there is swelling of the tongue, mouth or throat occurs, it is advisable to seek immediate care of your doctor or a medical professional.

-Bad Odor of Body
Bad Body odor is the main side effect when we are  consuming garlic in large quantities. Garlic will go through the digestion and completely absorbs into your body's metabolic system, every secretion of the body will have a garlic odor. This smell is likely to last a week or more and lost after garlic consumption is stopped

-Bad  Odor of Mouth
How food can affect the scent of your breath after a meal, so we can only hope when eating raw garlic smell will quickly disappear. Drink garlic juice and eating raw garlic will cause severe bad breath. Fortunately, the unpleasant mouth odor will disappear after you stop taking the garlic and brushing teeth. But you will still find body odor for the next few hours because garlic has been absorbed into your body.

 Read more article :

Pumpkin an Easy Growing Plant 


Other Advantages of Jatropa (Ricinus communis)

Other Advantages of Jatropa (Ricinus communis)

It is long time ago this species of plant was known to have been yielding a raw material for fuel., But this time  is now beginning to fade so the news. Whether we leave the info at a glance I gave, Jatropha has the Latin name Ricinus communis is a wild one year (annual) and commonly found in the forest, vacant land, in coastal areas, but often also grown in plantations, plant is classified as herbaceous plants, have single leaf menjari between 7-9, 10-40 cm in diameter.

Advantages of Advantages of Jatropha
This plant is often made ​​as an ornamental plant in the form of Bongsai, so the shrub is relatively small, and very nice to see. Some of my friends also have this Bongsai plants, and indeed the height is only about half a meter, in viewpoint is quite beautiful, but here we are not discussing about how to keep plant this distance, but we will discuss about the efficacy of castor oil plant itself, well we just look below.

1.Sores, fungus, and Itching
Look for the original castor oil (commonly available in the sequence). Then heated first. After the dye with cotton and apply on the affected skin. Castor seed oil should not be swallowed as it contains toxins that are harmful to human health.

2. Wounds and Bleeding
Drug Injury: 2 teaspoons of Castor Oil, ¼ teaspoon of sulfur, a finger wooden hand / Sandalwood, 2 Tablespoon Vaseline, it is heated or sauté and stir well, let cool briefly before application to the wound.
New wounds bleed can be stopped immediately by the latex of Jatropha trees because they are Anti Microbial Infections like Bethadine to expel / Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli.
Rheumatic drugs

Take the leaves of Jatropha old and fresh, washed clean and smooth mashed with water. Rub the affected parts of the body affected by arthritis or exim, itching, etc.. Or it could be compressed and leave it for a couple of hours ago dignti with a new one.
Whitish on the baby's tongue
In infants who are breastfeeding, there is usually a whitish attached to the ceiling of the tongue. This causes the baby reluctant to breastfeed and her weight tends to go up. To overcome this we can use the sap of the leaves of Jatropha. Usually the distance freshly picked leaves will issue a sap on the leaf stalk. Apply the sap on the tongue and whitish baby will come out with saliva.
Treating inflammation of the ear

Ear inflammation can occur due to Influenza sudden marked increase body temperature, pain in the ears, such as buzzing little deaf. To fix this, take half a tablespoon of Jatropha latex then dropped as much as 6 drops into the child's ear, should be done 6 times a day until healed.
Pain medication cavities
Distance sap is antimicrobial so it can get rid of bacteria such as the type of staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherechia coli and can be used to treat pain due to dental cavities. You do this by taking the distance of nodes using a cotton swab, then placed on the tooth cavities.

Drug Thrush
Break the stem of the tree distance freshly picked, there will be little sap that comes out. The sap that is directly dioelskan are canker sores in the mouth. When the sap has not come out, push a little at the end of the stem (Ditjenbun, 2007).
Stomach Bloating and wind Login

When sudden infant diarrhea and stomach bloating due to colds, take a few leaves of Jatropha old. Then weeded through the flame and let wilt slightly smeared coconut oil, or eucalyptus oil Telon. After that attached to the bottom of the abdomen and waist. Allow a few hours, will usually occur immediately exhaust gases and substances that are not useful from the stomach.

If you experience constipation, quotation 4 leaves fresh jatropha because it serves as a mild laxative. Rinse, then steamed until wilted and eat the leaves that have been steamed for 7 consecutive days or until the disease is reduced or lost constipation.

Treating cough and phlegm dilute
Take sufficient distance tree roots, then cleaned and boiled with 7 cups water to boiling and the remaining 2 cups. Drink the cooking water in the morning and evening. Repeat up to 3 times a decoction of the roots of the newly replaced, root of  Jatropa (Ricinus communis).


Thrush Annoys the Life

Thrush Annoys the Life.

Thrush is not a serious disease, but the condition is very annoying because it makes it difficult to eat and speak. This disease not only can be overcome with vitamin C, also saga leaves.
Thrush is an inflammation that occurs in life, the oral mucosa. Usually in the form of yellowish white spots with a slightly concave surface, the number could be one or more. This disease usually affects the inner cheek mucosa, inner lip, tongue, gums and palate in the oral cavity.

"This condition is caused by fungi in the mouth and esophagus. Some trigger factors, such as the immune system, or allergy caused by coffee, chocolate, cheese, or beans. One of the types of herbs that are useful for treating or preventing thrush is the sage leaves. Plants that have a Latin name Abrus precatorius this, for the people of Indonesia are known by many names. Javanese people call telik saga, in Aceh called thaga while in Sundanese called leutik.

described, including sage leaves herbaceous plant species with small stems and vines on the host. This plant grows wild in the woods, fields or deliberately kept in the yard. Plants were extremely diverse, oval and small size.

Tamarindus indica leaf looks like a slightly sweet taste. The leaves contain chemicals such as acid glycyrrhicic, as well as having conditioning properties to the skin and mucous membranes. This leaf also has expectorant effectiveness Glicerin believed to contain the trigger of the tracheal mucosa. No wonder the sage leaves are traditionally used to treat heartburn and ulcers.

These herbs can be consumed directly by chewed or boiled water be used as a mouthwash. The way to process some pieces of sage leaves washed, then dried in the sun for a few minutes so slightly wilted. Once cleaned, sage leaves can be chewed directly until smooth.

Herbal medicine store manager is good for life, Wholesale Herbs is added in addition to the chewed, the leaves that taste somewhat sweet herb can also be made for gargling. Way to take about 10 grams of fresh sage leaves that have been washed clean, then boiled with half a liter of water until cooked. Can also add cinnamon, betel leaf, rock sugar or honey to taste. Cooking water were used to rinse the mouth for a few moments.

Housemaid Fate and Problems

Housemaid Fate and Problems

Fate and problem of Housemaid and ill treatments committed by employers are still spoken by many parties included the MP (Member of Parliament), but no significant and effective solution for it are made. Many housemaids who work for earning in housing or complex.

Sometimes they get a very cruel torture committed by their employers. I wonder what is the reasons. But from the information or news that I saw and I heard mostly the torture is the basic attitude of employers who are fond of torture. Some employers have often confes it in interrogation by the police. They argued that many of the housemaids/helpers were guilty, whether it defied reason or another that does not seem very reasonable to us to get our minds accept. There are also many cases of housemaids who was raped, murdered, chopped into pieces even locked up in room by their employers. It has been very cruel behaviour of the employers.

In every problem of housemaid there were always no just solution. Apparently, the picture of a maid in a piction story is revealed in reality. Helpers are always conducting error and guilty, as the status and position they have not have the right to defend themselves, they are employed to receive all the work and all the errors.

It is also described in another book (Beach Girl) about a housemaid that has to bear the responsibility to complete all the works in a house of the employer,and the big houses of the have/wealthy or rich big family. Homeowners usually do not want to bear the burden/work of his own house because of prestige consideration, They pride of the status of the rich, and so on, They pay other people to take over his responsibilities to take care of the house.

Unfortunately, many employers are not aware of the important roles of their aide. That relationship ended and the house maid is tortured, insulted and expelled.

The fate of housemaid should be the mind of related parties included the member of parliament, they should make sufficient  rules to protect them.

Reducing the Effect of Acid Rain

Reducing the Effect of Acid Rain

In my article on acid rain effect I introduced the results of seminars and research development to seek the best ways to overcome the bad effect of acid rain are found several ways, they are : Using or producing  minimal pollutant containing fuels that is fuel with less pollutants; minimize the formation of pollutants during combustion; Capture pollutants from the exhaust gas; and minimize the energy usage, and another one that should be put into mind is the consideration to recycle and reuse what we have produced and used. Here are the short explanation:

Put into Practice the 3R principles (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce)

Any factory is production process should practice this 3R. The product must be reusable or can be recycled so that the amount of waste or waste generated can be reduced. The technology used must also be considered, the technology has the potential to emit should be replaced with better technology and are environmentally friendly. It is also associated with changes in lifestyle, we often compete to buy a private vehicle, whereas the transportation means which is a leading cause of air pollution. Therefore we have to meet the quality standard levels of emissions, both in industry and transportation. This policy is to reduce the acid on air.

-Minimize the Energy Usage The application of public transportation policy to reduce the number of vehicle in the street. This public policy which should be imposed by government is as one of the effort to save energy. Free Car-Day in holiday is now a trendy campaign of mayors in big cities. The mayors of cities give the examples to ride becycles even there is a moyor ride becycle to his office in townhall.

I may conclude taht to overcome effect of acid rain in this case to minimize acid rain in developed countries as in USA, experts have applied the advanced technology, while in less developed countries may apply the policy of energy saving as Free Car-Day and increase public transportation policy.
The application of public transportation policy will reduce the number of vehicles in the street.
So that we hope we act to reduce the addition of acid on air in all our activities.

Punishment for Plantation Forest Burner

 Punishment for Plantation Forest Burner

Burning of forest conducted by both invidual and the company makes many parties suffer of smoke. and also the neighboring countries have protected against the smog of smoke coming from Kalimantan and Sumatra Island. So to judge them  there must be a certained and firmed punishment. What punishment to management of plantation which have been granted permission by the Regent and the Mayor. And that, the head of region can also revoke a permit if it is proven to burn plantation forests and land.

"The company is not allowed to clear land by burning. If they till do it means a violation. Their company's business license could be revoked by the Regent and the Mayor.
Sanctions against rogue companies may vary. Ranging from administrative sanctions such as verbal warning, written revocation is temporary or permanent, up to the police because they contain the criminal element.

Moreover, the smoke is causing many injured and sickness.
"Sanctions are not necessarily directly the severe level to be imposed to corporate offenders. Must be warned first through oral and written. If they repeated, then the firmer punishment. It is a form of deterrent effect.

When permission is revoked, the consequences can no longer operate
Actually, there is no company  in Sumatra that cleared land by burning.
He that burned the forest and land are unscrupulous people who often do it on his own land, and the fire spread to the area of plantation companies.

Effective Healing a Wound with Honey

Effective Healing a Wound with Honey

When we talk on the benefit of honey for consumption we know well it is so many advantages of consuming the miracle sweet. Of course we never doubt the word of Allah which states that honey is a drug and it has been proven by our ancestors thousands of years ago have been using honey sTentu we never doubt the word of Allah which states that honey is a drug and it is already evidenced by our ancestors thousands of years ago have been using honey as a medicine, ranging from mild pain to severe pain, including the treatment of wounds. In the medical world is now more and more research related to honey and honey-related research never stops.
And so many evidences have revealed that honey is truly effective substant to mix with other chemical component to formulate efficasious medicine.

Similarly, the use of honey as medicine injuries. In 1998 a study ever conducted in India whose results showed that honey has excellent healing effects for burns. Nowaday there agencies to continue its study region special treatment by honey bees. Indeed, what is contained in honey can heal wounds so well?

Here is the privilege of honey in treating wounds:
- Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidants that are able to inhibit the effects of free radicals, reduces tissue damage. Also the presence of other substances, namely hydrogen peroxide that kill bacteria.
The concentration of hydrogen peroxide present in honey only contains 1mmol / l, which means that only 1/1000 of a fluid which is used to disinfect, but the effect can damage the tissues of hydrogen peroxide addressed by the anti-oxidant properties of honey and other enzim2 contained in honey

- Stimulate white blood cells so as to accelerate the wound healing process
- Honey can reduce inflammation characterized by reduced pain and swelling and wound mongering this is because honey has a high osmolarity (moisture content less than 17%) so as to absorb wound fluid and improve circulation and air exchange around the wound
 - Honey has a cleaning effect as evidenced by the lifting of dead tissue on a dab of honey dressing.
-. Honey creates a moist wound environment becomes (moist), humid environment will support the process of wound healing and the growth of new tissue.
- The nature of the acid has a pH of 3.2 to 4.5 madu.Madu low enough to inhibit the growth of bacteria growing on average at pH 7,2-7,4
- Honey can be more quickly stimulate new blood vessels
- It is cheaper and can be easily obtained.

From our experience treating diabetic wounds, honey is very good in mangobati injuries but there are things that must be considered is the frequency of wound dressing replacement more often (could be 1-2 days), especially if conditions are very dry wounds (wound base color of yellow or even black) required amount of honey is enough to be able to create a moist wound environment, and after the death of the soft tissue, the removal of dead tissue should be done (nekrotomi) that must be performed by a trained nurse tuk avoid fatal errors. And if the frequency of dressing change 1-2 days were difficult / troublesome, it can be combined with modern wound dressings which are expected to be keeping the wound moisture. Or it could also be consulted by a nurse wound care wound in order to maximize results.
So we know another usage of honey in effective to heal a wound.

Tips For New Driver

Tips For New Driver

It is nice to drive when our body is fit, in the morning after having a good sleep during the night. No traffic jam, and not so many cars or people in the street. Good condition of our car, newly serviced, and of course enough fuel in the tank.

It is not enough having ideal condition of the driver and the car. There is an important factor to have comfortable driving. It is , of course, experience in driving. So, other things have to be considered as our comrades inform me to spread his opinion to make our travel safe, especially to the new comer as driver.as follow:

The journey there are at least five things to watch for the sake of safety, which is our friend as we share, let us consider:

1. Set your sit comfortably

2. By the right position of sitting you will have the view point Far Ahead With a direct view of the distant ahead, we can know the condition of the road ahead, so will be easier for us to make decisions more quickly if there are things that are not desirable. By directing foresight, our readiness to avoid, bad things will be executed faster and better.

3. Set all thing around you, so you will get the picture area in Vehicle Surroundings
At the time of driving, the view should not only be directed to the front, but also directed to all side of the vehicle (left and right). It allows us better prepared for other vehicles that suddenly appeared from the left and right.

4. Ready to manage your eye in always stand by to see all things or say Enable Eyes Do not let a blank stare and stare in one direction, keep the eyes moving every 2 seconds to look at the conditions around the vehicle

. 5. Mind the Way Out
This readiness in depend on whether you are knowing the road conditions and note areas that could allow a way out to avoid things that are not desirable. Keep a distance from the car in front is a very important thing. If the road in a bad state, take the distance to the vehicle in front which can roughly allows us to break away from the congestion.

6. In all the second make sure you Seeing Other People
Many of the accident is one of the parties does not see where the other party. Therefore, always make sure others see you. This can be done by sounding the horn, flashing the lights dim or waving.
The causing thing when driving a car is breaking up concentrations of driving with other problems. It is important to "leave" the problem during driving in order to fully concentrating on the road. Because if our minds are broken then driving safety will be threatened, after all, did not think the problem can be dealt with while driving.

Concentration is often impaired driving if the new driver is in a hurry because of late to the destination. For this, it is important to divert the mind that we should arrive safely, not "hunting time" which actually was already too late.

By knowing all the above we can manage the driving well.

System of Carps Fish Keeping

System of Carps Fish Keeping

Fish of the species mostly reared in my country is the  carp (golden carp or goldfish Indonesian called it). When we whatch it, the fishe species is gentle, swimming to and fro in the fond with moderate of mouth open to inhall the fresh air (oxygen). When it is a fresh water fish species which can be utilized for a variety of businesses and it is very marketable. In addition to the food business, the carp is also very good for being kept. Goldfish have a high taste so it is favorite fish by many consumers. Has a rapid growing rate is one of the advantages of this fish, so it deserves to be cultivated.

However it needs a fresher water if compared to other species, so it is easily appeared in the upper near the surface of the water. So, the fishe keeper has to keep the water fresher by making spring or many fountain to make possible the water contains more oxygen. Let us follow the cultivation technology of the carp
Goldfish has several sub-species that kancra, tikeu, tombro, king, Rayo, ameh or other names according to the endemic area. Carp (Cyorinus carpio, L.) is a species of freshwater fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae, order Cyprinoidea sub, a sub-class of the Order Ostariophysi Teleostrei. Goldfish have long dibudidayakandan well domesticated in the world. Among the species of freshwater fish carp is the most popular fish in the community.

It is known by the name with the name of Carp fish or fish tombro. The carp have been widely known for a cross race goldfish Goldfish Red, among others, The female parent/Mistress, Taiwan, Majalaya, Glass, Kumpai and others. Keeping requirements Goldfish

In its natural habitat, carp living in the waters of rivers, lakes and other stagnant water which is at an altitude above sea 150-600 m, with water temperatures ranging from 20 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius. Omnivora carp including animals or eating everything so in the form of natural food goldfish leaves, moss, insects, worms, and so forth. In the model of the cultivation of carp care environment is made to resemble the original nature.
Some syatem of rearing the goldfish can be kept in a cage pouch, jetted pool, ground pools, concrete pools and other locations subject to availability. Food in the cultivation of carp also vary ranging from natural feeding pellets to the provision made in the factory. Noteworthy is the quality of water in the medium for the cultivation of carp as water pH should be in the range of 7-8, adequate dissolved oxygen content and free from harmful chemical substances.

Nurturing fase of the carp fish rearing up the the size of consumption can vary from size 250 grams to 1,200  grams. The keeping for this sake can be done in the pool Lumpur, Cage floating or Running water.

Rendering First Aid in Fire Accident

Rendering First Aid in Fire Accident

Nowaday it is high frequency the happening of house on fire and forest burn by hot spot purposedly by unresponsible party or unpurposedly by accident of focused hot spot derived with mirror like thing. Everybody has to be able to give or render first aid in the location of the accident. So that here I present a procedure how to render first aid for the injury of burn.

This unexpected disaster can happen. Fires can occur in the densely populated urban or rural even in the wood or Forest . There is the possibility of people who were in the forest suffered burns from a fire that suddenly enlarge and confine the victim that suffered burns . How to give first aids are described below:
There some degree of casualties in the burning houses or woods on fire. The degree of injures will make different handling procedure.

I. First aid in burns of minor injure.
First effort is to see at a glance whether there is a reservoir or water tank or source of water, may be a cool drinking water. The act to help the injure person is :

- Act to pour with plain water for 10 minutes or if there is no water cover with a moist compress.
-thenCover the wound with a bandage or clean cloth that is not sticky.
-inspect that it is sure bandages or cloth to cover the burned skin.
-when there is banana trees use banana leaves young still rolled to bind burns.
-It better to seek herba growing closed to the accident place and to relieve pain may be used Aloe vera plant mucus.

Please put in your mind, to not use butter, toothpaste and fatty materials and do not break the bubble that occurred in the wound.

II. First Aid For severe burns
If the victim's clothing on fire, put out the fire with blankets, towels, sheets thick, and so on. Hand over so that the fire does not get air.
Wraps until the fire goes out.
Remove the clothes slowly stick, let the hard exfoliated tear inherent on the wound. If possible, leave to the experts who are there because they know how to let go properly. If you can not immediately take the victim to a hospital, ambulatory victims of shock.

If the victim is conscious and asked for a drink, give to drink warm water.
Water helps replace lost of fluids.

The most important action in handling fire accident do the follow action when a person suffered burns:
-Do wisely, Stop Cause, for example put out the fire.
-To the victim check Airway and breathing.
-Gently, take causing objects out which come hot (clothing, rings, watches, jewelry). - For Victims who unknowingly do care, resolve bleeding, wound chill with plain water or wash it under running water.

That is first aid to help victim in the accident of fire, Hopefully, we can act wisely and carefully in the fire accident.

Egg and Advantages of Consuming It

Egg and Advantages of Consuming It

Practical source of protein on the menu is eggs. For people in the age of growth or younger, eggs is a favorite dishes. Practically cooking eggs make this source of protein source into a commodity that is highly in merchandise demanded.

However, in addition to a rich nutritional content, eggs contribute to enhance the body's cholesterol levels. It is then led to the recommendation to not eat eggs more than four times a week.
The results of recent studies, experiments, and studies in the United States, eggs are one of the healthy diet that is proven over the last few decades. Egg is not claimed as a primary cause of elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood.

The same study is known, which is claimed to lower cholesterol eggs instead rich in vitamin D plays a role in bone formation. Increased cholesterol caused more trans fat consumption.
Many sources reveal, or boiled egg breakfast before leaving for school children benefit the energy and intelligence. The fetus also has a higher IQ when expectant mothers routinely  two eggs every day.

Advantages of consuming eggs
-Eating Eggs at breakfast help you lose weight significantly with cutting daily caloric intake. Foods rich in protein to make eggs is digested in the stomach longer.
Obesity Center Research of Rochester in the United States found that women who ate two boiled eggs for breakfast to go, eat 400 calories less during the rest of the day than breakfast bread.

-Enhancing the Brain Capability
Two eggs containing 550 milligrams of choline each day during pregnancy will help the brain development of the fetus and produces sharp memory in children. Choline is also important for memory. Other sources of choline include soy beans, chicken and salmon. - Reduce the risk of blindness due to age
Lutein is in eggs help improve eye health and reduce the risk of age-related blindness

. -Containing omega-3 fatty acids
-Fat is very important for the development of eye and hearing in children and brain function throughout life. Essential acids also help maintain circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease. Eggs with omega 3 also has less saturated fat.

An egg has 8 grams of protein, nutrients that are very important to keep the skin tight and form strong muscles. Women need 45 grams of protein a day and men need 55 grams or around 2-3 grains.

We conclude that egg is extraordinary source of protein and there are many advantages of consuming for the the health and development of body.

Wholesome Food (Four is Healthy, Five is Perfect)

Wholesome Food (Four is Healthy, Five is Perfect)

Health aspects is the desire of all people. People want to get a healthy body by eating wholesome food that is good enough volume and nutritional value. Motto “four is healthy, five is perfect” is the guide of nutritionist and health extention workers and educators as a the objectives to be achieved by us. Four is Healthy and five is perfect food comprises of commonly eaten foods, including

1 Staple Food
Staple foods as a source of energy for the body to be able to indulge every day as : rice, corn, potatoes, wheat / wheat flour, tapioca flour, cassava and other tubers

. 2. Protein
Other dishes to serve with staple food to meet the needs of builder substances in the body. For example, the egg, tahu, tempeh, fish, meat, and others.

Vegetables in the food has a function to meet the needs of minerals, regulating substances on the body. As Spinach, Swamp Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, cassava leaves, eggplant, peppers, beans, cabbage squashed, squash, and other

4. Fruits
Such as vegetables, fruits in food has a function to meet the needs of regulatory substances in the body. For example, the Guava, stowberi, apple, papaya guava, mangosteen, passion fruit, persimmon, salak, durian, and other

5. Milk
To complete and no compulsory or mandatory us to drink it. But there is no harm if we drink milk after eating, because it contains a wide variety of mineral substances that are useful and good for our bodies.
Sometimes health considerations are different for each person, and healthy aspects of a nation different from other nations.

The Englishman claimed. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", these wise words interpreted into "four healthy and five perfect". In the Indonesian record four healthy foods are foods containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and minerals. And five perfect interpreted with a glass of milk.
British people interpret the five perfect with a glass of milk not an apples. Indeed they do, because they are not consume menu as Asian , the meat and protein-laden as milk or cheese as wholesome food.

The Extra-Fooding of Consuming Spinatch

The Extra-Fooding of Consuming Spinatch

Spinach is easy to grow and established on different types of soil. Easy breeding or growing because these plants bear flower very much. Cultivation is easy and does not require much capital, so the price is relatively cheap bought by all economic strata. However this turns out has many health benefits and high nutritional value.

Within 100 grams of spinach contains  the extra-fooding 2.3 g of protein; 3.2 g carbohydrates; 3 g of iron and 81 g of calcium. Spinach is also rich in various vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

These vegetables also contain essential antioxidants and phytochemicals that help protect the body against various diseases. Here are some of the health benefits of spinach, such as:

- Treat Bleeding Gums
A mixture of spinach and carrot juice is very helpful in treating bleeding gums caused by a deficiency of vitamin C intake of too much sugar and refined.

- Enhancing the quality of vision
It is a good source of lutein, a carotenoid that is known to help protect the eyes against cataracts. Spinach is also rich in vitamin A, which makes it very useful for vision

- Avoid Diabetes, the vegetable is very useful for people who suffer from diabetes also. Magnesium is found in spinach helps to prevent complications following diabetes. Regular consumption of spinach helps stabilize blood sugar and prevent it from fluctuating too much.

- Acting to be Anti-Inflammatory
These vegetables contain high alkaline properties that make this vegetable good for people with inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

- Decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease
Spinach is a good source of folate, which can reduce homocysteine, an amino acid found in the blood. The high levels of homocysteine in the blood leading to high risk of heart disease. Spinach also contains choline and inositol, which help prevent hardening of the arteries. - Styabilizing blood tension
High potassium and low in sodium. A balanced mineral levels is very helpful for patients with high blood pressure. In addition, the folate in spinach can also help lower high blood pressure and relaxes the blood vessels, thus maintaining blood flow.

-. Maintain the bone so prevent Osteoporosis A cup of fresh spinach leaves meet 200% daily value of vitamin K. This vitamin is important in the prevention of bone loss. In addition, other minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and phosphorus in spinach also help strengthen bones.

- Prevent Anemia Spinach is a good source of iron is needed to prevent anemia. Iron helps regenerate or reproduce red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

-Preventing the development of cancer cells
Vitamins A and C as well as fiber, folic acid and 13 flavonoids in spinach is very helpful in preventing the development of cancer cells. Research shows that the content of spinach reduce cancer risk by 34% mainly on breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and stomach cancer.

There are so many benefits of consuming spinatch in this easily available vegetable. Spinatch is growing every where in the back or side yards. So, let this herb to grow, in order to make easy our maid to prepare the soup of spinatch.

Learning For Blind Children

Strategy  is basically the exact and optimal utilization of all components involved in the learning process that includes the purpose, subject matter, media, methods, students, teachers, the learning environment and the learning process so that the evaluation be carried out effectively and efficiently. Some things that can be used as a material consideration in determining learning strategies, among others:

1 Based on the processing of the message, there are two strategies that deductive learning strategies and instruction..
2 Based on processing the messages that expositoric  and heuristic learning strategy
3 Based on the teacher setting strategies and learning with a teacher team.
4 Based on the number of students that classical strategies, small group and individual.
5. Based on the interaction of teachers and students face-to-face strategies, and through the media.

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are other strategies that can be applied to the strategies of individualization, cooperative and behavior modification.

B. Strategies of learning for gifted/needed children

Learning strategies that suit the needs of gifted children will encourage the child to excel. The things that must be considered in deciding  learning strategies are:
1 Learning to be colored with the speed and level of complexity.
2 Not only developing intelligence alone but also develop emotional intelligence.
3.-oriented modification of the process, content and products.
Service models are biased given to gifted children is a model of cognitive-affective development services, values, morals, creativity and specialized field.

That is the effort to help the blind children in learning.


How to Grow Roses in Pot

How to Grow Roses in Pots

Types and kinds of roses so diverse that this flower is an ornamental plant that has been chosen as home decoration because of its beauty. benefits rose the most prominent of course physical beauty, a special feature of the rose plant can be seen from the shape and refreshing fragrance. Could you plant roses in your yard or planting in pots. How to plant roses is also not to be arbitrary, you must know the techniques and the proper way to plant roses.

If carelessly then chances are you planting roses will wither and die. In addition to planting the right way, you also have to know how to care for roses that produce flowers such as red roses beautiful picture this how to plant roses Meaning of roses so diverse that there are special people who make these poems about roses.

History of the grow roses itself is known as the flower that do not originate from the tropics. As a lover of flowers, the market price rose flower per stalk around 10-20 rb rupiah that can be asked in a shop nearby selling roses seedlings. For those who like a collection of images of roses we have a collection of images full of roses which consists of images of red roses, white, black, purple, pink, blue and rose cartoon living in download only. Some people choose to plant roses in pots because of the shortage of land or premises. To grow roses in pots, there are techniques that you need to consider and do.

How to grow roses with cuttings for example, you should prepare the seedlings cuttings that you need. In this issue, we recommend that you choose a rod in the center and not too far from the base. Do not use the tip of the young, the chances of success are very slim. How to plant roses is not arbitrary. After providing the seeds of roses, prepare well pots for planting.

Pot you use can be made of clay, plastic, cement or ceramic. Depending on your taste, adjust the size of the pot you need. After that, how to plant roses others are preparing the ground. Good soil for planting soil is black and crumbly, it be great if the former combustion.

After that prepare also compost, not too much. The use of fertilizers and soil also must be adapted to the type of roses you plant. Cuttings of roses made on old roses with a 4-6 cm long cut using cutting tools sharp and clean. Planting medium used for the cultivation of roses is a pure land without any fertilizer because soil containing fertilizer can inhibit the growth of stem roses cutting.

Use a quarter kilo polybag containing soil for the planting process. piece plug roses middle section to a depth of half the planting medium. give water and do not forget the plastic perforate polybagnya with a stick. Put the planting medium in the shade and not be given the first fertilizer to root out and ready to be moved into the pot.

When the leaves have appeared three pieces mean rose plant is already ready to move to new planting medium. use a mixture of compost and soil in the ratio 1: 2. move by tearing polybag without damaging the soil and then enter into a new planting medium. because roses prone to diseases is necessary to note the signs in the form of leaf rust and black spot that appears because it can cause loss of leaves of roses.

Types of roses will indeed affect the ease of roses that can adapt. For red roses, species roses have been a lot of beautiful colors and even some opinions saying this rose as a symbol of affection. Red roses is also adaptable or easily cultivated.

Of course, the roses will make your home looks more natural and beautiful when you plant roses can thrive and bloom. How to plant roses which further by mixing ingredients that are already prepared. Mix the soil, compost, and if there is a little sand would be great. Insert the mixture into a pot that has been provided, stirring until smooth.

The use of sand here just to mix it, so maybe a quarter of the size of the soil or fertilizer. Once the ingredients are well blended, enter seedling stems of roses that you prepare cuttings. Plug in the trunk on the ground already in the pot.

Once plugged in, flush with water. Sprinkle a little, not too much. After that how to plant roses hereinafter that keep your plant is in a cool place. Even better if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Save your plants in a dark place is also highly recommended. This is so that the buds of roses buds plants you can grow and develop properly and begin aroused.

That way the roots will begin to grow in a given stimulus. Examine a few days until your rose in pot to sprout, if it grows then move it your rose plant to a brighter place. At that time, the plant roses you really need sunlight as the initial process of photosynthesis. Flush plant your roses regularly. So much information about how to plant roses proper, may be useful. Other plant has different advantages as the Jatropa (Ricinus communis) plant.

Read article about

1. Oramental Plant   Click Heret

2. Adadvantages of Jatropa Plant  Click Heret


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Sumedang, West Java. Indonesia

Looking forward to hearing from you !

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil

Preparing Virgin Coconut Oil
Tools and materials

Tools and materials used in the manufacture of VCO is:

1 Machinery and Equipment
a. Production Machinery
Production machines used for the manufacture of virgin coconut oil (VCO) is as follows:

Engine grated coconut

Function: grate the coconut meat grated coconut to be ready to squeeze.
How it works: shredders that has sharp blades spinning and grate coconut meat.
Capacity: at least 100kg / h
Motor power: minimum 1 HP
Motor rotation: 1400 rpm.

Engine Vacuum Evaporator
Capacity: ± 7 kg / process
Cooking oil volume: 52 liters
LPG gas requirements: 0.3 to 0.75 kg / h
Power Requirement for Vacuum Pump: 1500 watts
Power Requirement spinner (dryers): 300 watts
Engine size (120 x 120 x 60) Cm2

1 water jet vacuum pump, serves to suck the air in the frying chamber so that the pressure becomes low, and material to suck water vapor.
2 Tube frying, serves to condition the material according to the desired pressure. Tube fitted inside a semi-circular fruit basket.
3 Condenser, serves to condense the water vapor released during frying. This condenser uses water as cooling.
4 units of heating, LPG ​​gas stoves.
5.Unit Operation and Control (Control Box). Serves to activate the vacuum device and heating units.
6 Part stir-fry, serve to stir the fruit that was in a tube pan. This part per sil strong to keep the vacuum tube.

b. Production equipment
The equipment used in the production process VCO among others are as follows:
Machete function is to divide the coconut.
 Buckets and Basins
Function buckets and basins, among others, is a container that holds the results of each of these processes result either in the form of waste or residue    spoon
Function spoon in the production process is helping to take the dregs stuck during the process of the vacuum engine friying.

Funnel serves to assist in inserting the VCO into the bottle.
   White cloth
White cloth serves to squeeze the coconut milk.
Scales serve to weigh or measure the weight of materials and results of VCO products
Erlenmeyer serves to measure the volume of material and the results of VCO products.

2 Ingredients
The materials used are:

a. Raw materials
The raw material is the main ingredient used in the manufacture of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), where such material is not there then the making of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) can not be done. The raw material of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is the coconut meat is aged 10-12 months.

b. Supplementary Material
Additional materials are materials that exist in the final product Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), but did not participate in the production process and can add value to a product. Additional materials used are bottles.

c. Suplement materials
Auxiliary materials are the materials needed in the production of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), but not the existing materials in the final product Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Auxiliary materials in the production process of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a useful stone zeolite to purify the result of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

 A wide variety of diseases can be prevented by consuming VCO because of the medium chain fatty acids such as lauric acid in the VCO tersebut.Beberapa efficacy of the VCO is to kill a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast causes a variety of diseases, prevent hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver and prevent enlargement of the prostate gland.
Coconut oil can treat various sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) and HIV-1, as well as the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoe. Medium chain saturated fats found in coconut oil is very helpful in weight control especially obese patients who are disease as a result of wrong diet. Saturated fatty acids are not stored as energy reserves but directly burned to produce energy.

Steps of Preparing VCO

VCO-making technique is done by gradual and controlled heating.

a. Preparation of raw materials
VCO is the main ingredient of making fresh coconuts that are old or mature with characteristic brown husk and no one has germinated fruit. Age range 11-12 months coconuts. Thus coconut oil will produce a yield that much.

b. Making coconut milk
Coconut milk is made by don peeled shredded coconut grater machine then squeezed with water at a ratio of coconut water don 2: 1 Separation suntan don coconut pulp is done by filtered with cloth or sieve.

c. Separation Cream
Coconut milk is placed in a plastic container or transparent plastic bucket. The use of container / Transparent plastic bucket milk intended that the material in the container will be visible from the outside. Thus the separation of the coconut milk with the cream will be easily observed. Coconut milk is allowed to stand for 3 hours. After 3 hours of coconut milk will separate into three layers of cream (oil-rich), a middle layer of skim (protein-rich) and under a layer of sediment. Parts used in the making VCO is cream. Cream was separated by using a small plastic tube, one end of the hose is laid on a layer of cream and the other end of the reservoir container.

d. Heating creamy coconut milk
Cream is an oil-rich part of the coconut milk. In order for the oil content can be retrieved from the cream will require heating process at a temperature of 80-100 ° C. The heating can be done in a frying pan over the fire using the new (not used for processing other products). This is done to avoid changes and color of the oil produced. Stirring is carried out continuously. Prolonged heating milk to obtain immature oil is 3 hours marked blondo formation. Blondo formed is still white and still contains oil 10-15%. To remove the oil from the pressing blondo blondo done. Materials oil cooled and filtered three times using filter paper.

e. heating oil
To get pure oil, oil immature reheated. Heating is carried out at a temperature of 80-100 ° C until a clear colorless oil. If there blondo, blondonya light brown.

f. oil filtration
Oil (VCO) is colored nodes removed and cooled. After the oil cooler filtered with filter paper and collected with glass containers. Filter paper can be obtained at pharmacies. In order to efficiently filtering, the container should be glass containers or small-mouthed glass container.

g. Packaging
Once filtered several times (3-4 times) VCO obtained using a translucent color packed with bottles of plastic or glass with customized size and closed watertight and labeled. Furthermore preparing virgin coconut oil  VCO ready for the market.


Other Clove Spice Utilities

Other Clove Spice 

(Thanks to Shutterstock that provides free image).
In the mid-1960s and in the following year clover plants known as green gold. Clove spice owner at that time was like having gold. Price per kilogram of dried clove flower the same with gold price per gram. Rural communities that posses land to cultivate land thrilled with cloves. Government encouraged farmers to cultivate clove plant, and the association of clove exporters bought clove produced by the farmers intensively. Clove belong to estate crops as the coconut, tea, coffee, and others.
 The agricultural extension services and rural communities are masters cloves bududaya this problem. By the time it was one of the commodities Clove spice utilities  is quite familiar in Indonesia. Cloves are found in the famous Indonesian cuisine due to the strong aroma and taste. Not only the commodities which are needed as the mixture turns clove cigarette industry have proven useful to flavor dishes. Clove is also useful for other  that  is for health.
Clove Spice Utilities
 Here are the health benefits of eating cloves:
- Eating a few cloves good fruit to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and microbes.
- Clove can also help protect the body from damage caused by microbes that enter the body.
- Cloves can help cure toothaches. The trick is to put a piece of clove on the aching tooth.
- The content of eugenol in the cloves apart to clean the teeth of bacteria also can eliminate bad breath.
- Clove can also serve as a mosquito repellent.
- Cloves have a good anti-inflammatory properties to treat inflammation and infection.
- If you have a problem related to digestion, chew a few pieces of cloves to ease it.
- Clove can prevent you from heart disease and diabetes.
- The nature of the purification of cloves can help you in purifying the blood.

Clove spice is one of Indonesia's natural wealth turned out to save a lot of benefits for health.
Therefore, cloves can be used as one of the medicinal plants for the people of Indonesia.



Quinine Factory in Bandung

Quinine Factory 
in Bandung

It is a quinine factory where product of the quinine (Chincona plant) crops in the form of quinine bark.
Quinine bark is processed to be taken in the form of quinine alkaloids. Drugs or quinine, in the early 19th century is very necessary to defend mankind from the deadly disease malaria. At the time, the area is still a lot of places are marshy or stagnant water basins become mosquito breeding species of malaria. This mosquito when piercing the skin and sucking human blood, when the piercing and sucking human blood, the mosquito will transmit the protozoa from the body and into the human body.

These protozoa consuming human red blood cells so that the blood cells burst when the body temperature is high heat-shivering bodies and the blood is reduced. These outbreaks can be prevented if people consume the bitter quinine. Not because of the bitterness but protozoa in human blood cells will die with substance quinine from the cinchona. Human need for quinine when it is so much so that the Dutch took the initiative to produce the malaria drug quinine and established the factory in the city of Bandung.

Historically, when the building is not standing still a magnificent and Batavia swamps, mosquitoes became a major enemy of the Dutch. Even during the 53 years between 1714 to 1767 recorded 72 816 European population living in Batavia died of malaria. Because the disease was dubbed Batavia "Het graf van het Oosten" or grave eastern country.

Seeing the Dutch Minister of Colonies Overseas Ch F Pahud on 1851mengusulkan on FW Junghun to make the cultivation of quinine in Java. In the same year Prof. de Vriese got Kina seeds of most species that have been sown either in the greenhouse in France. Through the cold hand of Dr. Teijsmann curator Bogor Botanical Garden Flowers, tree seedlings are then developed into dozens of quinine for cultured stem.
To process the bark of the quinine salt quinine into the Dutch East Indies government then set up a quinine factory in Bandung in 1896 At that time quinine plantations in Indonesia could generate up to an average of 11,000 tonnes of dry skin / year, equivalent to 33,000 tons of wet leather / year. Of these 4,000 tonnes processed in London and the rest is exported in the form of skin quinine, with the number of Indonesian managed to fill 90% of quinine in the world market.

Standing on a rubber plantation land north, or Jl. Pajajaran now. Menajdi symbol quinine factory in Bandung for decades, the 1980s London society familiar with the tam asaphi billowing from its chimney. Smoke coming from the engine combustion boiler manual Babcox & Wilcox, and the sound of sirens sounded 4 times a marker of employee time off work (7:30) rest (11:30) back into work (12.00) and from work (16.00). Quinine factory employees often call the heong, since 1896 until today the never misses his voice even whistle as the source of the sound has never changed from the beginning to the present mill stands.

Quinine factory is located on Jl. Pajajaran no. 29-30 Bandung, diarsiteki by Gnelig Mijling AW with art deco architecture. There is a small hallway-shaped tunnels that pass under Jl. Pajajaran and are about 2.5 meters below it (and most of the people do not know of its existence), the tunnel was used as traffic officials to get to the main factory complex.

Based on the historical development of quinine Pbarik changed its name several times, namely:
1896: Founded by the Dutch government Bandoengsche name quinine Fabriek
1942: At the time of Japanese occupation name was changed to quinine Rikugun Seisohjo 1945: Dutch back into ownership Indonesia and taken again by quinine Bandoengsche Fabriek
1958 nationalized and its name changed so PN Pharmaceuticals and Medical devices Bhineka Kina
1961: Turned into Unity Kina Frama
1971: With no government regulations. 16, 1971 changed to PT (Persero) Kimia Farma

Quinine factory is the pride of the Indonesian people, because of this quinine factory produced life saving pills that brought people from death. Body of man (the blood) contained protozoan malaria mosquito. The Almighty God instructed, humans must look for drugs and  God who determines and takes care of the soul, life and death are determined by the Almighty God the Creator. but has to propose for health.

Read other article of Clove Spices.


Benefit of Beet Roots Juice

Benefits of 
Beet Roots Juice

One of the benefits of beet root juice is adding to the supply of energy, besides that there are many other benefits of  bits in a way made juices, boiled briefly to a salad, or made puree (mashed) to the soup, and others.

To note, when the fruits are encouraged to eat the skin, at the root of bits, the skin should be discarded
In the beet crop, which is known to have health benefits is the tuber. Round like a potato with red color - dark purple. The leaves can be cooked like any other green vegetable. Bit comes from Mesopotamia, which then spread to neighboring countries in Asia as well as in mainland Europe.

Bit rich in carbohydrates (in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat), which is easy to energy and iron which help the blood to carry oxygen to the brain. Beet red, the color is caused by a combination of purple pigment and yellow pigment betasantin betasianin.

Although it contains carbohydrate, low calorie. So do not worry, eating bits will not increase your weight. In beet juice, beet roots should be mixed with other fruits or vegetables, because the beet roots alone can make your webbing stiff and difficult to speak in a certain time, unless you drink pure juice of organic beet root that would cure the stiffness / paralysis on tape sound .
People think that beet root juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. The content of beet balance alkaline and acid levels, so it is great for the balance of our bodies.

Contents of Beet

Folic Acid 34%, Function: to grow and replace damaged cells,
Potassium 14.8%, Function: Streamlining the fluid balance in the body,
Fiber 13.6%,
Vitamin C 10.2%, Function: to grow the network and normalize the blood vessels,
Magnesium 9.8%, Function: Maintain muscle and nerve function,
Tryptophan 1.4%,
Iron 7.4%, Function: energy metabolism and the immune system,
Copper 6.5%, Function: Forms red blood cells,
Phosphorus 6.5%, Function: Strengthen bones,
Caumarin which serves to prevent the tumor, and
Betasianin as a cancer preventive.

Juice of beet root is sweet in our mouth because its content rich in carbohydrate/Glucosa.


Biggest Sugar Factory

Biggest Sugar Factory

Sugar cane plantation and sugar factory is a producer of sugar units are quite expensive management in Indonesia. Sugar as one of the ten groceries. Unfortunately Indonesia has been importing sugar for years. This import due to government cannot afford to increase  sugar from domestic producers are still lacking of sugarcane plantation.

Consortium of three state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has started construction of a sugar factory in the district of Banyuwangi, East Java. Factory is considered the biggest in Asia will be completed in 2015.

"Construction of Asia's largest sugar mill which was built between SOEs. Now be in the process of construction, the sugar cane The consortium is composed of SOEs PT Plantation Nusantara (PTPN) III, PTPN XI, and PTPN XII. Investment for the plant on an area of ​​102.4 hectares was Rp 1.9 trillion.

Contractor engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) is an Industrial Engineering PT (Persero) consortium with PT Nusantara Energy Weltes. The source of funding is derived from 30% and 70% shareholder of the bank loans of Bank Mandiri, BRI our bank, and Bank of East Java

He said that this project was somewhat delayed from the plan, due to changes in the auction after the rupiah against the dollar the United States (USA) weakened.
"Had a little change when bidding, because there are changes in exchange rates, but still a target completion in June 2015," he explained.

The plant will produce 8,000 tons per day. To meet that capacity with the rollers 150 days per year, required as much as 900,000 tons of sugar cane-1.2 million tons, or the equivalent of planting 9,000 ha area of ​​10,000 ha.
Hoping with establishment the sugar price will be lower than ever.

Nutrition for the Health

 Nutrition for the Health

Lack of knowledge and misconceptions about the need for food and food values are common in every country in the world. Residents will wherever lucky with increased knowledge about nutrition and how to apply that information to the different levels of age and physiological state.

Factors that affect the nutritional status would interact with each other so that the implications for the nutritional status of a person. Status of balanced nutrition is especially important for the growth, development, health, and human welfare. In general nutritional status were divided into three groups, as follows:

1 Adequacy of nutrition (balanced nutrition)
2 Less Nutrition
3 More Nutrition

1 Relationship of Food, Nutrition and Human Development in Indonesia
Guidelines have implemented that we are building together  today aims to establish and build human  Indoneisa entirely. Large population, the capital of the biological physical and mental spiritual capital, as well as the potential effectiveness of the nation is part of the development capital. Thus the Indonesian nation is the subject and object of development. Build a complete Indonesian man means guarantee an increase in the standard of living of the people of all walks of life and classes. Nutritional state of society is nothing but a qualitative reflection of the fulfillment of the basic needs for food.

Nutritional problems that occur in a certain period of development will cause problems in the future.Late  in providing nutrition services will result in damage that is difficult even probably could not be helped. It would not even need to study too much depth, if keberapa nutrition expert stated that the economic crisis in Indonesia, which until 2002 was also no sign of completion has the potential to eliminate the nation Indonesi one generation, meaning that the children who live at 5 year over this period of economic crisis feared did not develop intellectual skills so that the next 50 to 70 years when he had to lead this nation there will be an increase in nutrients, especially setbacks must be shown in children and pregnant women. The children of today are the leaders, scientists, and scholars as well as work in the future. They are the next generation homeland.

Delay giving proper attention to the nutritional maintenance of children will lose their potential value as a community resource and national economic development. Children especially need serious treatment guarantees the availability of nutrients as early as possible. This is due to several reasons, including:

1. Malnutrition is a major causing infant mortality and children. This means less quantity of human resources in the future.

2 . Malnutrition results in increased morbidity and decreased work productivity to human. This means it will increase the burden of government to improve health facilities. 3 Malnutrition results in lower children's intelligence. This means that the decline in the quality of the intelligence of the young man who is good at that is needed in the development of the nation.

4 Lack of nutrition resulted in the decline of human endurance to work, which means the decline in achievement and productivity of human labor.
Should have adequate food and nutrition is not only a target but also basic for all the processes of economic and social progress of the nation. Of nutrition is an integral part of national development and also a part of the whole human development. Development also means total  human development and  the health bodily, mental and spiritual / his spiritual, welfare, and so forth can not be separated from the availability of food and nutrition. Therefore, memubat government programs geared towards improving people's nutrition. As for nutrition improvement programs being implemented in Indonesia and implemented for this include:
Activity of Family Nutrition Improvement  (UPGK)

• Combating vitamin A deficiency
• Management of nutritional anemia
• Reduction endemic goiter
• And so forth

Food and nutrition programs received attention particularly since the Second Five-Year Plan of the New Order government. Obviously this is not solely because of the will of a person or group of people who like to nutrition, but mainly because the Guidelines require complete Indonesian human development.
Indeed this activity  is to enhance nutrional status of  the people.

Food Containing Harmful Fat

Food Containing 
Harmful Fat

Fat is a nutrient that tastes delicious. The food will be delicious when added fat, for example, a piece of bread will taste more delicious when spread with butter. Especially if the buttered bread plus milk, bread wah... definitely will quickly get into the throat and immediately up.

But remember this fat is often accused of causing a variety of diseases that occur in the body health. "Healthy Foods Will Make Healthier Body", this is one phrase that is not going to debate about the truth. Even so, sometimes we are still confused about the various types of foods that have high nutritional as well as nourish the body. We will be very easy to find and buy a variety of foods in modern times. In fact, there are certain foods that will worsen the health of your body. This is because, the food contains trans fats in it. So, what are the foods that contain trans fats favors the harmful fat.

Fat was accused cause obessity , the cause of coronary heart disease, and other diseases. Trans fat is a dangerous type of fat contained in a certain type of food. Trans fats can raise levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing the risk of inflammation in the body as well as lowering the amount of good cholesterol in your body. So that trans fats are potentially very great harm to the health of your heart. Begin to understand and avoid variety of foods that contain trans fats can save our souls early. Health tips, following are delicious foods that contain trans fats are:

1 Beef. In fact, beef turns out to have some trans fat in it. Thus, limiting the consumption of beef or a variety of foods are made from beef will avoid the dangers of trans fats that enter your body

. 2 Food fried in the same oil used repeatedly in frying your favorite foods. Use the same oil repeatedly for frying foods will result in the food contains trans fat.

3 Margarine and Butter. Both types of these foods also have some trans fat content. For this reason, limit or avoid many foods that contain trans fats are absolutely necessary to improve and maintain the health of your body

. 4 Fat contained in the ice cream will certainly tempt everyone's tongue. However, the ice cream turned out to contain up to 0.5 grams of trans fat per portion, so, minimize  consumption of ice cream is a step that can be taken.

5. Various Types of Frozen baked Food. Many once found a variety of foods through the roasting process is then frozen to make it more durable. These foods also contain trans fats that are harmful fat to your body.

6 Assorted Biscuits. Type of food shaped biscuit has some trans fat in it. However, not all food products including biscuits contain trans fats, then from that carefully read the label in its packaging

. 7 Fats are also contained in popcorn are made from corn is actually healthy for your body. However popcorn that has been presented in the form of packaging turned out to contain some trans fats are not good for your health.

What is your opinion ?, when docter recommend you to stop comsume the delicious fat, while your body weight increasing.

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